RWTH-EBC / districtgenerator

Tool for demand profile generation in districts
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E.ON EBC RWTH Aachen University



The districtgenerator is a Python tool for generating building-specific thermal, electrical and occupancy profiles for residential districts. By integrating several open-source data bases and tools like TEASER and richardsonpy, the districtgenerator is designed to provide easy access to profile generation.

The districtgenerator is being developed at RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate.


The districtgenerator is an ongoing research project. The current version is v0.1.0.

Getting started

Install the districtgenerator

To install, first clone this repository with

git clone

and secondly run:

pip install -e districtgenerator

How to get started?

Once you have installed the generator, you can check the examples to learn how to use the different components.

Minimum required input data

To generate your district, you need to know some information about its buildings. The minimal input data set was defined following the TABULA archetype approach:

Please find a template here.

What you get

After executing district generation you can find building-specific profiles in the .csv format in folder results/demands. The results contain:

All values are given in Watt and for the time resolution you require.


The districtgenerator is released by RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, under the MIT License.


coming soon :)


The districtgenerator has been developed within the public funded project "BF2020 Begleitforschung ENERGIEWENDEBAUEN - Modul Quartiere" (promotional reference: 03EWB003B) and with financial support by BMWK (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action).


Please raise an issue here.