Rabadash8820 / AwsUtil

A set of scripts, templates, and schemas for general AWS cloud infrastructures.
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AWS Utility Scripts


These scripts are intended to be general-purpose, for organizations other than Danware to quickly allocate CloudFormation stacks, EC2 instances with cfn-init actions, database hosts with SQL schemas, etc.

To check the output of cloud-init user data scripts, view /var/log/cloud-init-output.log once the instance has started and passed all status checks. Initiation of automatic updates via yum-cron are logged in /var/log/cron and actual completed updates are logged in /var/log/yum.log. Initiation of describing an instance's CloudFormation::Init metadata via cfn-hup is logged in /var/log/cfn-hup.log, and the cfn-init command that parses and executes this metadata is logged in /var/log/cfn-init.log.

CloudFormation Stack Creation Order

This is the order in which you should create stacks from the various CloudFormation templates in this repository. Stacks must only be created in Regions that support all of the services used by resources in the stack.

  1. Set up services

    • region-vpc: creates a VPC with an Internet Gateway, and may be placed in any Region, any number of times.
    • region-s3-logs: creates an S3 bucket to store logs for the organization from other buckets in the same region. Should be created once per AWS region.
    • cloudtrail: creates a CloudTrail trail that monitors all AWS and S3 API access. Should only be created once per AWS account, and must be created after a region-s3-logs stack so that the bucket containing CloudTrail logs can itself be logged. Must also be created after the KMS key that will be used to encrypt the CloudTrail logs. That key requires special permissions to work correctly, so you can use this key policy as a template, substituting in the appropriate values for ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Username}.
    • region-lambda-bucket: creates an S3 bucket to store Lambda deployment packages for the organization. Should be created once per AWS region, and must be created after a region-s3-logs stack so that the bucket containing Lambda deployment packages can be logged.
    • region-cloudfront-logs: creates an S3 bucket to store logs from the organization's CloudFront distributions. Should be created once per AWS region, and must be created after a region-s3-logs stack so that the bucket containing CloudFront logs can itself be logged.
  2. Set up organization directory

    • active-directory: creates a Samba 4 Active Directory Compatible Server (a smaller, cheaper solution to Microsoft Active Directory. It takes a reference to one of the region-vpc stacks created above as a parameter, and must be placed in the same region as one of those stacks.
  3. Add utility Lambda functions

    • ami-lookup-lambda: creates a Lambda function to return various data about Regions and AMIs that will be used as CustomResources in later stacks. Should be created once per AWS region, and must be created after the region-lambda-bucket stack so that the organization's bucket for Lambda packages can be referenced.
  4. Secure VPCs

    • bastion-security: creates security settings (Network ACLs and Security Groups) for a bastion host. These settings are VPC-specific, so this stack should be created once per VPC that you wish to protect with a bastion host, and those Regions should already have a region-vpc stack.
    • bastion-host: creates an actual bastion host in a new public subnet in a user-specified Availability Zone. The subnet uses security resources from the bastion-security stack (so this stack must be created 2nd), and networking resources from one of the region-vpc stacks. There should be one bastion host in each Availability Zone of the VPCs that you wish to protect.
  5. Set up websites/webapps

    • elastic-ip: creates a single Elastic IP address. This stack may be placed in any Region, any number of times, within AWS limits. Stacks that use the EIP can then be updated/deleted without compromising the EIP itself.
    • wordpress: creates a WordPress server in a new public subnet in a user-specified Availability Zone. Unlike the bastion host, this stack creates its own security resources, but still uses networking resources from one of the region-vpc stacks, and requires an Elastic IP address. The stack also attaches/mounts some Elastic Block Store volumes to the server, and lets the user specify its instance type, thus permitting later upgrades.