RachWalm / dog-api

Backend for project 5 at code institue
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Welcome to Dog API.


It can be accessed through Dog API.

Dog API will be the backend that allows a developer for a dog rescue organisations to easily create a website that allows convenient creation, storage and updating of data about their dogs. From this backend the developer can also create a website that will allow appropriate data to be easily accessed and advertised to potential adopters.

The Dog API is designed to allow data to be created/read/updated and deleted regarding a dog by a rescue/adoption service. It is essential that once the dogs have gone into a rescue their information is accurately and sustainably retained and accessible, and the API allows this information to be created, accessed and manipulated as an interface between a front end website and a database retaining the information.

As these rescues are often run by charities and volunteers, using IT solutions to gain exposure to the public and retain information on the dogs is often under-utilised. The users often have a low level of technical knowledge. This means that many would definitely not be able to access the data straight from the data base and would need a connection to a user-friendly website that is intuitive to use. The API must make it easy for the users to perform their activities by making it easy to manipulate the data into a user friendly website. Advertising the opportunity to adopt the dogs needs to be user friendly and encourage people to look into adopting them, by providing easy access information for a website. This means that a bridge between the use of the site and its use of the data base is critical.

The intent of the overall project is two-fold,

  1. to get the animals known to potential adopters (advertising their personalities on a feed/profile)
  2. retain information on the dogs for use in the rescue regarding their history and needs.

It is therefore essential that the information in the database can be accessed and manipulated to achieve these goals, by all relevant parties with ease.

Most websites that are for rescues just have a photo, a couple of details and a minimal paragraph of information to give a potential adopter information on the dogs. To step up the advertising campaign to get dogs adopted, rather than being limited to these features, this site endeavours to show their personalities by getting the public involved in their timelines with posts/comments from walkers and the public. This means that as well as a profile for the dog, there is an opportunity to store posts, comments etc from users as well as data regarding queries from potential adopters.

The system enables the relevant information that the rescue requires day to day about the dog can be held in a profile (and add-ons), of which some parts are made public. The dog will also get a timeline, where walkers/volunteers/people involved with the dog can post pictures and stories to make the dog more appealing. This is particularly important for dogs that remain at the rescue for a significant amount of time as it raises their visibility and gets their personality/quirks known to potential adopters.

UX design

The user of the API is intended to be a web-based site that provides all required information in a way that can be easily used to produce an efficient website. The website can then be used by rescue admin, walkers, supporters and potential adopters. The API is designed to provide four levels of access:

  1. Anonymous not logged in user
  2. Authenticated User
  3. Staff User
  4. Superuser

Staff and superuser permissions can be set in the admin panel and permit greater access. Access increases as the number increases.

The data will be privately owned by the dog rescue and as such will need to be restricted to those with appropriate approvals, some read-only data will be available to the public, but to perform activities on the data will require relevant registration/login/authorisation(minimum user level for making changes - Authenticated User).

All of this data needs to be manipulated by the API in a way that is logical and can be interpreted to produce the features on a website with ease by the website developer.

Relationship diagram

Initial idea diagram

The initial relationship diagram that was presented to my mentor:

relationship diagram

Changes to the initial idea diagram

There were parts of the initial idea that needed to be altered. Hence the diagram became more complicated but the priorities were simplified.

discussed diagram

  1. It was decided to drop the custom_user and replace with a user and user_profile. This would make it similar to recent experience of the developer and more efficient. The avatar was unnecessary as the site is about the dogs not the people (however this could always be added to the user_profile at a later date, if felt to be advantageous). The choice of account type - which was going to be admin, staff, adopted owner or user would only have been necessary if the adopted owner functionality was going to be implemented. The admin site can be used to manually set superusers, staff etc options. So the custom user functionality was dropped as not required at this stage.

  2. It was noticed that there was a 'queries about adoption page' in the wireframes for the front end but nowhere to store the information that would be put into that form to make a query about the dogs - which was essential functionality. So this was added to the relationship diagram

  3. Allowing the adopted owners to post in the success stories section was decided to be a low priority feature adopter_profile was not included in the dog_profile table. It was felt that it was not relevant unless that feature were implemented in the future.

Therefore, the revised priorities were going to be that it was essential include user_profile, dog_profile, posts, comments and request_form (user would be set up as part of registration functionality and not by part of this development).

The inclusion of favourite and then emoji would then be time dependent. Allowing an adopter to post on their dogs timeline that would probably need to be a future development as a final functionality.

During development, it was decided to split out the vaccination data from the dog profile.

Most of the posts app and comments app will be very similar to the walkthrough provided by Code Institute as part of this course of study git hub for walkthrough. Therefore those apps are to be credited as substantially based on the code institute course work. There are some slight changes.

The user profile does not feature an image of the person (the site is about the dogs not the people) as part of the user profile and the identification of the person posting or commenting on the posts is their first name not their username - so the system has been adapted to allow for these changes. As the code provided is very similar to that required it would have been wasteful to rewrite coding that is already available and effective. Therefore, large parts of the code are manipulated versions of that code to meet the required functionality.

The dog side of the site was novel and meant that an understanding of the code was required to adjust it from featuring the user focus to promoting the dogs - it was no longer user to user interactions. Therefore, quite often the user profile and the dog profile required interaction so data from different models in the database rather than just the user profile section of the database needed accessing, which often complicated the code. This often required new or rewriting code, in the features section it will be explained how each feature is unique, and the changes from the Code Institute code that were required.

Epics / User Stories / Tasks

The project board for this API was set up in the repository for the API, but the Epics, User stories and Tasks were included for both the API and the front end as the two required so much interaction. To see the Project board for this - Projectboard


The backend Epics were :

#59 - Epic : time date filters - backend

#47 - Epic : Dog profile app - Backend

#44 - Epic (acceptance criteria as userstories) : API sign in and out - Backend

#23 - Epic : Request form app - backend

#22 - Epic : emoji app - backend

#21 - Epic : Favourite app - backend

#20 - Epic : comments app - backend

#19 - Epic : posts app - backend

#18 - Epic : user profile app - backend

#17 - Epic : initial deploy - Backend

#4 - Epic : TESTING backend

#3 - Epic : README - Backend

#1 - Epic : Plan and design both front end and backend features and timeline

In the initial stages these were put into a timeline discussed with my mentor. It was decided that the backend should be in the main complete by the end of iteration 3 so that the front end could be making use of it from that point forward. Some Epics were prioritsed as low (could haves) and at the end of the project became won't haves due to time constraints.

User stories and tasks

All of the user stories and tasks can be found in the issues. Most tasks were assigned within Epics which were broken down to user stories then the tasks from these put within the epics, or orphan tasks got issues of their own including bugs. I will not list out these issues here as the User stories are in the Testing section and tasks can be seen on the project board. User stories were given their own issues so as to be linked to testing.

The user stories are written out in the TESTING.md so that they could be tested against, therefore I will not repeat them here.


Change to initial dog profile model

The original dog profile model had the vaccination information and the details of the dog all in one model. This was found to be extremely bulky. The vaccination information would not be wanted on public display. Therefore, the profile was separated into two, one model that was entirely vaccination information and one that was the remaining dog profile.

Automatic record creation for user profile and dog vaccine records

As for each user and each dog it was requirement that the user had a user profile and the dog had a vaccination record, user profile record automatically creates when the auth app sets up a User and a dog vaccine record automatically creates when dog profile is created. Therefore generics.ListAPIView not generics.CreateListAPIView was used in the views as there should never be any reason to create these records. You would never want a user profile or dog vaccine record without the corresponding user or dog profile. These records are deleted by CASCADE so that there aren't orphan records either way.

This should also mean that their id numbers in the record (primary key) are likely to be synchronised, which may prove useful for later features.

These were created with code :

def create_dog_vaccine(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    Function to create a userprofile when the User model creates an
    if created:

post_save.connect(create_dog_vaccine, sender=DogProfile)

datetime vs date fields

All the created at and updated at information required datetime fields (so posts and comments could be sorted by ascending and descending time and date) but this level of accuracy was not required for things such as the day a dog arrived/rehomed at the rescue or when vaccinations were given. Therefore, these two were given two different field types and the easy to read formats are different.

Date and time format are set by putting in settings :


    'DATETIME_FORMAT': "%A %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
    'DATE_FORMAT': "%Y-%m-%d",

These formats were found to be the optimised ones for all the requirements for the front end.

Posts and comments are overridden with humanize naturaltime so that it is read against how long it has been since it was posted/comment made.

This required serializer methods :

created_at = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
updated_at = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

def get_created_at(self, obj):
    return naturaltime(obj.created_at)

def get_updated_at(self, obj):
    return naturaltime(obj.updated_at)

Serializer read-only fields

Serializer readonlyfields were used for foreign key values and for values specified in the queryset annoations, so all this information could be retrieved.


is_staff or is_superuser set in the admin panel and then can be used for permissions.py in the dog_api to allow the appropriate permission to the various bits of data.

The permissions were written as the level that was required or read only in the name for all except IsSuperUser, which was so that SAFE_METHODS such as read could be performed but an unauthorised manipulation of the data could not. Most of the data was intended to be available to all users in a read-only format apart from the confidential vaccine information which was restricted to IsSuperUser for every action.

This meant that manipulation of the data could be restricted to the original generator of the data, or an appropriate level of authorisation (staff or superuser).


The urls are broken down into the individual urls for each app where a url.py is written within that section and the overall urls and included in the dog_api.urls as include.urls. This gives compartmentalisation.

Listview searching/ordering/filtering

The rest framework and django backend filters were used to implement the views filters.

from rest_framework import generics, permissions, filters
from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend


filter_backends = [

Which fields to perform the tasks on were defined in ordering_fields, search_fields and filterset_fields. By this means it is expected that all relevant search/ordering/filters are available without including every single possible variant.

Existing Features - How to...


This was done following the Code Institute Moments walkthrough github.

On the deployed version the login can be performed using the url where the email is not required.



From the Code Institute Moments walkthrough there was a fix for the log out that is included in the dog_api.views for dj-rest-auth with the JWT tokens.

Landing page

A welcome message was also put in the dog_api.views so that it was clear that it had loaded the API.

Create and change user access

This has to be done in the admin panel if using the the API directly. A website will be able to create users by communicating with the installed auth django library. In the terminal in the IDE superusers can be created by using the code :

python manage.py createsuperuser

Then filling out the prompts (email is not required).

In the admin panel if a super user clicks on the Users link it will bring up a link just above all current users where you can add a user. The list of users also has a column for staff status, which is quickly visible as true or false. If you wish to change the staff/superuser status of a particular user - click their link and then in the permissions section add a tick next to staff status or superuser status as required. Then click save button near the bottom.

In this API additional access includes Staff can post, Superusers have access to the vaccine information.

The User model is part of the auth. When this is created it automatically sets up a record for the user_profile see 'Automatic record creation for user profile and dog vaccine' section.

User profile List

This is readonly by anyone using the url.

This provided the information :

        "id": , - or pk
        "user_id": "", - or username
        "created_at": "", - human readable - set at creation
        "updated_at": "", - human readable - automatically updates
        "first_name": "", - if they have filled out the form, can be blank
        "last_name": "", - if they have filled out the form, can be blank
        "email": "", - if they have filled out the form, can be blank
        "is_owner": , - if this is the currently logged in person
        "is_staff": , - True or false
        "is_superuser":, - True or false
        "fav_count": , - not currently used
        "post_count": , - not currently used
        "comment_count": - not currently used

Individual records can be manipulated via the /user_profile/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Records can be ordered by created at, updated at and how many dogs they have favourited - favourite not implemented. It can be filtered by who has favourited a specific dog.

Update user profile

This can be done via the /user_profile/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

The owner when logged in they can update it in the fields:

        "first_name": "", - if they have filled out the form, can be blank
        "last_name": "", - if they have filled out the form, can be blank
        "email": "", - if they have filled out the form, can be blank

Posts creation

This can be accessed via the url

Information for user_id is taken from the person that is logged in, and the dog_id field is already populated but can be changed.

Fields that can be populated:

"title": "",
"content": "",
"image": "",

Posts viewing

These can be accessed via the url

Posts can be ordered by created at and updated at. Filtered by dog id and/or user id. The title and content can be searched by text input.

Individual posts can be accessed via the /posts/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.


"id": , - id or pk
"user_id": "", - username
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "",
"title": "",
"content": "",
"image": "",
"is_owner": ,
"users_first_name": "",

Posts update

Posts can be accessed via the /posts/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Information for user_id is taken from the person that is logged in, and the dog_id field is already populated but can be changed.

Fields that can be populated:

"title": "",
"content": "",
"image": "",

Posts deletion

This can be accessed by the person who created it via the /posts/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Comments creation

These can be accessed via the url

post id is already populated but can be changed.

Fields :

        "comment_content": "",

Comments viewing

These can be accessed via the url

Comments can be filtered by user id and post id. Comments can be ordered by created at (which will be same as post id - chronological) and updated at. There is also a text search of the comment content.

Individual comments can be accessed via the /comments/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

        "user_id": "",
        "is_owner": ,
        "users_first_name": "",
        "created_at": "",
        "updated_at": "",
        "comment_content": ""

Comments update

Individual comments can be updated via the /comments/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Only the comment content field can be updated.

Comments deletion

This can be accessed via the /comments/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Dog profile creation

This automatically creates a dog vaccine record.

All the dates default to null which needs to be considered when saving forms. Gender, size and status default to 0, and have integers saved in the database that correspond to options. There is a default image from cloudinary to keep things consistent. At rescue, home cats, home dogs, home animals and home children automatically default to false but can be changed.

Fields :

    "id": ,
    "dog_name": "",
    "created_at": "",
    "updated_at": "",
    "received_date": null,
    "rehomed_date": null,
    "returned_date": null,
    "dog_age": ,
    "dog_breed": "",
    "dog_gender": 0,
    "dog_size": 0,
    "dog_image": "https://res.cloudinary.com/dykxglqm8/image/upload/v1/media/../dog-image-na_zmmfot",
    "at_rescue": false,
    "status": 0,
    "general": "",
    "home_cats": false,
    "home_dogs": false,
    "home_animals": false,
    "home_children": false,

Dog profile viewing

This can be accessed via the url

It can be ordered by number of times favourited, updated at and created at. A text search of dog name and breed is available. Filters can be applied to dog gender, size, status and what companions the dog can be homed with.

Individual dog profiles can be access via the /dog_profile/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Fields (defaults included):

        "id": ,
        "dog_name": "",
        "created_at": "",
        "updated_at": "",
        "received_date": ,
        "rehomed_date": ,
        "returned_date": ,
        "dog_age": ,
        "dog_breed": "",
        "dog_gender": ,
        "dog_size": ,
        "dog_image": "",
        "at_rescue": ,
        "status": ,
        "general": "",
        "home_cats": ,
        "home_dogs": ,
        "home_animals": ,
        "home_children": ,

Dog profile update

This can be accessed via the /dog_profile/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Fields that can be updated :

"id": , "dog_name": "", "received_date": , "rehomed_date": , "returned_date": , "dog_age": , "dog_breed": "", "dog_gender": , "dog_size": , "dog_image": "", "at_rescue": , "status": , "general": "", "home_cats": , "home_dogs": , "home_animals": , "home_children": ,

Dog profile deletion

This can be accessed via the /dog_profile/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Dog vaccine creation or deletion

This is performed automatically and only by the API when a dog profile is created. See automatic creation section. Deletion is on cascade from dog profile deletion.

Dog vaccine update

This can be accessed via the /dog_vaccine/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

All fields except id and dog_name can be updated. They all start as null, which needs to be taken into consideration when saving from forms. Overdue defaults to true, the intention of this would be that the record would come up until it had been checked on a list of overdues were that a feature that was implemented. If it was appropriate this could be changed to false when the feature is implemented if optimised other features.

dog name and id cannot be updated as they are linked to the dog profile.

Fields that can be updated:

        "overdue": ,
        "vaccine_canine_parvovirus": null,
        "vaccine_canine_hepatitis": null,
        "vaccine_distemper": null,
        "vaccine_leptospirosis": null,
        "vaccine_kennelcough": null,
        "vaccine_rabies": null,
        "vaccine_puppy_first": null,
        "vaccine_puppy_second": null,
        "vaccine_sixmonthboost": null,
        "vaccine_twelvemonthboost": null,

Dog vaccine viewing

This can be accessed via the url

Fields : "id": , "overdue": , "vaccine_canine_parvovirus": null, "vaccine_canine_hepatitis": null, "vaccine_distemper": null, "vaccine_leptospirosis": null, "vaccine_kennelcough": null, "vaccine_rabies": null, "vaccine_puppy_first": null, "vaccine_puppy_second": null, "vaccine_sixmonthboost": null, "vaccine_twelvemonthboost": null, "dog_name": ""

It can be filtered by overdue and ordered by each of the vaccines.

Individual records can be accessed via the /dog_vaccine/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Favourite connection creation

This can be accessed via the url

The only option that can be filled out is dog id as it is a connection between a user and dog. The user is automatically taken from the person logged in and they choose which dog to favourite. They can favourite multiple dogs but each record is only for one dog.

Favourite connection deletion

This can be accessed via the /favourite/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Favourite connection viewing

This can be accessed via the url

Viewing can be ordered by dog name, user id, number of dogs favourited by the user, number of times a dog has been favourited, created at and updated at. It can be filtered by dog id and user id.

The individual records can be accessed via /favourite/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Fields :

"id": ,
"user_id": "",
"created_at": "",
"dog_id": ,
"dog_name": ""

Request adopt creation

This can be accessed via the url

Fields :

        "dog_id": ,
        "contact_permission": ,
        "home_cats": ,
        "home_dogs": ,
        "home_animals": ,
        "home_children": ,
        "experience": "",
        "query": ""

dog id is prepopulated from a list. All Boolean values are defaulted to false.

Request adopt update

This can be accessed via the /request_adopt/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Fields :

        "dog_id": ,
        "contact_permission": ,
        "home_cats": ,
        "home_dogs": ,
        "home_animals": ,
        "home_children": ,
        "experience": "",
        "query": ""

Request adopt viewing

This can be accessed with correct via the url

Fields :

        "id": ,
        "user_id": ,
        "dog_id": ,
        "created_at": "",
        "updated_at": "",
        "contact_permission": ,
        "home_cats": ,
        "home_dogs": ,
        "home_animals": ,
        "home_children": ,
        "experience": "",
        "query": ""

This can be filtered by dog id and/or user id. It can also be sorted by updated at and created at.

Individual requests can be accessed via the /request_adopt/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.

Request adopt delete

This can be accessed via the /request_adopt/:id where the id is the corresponding pk or id.


Permission classes were set for various views so that for each action the correct level of authorisation was required. There are areas such as dog vaccine that I wanted to not even be read by members of the public so are set to IsSuperUser. Others it is allowed to read the data but not manipulate it so the functions were written as xOrReadOnly. This used SAFE_METHODS for the read then the restrictions were placed for manipulation actions

class IsSuperUserOrReadOnly(permissions.BasePermission):
    def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
        if request.user.is_anonymous:
            if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
                return True
            if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
                return True
            return (UserProfileSerializer.get_is_superuser(
                    request.user.userprofile, obj

To have no access for the public

class IsSuperUser(permissions.BasePermission):
    def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
        if request.user.is_superuser is False:
            return False
        elif request.user.is_superuser:
            return True

From the userProfileSerializer the variable for whether the user is staff of superuser was recorded as true or false so that could be used to determine status.

Potential Future Feature Developments

  1. Adoption process monitoring - could include data on documents approved, home approved, dog ready to go, expected pick up date, special requirements etc areas so that several people can monitor at any stage of an adoption.
  2. Adopted owner posting on the timeline to provide a success stories section.
  3. Automated vaccine monitoring - recognises which dogs are within the rescue system still, then adds the appropriate time period between each type of vaccination to pop up warnings of when vaccinations are becoming due so that they can be booked into the vets. Changes the overdue status at time it becomes overdue automatically rather than being manual.
  4. Emoji app where there are 5 or 6 emojis that people can click on to assign to a post or comment.


All found bugs have been rectified except number 8.

  1. There were a significant number of bugs with permissions. There were something that needed to not even be readonly for the members of the public, and various activities that were to only be performed either by the person who generated the data or by a specific level of user. Lack of understanding of what SAFE_METHODS were meant that the permissions I wrote didn't seem to do what I intended. Therefore some of the List and Create functions were separated out into different classes. This meant that I could give one permission to the List and one to the Create. After reading up on SAFE_METHODS and understanding how to make things readonly or allowing performing of manipulation of data this would be done differently. At the time - this solved the problem I was working round with permissions. If I were to do it again I would have written the permissions as they currently stand, applied them differently and not made separate urls for List and Create.

  2. One of the issues that was faced with permissions is that the vaccines needed different permissions to the rest of the dog profile. It was therefore decided to remove the vaccines from the dog profile into its own app. Then different permissions could be set for the dog vaccine app to the dog profile app. It also gave a greater separation of concerns and reduced the bulk of the dog vaccine app.

  3. In posts creation there was a problem getting it to save. I realised that I was missing the function perform_create. Adding that function solved the bug.

  4. There were multiple issues with the images not saving, or an image needing to be changed every time any changes within any part of a record were changed. This turned out to be a cloudinary version issue. Originally I added default image to help with save issue so there was always something there. This improved the issue, but ultimately change cloudinary to 1.36.0 in requirements.txt and used that version.

  5. default boolean set to true in back end and false in front end needed to be changed from false to true to false again to register as false. intermittency made it hard to identify.

  6. In the post app originally the APIview was being used defining POST, GET, PUT etc. As the rest of the site was based on generics and I was more familiar with generics when the post app was facing bugs in save etc. It was recommended that the switch to generics was made. This solved the bug.

  7. Two CORS errors were encountered. The first was a lack of samesite in the settings.py which was corrected with aid of the tutors. The second was that initially it wouldn't work at all. After much checking of code I realised that I hadn't included it in the middleware while looking at something else by comparing the moments walkthrough settings code to my code.

  8. During testing it was realised that in the dog profile model the dog age had been set to blank but not to Null. This meant that the error in the react wasn't appearing when it was left blank. Therefore the model was updated, makemigrations --dry-run then makemigrations then migrate were performed. After this when the API was run it gave the error

django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration posts.0003_alter_post_dog_id is applied before its dependency dog_profile.0003_alter_dogprofile_dog_age on database 'default'.

This failed to deploy on Heroku. However, the API on Heroku does appear to work. So after attempting to research how to fix this and discussing with tutor support (explaining that there were still other issues as well) I decided not to fix this. The fix would have taken me over my submission deadline from experience of the procedure before. I would need to get an empty database, clear out the migrations from the apps leaving just init.py then run the migrations. However, this would mean that everything in the database would be gone and I wouldn't have time to set it back up for assessment.


Languages used

Frameworks and libraries



Web resources


Heroku deployment

The deployed version can be accessed on Heroku here

Before deployment you will need to collect all the requirements into requirements.txt

pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

Also ensure that makemigrations and migrate have been performed.

and create a Procfile (with a capital P) containing:

release: python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate
 web: gunicorn dog_api.wsgi

Ensure that the version that you want to deploy has been added, committed and pushed to GitHub (as Heroku will take it from the repository).

  1. Heroku was used to deploy.
  2. Once logged onto the website, using the Heroku logo we went to the dashboard.


  1. From here were able to create a new app either by clicking on the icon (which is what we did)


or the drop down menu


  1. Next the app was named dog-rescue and the Europe region chosen in these fields


and the purple 'create app' button was pressed.

  1. In the menu navigation bar the 'settings' was selected


  1. The section with Config Vars was then opened up by clicking the Reveal Config Vars button


  1. The URL's were set, disable_collectstatic was set to 1, port was set to 8000 and the secret key was provided the value. Cloudinary_URL and the Disable_collectstatic were later removed. The database_url was copied from the elephantSQL.


  1. Now we used the menu navigation bar again, this time to select deploy


  1. The deployment method was selected by clicking on the GitHub icon and it stated that it was connected to github


  1. The repository was chosen by searching my github and clicking connect in the above image

  2. It was deployed


In the final version it needs to have debug (in settings.py) set to False (was True during development) and as mentioned above the DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC removed from the config vars.

Local Deployment

You will need to pip install the following apps:


pip install Django-cloudinary-storage


pip install Pillow


pip3 install 'django<4'

Django-rest framework

pip install djangorestframework

dj database url and psycopg2

pip3 install dj_database_url==0.5.0 psycopg2


pip3 install django-bootstrap5

django filters

pip install django-filter


pip3 install dj-rest-auth==2.1.9

for registration

pip install 'dj-rest-auth[with_social]'

JWT tokens

pip install djangorestframework-simplejwt

gunicorn and CORS

pip3 install gunicorn django-cors-headers

Or if you wish to install them all at once you can use the requirements.txt file (I couldn't as the requirements.txt is made from what is installed). In the IDE terminal:

 pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  1. In the git hub repository, click code button
  2. Click local
  3. Choose HTTPS
  4. Copy link
  5. Go to terminal of the IDE and input the following :git clone https://github.com/RachWalm/dog-api.git

The project will be cloned.

It will be necessary to install the list in local deployment and also set up an env.py and reference it in the settings.

The env.py needs to contain:

import os

os.environ["DATABASE_URL"]="link gained from elephantSQL for the database see below"
os.environ["SECRET_KEY"]="Enter your secret key here" 

A .gitignore file must be used and the env.py should be added to it so that the information in there that should be kept private such as the secret key is not put on GitHub.

To run the local deployment in the IDE terminal window :

python3 manage.py runserver


See Testing


My Mentor - Juliia Konn has been extremely enthusiastic and provided encouragement and a great deal of support.

My mother - Pat Walmsley for being an extra pair of eyes looking over things - even if she had no idea what any of it meant, proof reading was appreciated.

My Partner - Ian Harris has been extremely supportive while I have been working on this project.

Code Institute - For all the information and course content that has contributed to the creation of this project. Especially the Posts and Comments apps that were modified for this project.

Code Institute tutors - Who worked very hard and often were very motivational and increased my faith in myself.

W3 website - for many clarifications of syntax.

Django rest framework documentation - from which I learned a great deal.

Most of the posts app and comments app will be very similar to the walkthrough provided by Code Institute as part of this course of study git hub for walkthrough. I therefore credit those apps for the basis for this code.