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Tardis Personal Assintant

Latest Version Supported:

The Tardis Personal Assintant is compatible with Python versions 3.10 to 3.12.

Build Status:

Currently stable with continuous integration and testing in place.

Project Description:

Tardis Personal Assintant is a command-line utility designed for managing personal contacts and notes in an efficient and intuitive manner. It offers a variety of features that cater to the needs of organizing personal information and day-to-day tasks.

Used packages:


Installation is straightforward via pip in project folder:

pip install .

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Contact Management:

Users can effortlessly create, change, delete, and display contact information. Each contact supports multiple phone numbers and email addresses, along with a compulsory name field. The program also features functions to display upcoming birthdays and search for contacts.

Note Management:

Adding, modifying, and deleting notes is made simple. Users can also search notes and filter them by tags, enhancing the organizational capabilities of the tool.

User Interaction Commands:

The program includes additional user-friendly commands such as hello for a humorous greeting, about for app information, help for command guidance, and war for current war statistics.

Latest Changes:

Introduced blank functions for a comprehensive list of commands. Implemented Contact and ContactBook classes complete with essential validations and functions. Established the functionality to save and load ContactBook for data persistence.

Upcoming Features:

Development of Note and NoteBook classes to enhance note management. Implementation of save and load capabilities for NoteBook to ensure data integrity and availability.


The utility supports a range of commands under the following categories:

Contact Commands: create, change, delete, show, show all, show birthdays, search.
Note Commands: add, change, delete, search, filter by tag.
General Commands & Functions: hello, about, help, autosuess, war statistics.

Each command is designed to be self-explanatory with an emphasis on usability and user experience.


Tardis Personal Assintant is open for contributions. Whether it is by reporting bugs, proposing new features, or submitting pull requests, your input is valuable in enhancing this project.

Basic syntax with examples: