RadheyaM / Factory-Planner

Create plans and generate custom reports based on the entries.
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Packing Calc App - Overview

The packing calculator app is designed for use in a production scheduling setting. The app allows the user to create, retrieve, update and delete runs of products and packaging and assign them to weekly plans. Reports are generated in the detail view / live plan pages with information relevant to other team members involved in the physcial packing of finished products.

Table of Contents


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Account Permissions

Users lacking appropriate permissions cannot see the buttons for those functions, thus reducing error 403 forbidden instances.

User Stories

As a User I want to be able to:

As the Operations Manager I want to be able to:

As the Packing Manager I want to be able to:

As the Raw Materials Manager I want to be able to:

Database Schema

Packing Runs are objects consisting of information concerning how many cases of a product should be packed at a given time. In relation to a Packing Run information can be accessed for all other tables in the database, such as packaging required, team times etc.

Runs contain product packing information, the product, cases required and a name. The user creates a run and can assign it to as many plans as necessary rather than having to create a new run for each plan. There are usually regular case quantites required each week for a particular product, so runs act as a sort of 'favourite settings' system.

Weeks are the basis for distinguishing/organising a timeframe for particular runs.

Teams pack the products and are included to help scheduling staff as well as for the user to get an idea what schedule is viable in terms of time restrictions in a given week.

Products ready for sale, each product has a packaging configuration assigned to calculate packaging required for a particular run quantity.

Pack - this is the packing configuration for a particular product or set of products.

Initial Wireframes

Wireframes PDF

Application Flowcharts

Visual Design Choices

The use of colour

The site has a red navigation bar and footer as that is the colour of the company it's designed for.

Colour on the rest of the site is used mostly to signify function to the user. The colour in buttons shows function is available and particular colour used also indicates if the action is to view/create (greens), edit (blue), delete (red). Text can be missed but the combination of text and a particular colour should help reinforce meaning to the user.

Just as stars stand out in the night sky because of the surrounding blackness, so the buttons and colourful highlights of the site stand out and are much more effect against a clear white background. This approach is taken by many large and successful sites, such as Google and Amazon.

Colour used to indicate function to the user:


Icons are used throughout the site to signify function to the user. An image speaks a thousand words and a trash can is just as effect as writing 'delete' while being more visually appealing. Images alongside words look good and convey meaning quicker to the user giving the whole experience of navigation a more intuitive feeling.



At the top of the app is a navigation bar. The left-hand side contains a link to the Live Plan (as shown above) and the other four links lead to the Plans, Packaging, Products and Runs search pages respectively. To the right we have an Account Logged in name (unless not loggedin), which when clicked provides a dropdown with change password and logout functionality. Next to that is a button that triggers a help modal and finally a previous page button.

Search Pages

There are four search pages, one for each of the objects that can be created to make up a plan run. Each search page starts with extra in-page navigation buttons to toggle smoothly between the pages and to indicate which page is active with a red background.
Below that is a search bar. On searching a term in the title of the items listed below, the items will be filtered accordingly. The clear button will reveal all objects once again.

Each item is created as a card with a title and relevant information. At the top of this section is a Create New button which gives the user Create functionality. Attached to the bottom of the card items are View, Edit and Delete buttons displayed variably according the item and to the level of permission which the current user has been granted by Admin.

Create Form

Example given is for product, but the same functionality is available for all the essential database objects. Only users with permission can use this functionality.

Form Field Data Validation

On Success Message

Newly Created Object

Update Form

Delete Form

Detail Pages

The Detail Page displays what runs are assigned to a particular plan. It contains four reports tailored to certain managers and their specific tasks. The Live Plan can be accessed via the Live Plan navlink. A detail view can be accessed for any plan from the plan search page by clicking 'view'.

Add Run to Plan

A plan is made up of a collection of runs assigned to it, all the information contained within the detail pages are made up from the runs assigned and the information contained within each run, which in turn is linked to products, teams, packaging. To add a run, click the button in the header.

Update and Delete

same templates as outlined above.


There is also a button in the header to trigger the notes modal which will be detailed below in the Modals section.

Accrodion Format

Each table can be expanded/minimised to see the relevant info quickly and hide irrelevant data according to the users preference.

Plan Summary Table

Shows summary information. If completed the row turns green. Displays Edit and Delete buttons for users with permission to perform these changes.

Plan Calculations Table

Information useful to the Operations Manager when conducting meetings with Production Managers and making plans etc.

Team Times Table

Information particularly useful to the Packing Manager when scheduling in teams for the week. Minutes are used in this particular bakery.

Packaging Required Table(s)

This information is for the Raw Materials Manager and Stores to check and make sure that packaging is in stock and available when needed for the packing teams.


Help Modal

On clicking 'HELP' in the navbar the user opens a modal which gives help depending on the level of permission granted to the user. If the user doesn't have creation permission they won't get advice on how to create for instance.

Notes Modal

Within the detail and live-plan templates the user can click on the notes button in the header and view a modal with all notes ascribed to a packing run displayed in descending order by day and with product info etc.

User Accounts

The Username is displayed in the dropdown button on the right of the navigation bar.



Change Password



As seen above there are success messages generated for all actions that affect a database object. There are also info messages on the forms giving useful hints to the user.

On the Search Plan page there is a grey expandable and dismissable alert box for some very important information.

Technologies Used


Python Validation

CI Python Linter used to check Python files.

HTML Validation

Nu HTML Checker - PASSED - I disabled the login requirement so that the site could be checked by Address.

CSS Validation

Jigsaw CCS Validation Service Result - There are lots of errors associated with the Bootsrap CDN, which I am not considering, my custom css is in the valid code block if you scroll to the bottom of the results.

JavaScript Validation

I did not use any custom JavaScript so no testing necessary.

Functionality Tests

Tests Excel Sheet - Source of the tables below.

Error Handling

Test that 404 not found, 403 forbidden and 500 server error custom templates are displayed on these errors being triggered. - PASSED.


Planned Improvements

Web Browser Compatibility

Working fine on the three browsers below.


The app is designed to be used primarily on medium size screens such as a desktop/laptop/tablet in a production environment. However it is generally good on all screen sizes as shown in Google Chrome Dev Tools. The use of Bootstrap throughout brings good responsiveness overall.
One issue - on very small screens the detail page tables overflow a little but there is a lot of information to be crammed in and it is still readable if not very pretty.


This site is deployed using Heroku combined with a Github repository updated from the IDE using Git. Once you have an Heroku account and have linked that with your Github account you can create a 'new' project by clicking that button in the top right corner, in the current version. Enter the name and regional information and in the next page click the 'Connect to Github' option and select the appropriate repository from your Github (or link the accounts and then do so, if not yet linked).

Enter the appropriate configuration variables in the settings tab of Heroku. If you do not know what to do here then find help for your specific case. Once the appropriate settings in Heroku match those in your repository you can navigate to the 'Deploy' tab of the Heroku dashboard.

Heroku can automatically deploy the selected Git branch of your respository when it is updated, or you can choose to manually update after each change, the choice is yours. Select your branch and click 'Deploy Branch'. Wait for the deployment to execute and then click 'View' to open your new app.


I consumed a large amount of video/course material for inspiration, but the specific ideas and code implemented in this project are my own. Many thanks to my mentor Brian Macharia for pointing me in the right direction with resources and advice. Many thanks to Code Institute for providing the learning materials.