Radi85 / Comment

Django comment app. It can be associated with any given model.
MIT License
97 stars 42 forks source link

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=================== django-comments-dab

Thanks https://www.pythonanywhere.com/

Here is a live_ demo

.. _live: https://rmustafa.pythonanywhere.com/

Full Documentation_

.. _Documentation: https://django-comment-dab.readthedocs.io/

.. image:: https://github.com/radi85/comment/blob/develop/docs/_static/img/comment.gif


.. _Introduction:


dab stands for Django-Ajax-Bootstrap PS: Ajax and JQuery are not used anymore since v2.0.0 Vanilla JS and fetch API is used instead.

django-comments-dab is a commenting application for Django-powered websites.

It allows you to integrate commenting functionality with any model you have e.g. blogs, pictures, video etc…

List of actions that can be performed:

1. Post a new comment. (v2.0.0 authenticated and anonymous users)

2. Reply to an existing comment. (v2.0.0 authenticated and anonymous users)

3. Edit a comment. (authenticated user `comment owner`)

4. Delete a comment. (authenticated user `comment owner` and admins)

5. React to a comment. (authenticated users) Available reactions are LIKE and DISLIKE  # open PR if you would like to have more reactions

6. Report (flag) a comment. (authenticated users)

7. Delete flagged comment. (admins and moderators)

8. Resolve or reject flag. This is used to revoke the flagged comment state (admins and moderators)

9. Follow and unfollow thread. (authenticated users)

.. _Installation:



1. **django>=2.1**
2. **djangorestframework**  # only for the API Framework
3. **Bootstrap 4.1.1**


Installation is available via pip


$ pip install django-comments-dab

or via source on github


$ git clone https://github.com/radi85/Comment.git
$ cd Comment
$ python setup.py install

Comment Settings and urls:

1. Add ``comment`` to installed_apps in the ``settings.py`` file. It should be added after ``django.contrib.auth``.
2. ``LOGIN_URL`` shall be defined in the settings.

settings.py should look like this:

.. code:: python


LOGIN_URL = 'login'  # or actual url

In urls.py:

.. code:: python

urlpatterns = patterns(
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('comment/', include('comment.urls')),
    path('api/', include('comment.api.urls')),  # only required for API Framework


Migrate comment app:


$ python manage.py migrate comment

.. _Setup:


Step 1 - Connecting comment model with the target model

In models.py add the field comments as a GenericRelation field to the required model.

PS: Please note that the field name must be comments NOT comment.

E.g. Post model, as shown below:

.. code:: python

from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation

from comment.models import Comment

class Post(models.Model):
    author = models.ForeignKey(User)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    body = models.TextField()
    # the field name should be comments
    comments = GenericRelation(Comment)

Step 2 - Adding template tags:

render_comments tag uses 2 required and 1 optional args:

1. Instance of the targeted model. (**Required**)
2. Request object. (**Required**)
3. oauth. (optional - Default is false)

.. _Usage:


  1. Basics usage:

include_bootstrap tag is for bootstrap-4.1.1, if it’s already used in the project, get rid of this tag.

In the template (e.g. post_detail.) add the following template tags where obj is the instance of post model.

.. code:: jinja

{% load comment_tags %}  {# Loading the template tag #}
{% render_comments obj request %}  {# Render all the comments belong to the passed object "obj" #}
{% include_bootstrap %} {# Include bootstrap 4.1.1 - remove this line if BS is already used in your project #}
  1. Advanced usage:

For advanced usage and other documentation, you may read the Documentation or look at the docs directory in the repository.

.. _docs: https://github.com/Radi85/Comment/tree/develop/docs

.. _Example:


You can play with the example app using local virtual environment

.. code:: bash

$ git clone https://github.com/Radi85/Comment.git  # or clone your forked repo
$ cd Comment
$ python3 -m venv local_env  # or any name. local_env is in .gitignore
$ export DEBUG=True
$ source local_env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r test/example/requirements.txt
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py create_initial_data
$ python manage.py runserver

Or run with docker

.. code:: bash

$ git clone https://github.com/Radi85/Comment.git  # or clone your forked repo
$ cd Comment
$ docker-compose up

Login with:

username: ``test``

password: ``test``

The icons are picked from Feather_. Many thanks to them for the good work.

.. _Feather: https://feathericons.com

Email's HTML template is used from https://github.com/leemunroe/responsive-html-email-template


For contributing, please see the guidelines at Contributing_

.. _Contributing: https://github.com/Radi85/Comment/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.rst