RadionBik / ML-based-network-traffic-classifier

Network traffic classifier based on machine learning algorithms
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Network traffic classifier based on statistical properties of application flows

UPDATE 18/03/2019: Refactored in OOP-style, more flexibility and features!

UPDATE 23/05/2020: Replaced custom flow-parsing mechanism with NFStream

UPDATE 17/09/2020: Added pytorch classifiers, including transformer-based one

UPDATE 30/10/2020: ANN classifiers (NGT, LSH), FS-NET baseline

Key features

Project structure

Usage example for sklearn-based classifiers

  1. A feature file has to be prepared before running model training, so make sure to create a .csv dataset by running, for example:

    PYTHONPATH=. python flow_parsing/ -p flow_parsing/static/example.pcap --online_mode

  2. OPTIONAL. Postprocess parsed .csv as needed, e.g. split into train-test, reassign target columns.

  3. Create own version of config.yaml to experiment with and test classifiers:

    PYTHONPATH=. python sklearn_classifiers/ 
        --train_dataset csv_files/example_20packets.csv 
        --target_column ndpi_category 


If you find the code or datasets useful for your research, please, cite one of the following papers:

  title={Multi-Class Network Traffic Generators and Classifiers Based on Neural Networks},
  author={Bikmukhamedov, Radion and Nadeev, Adel},
  journal={2021 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications},
  url = {}

  author = {Bikmukhamedov, R. F. and Nadeev, A. F.},
  title = {Lightweight Machine Learning Classifiers of IoT Traffic Flows},
  booktitle = {2019 Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications},
  year = {2019},