RagnarJensen / Z-CAM-E1-IO

Controlling the Z CAM E1 through its I/O port.
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Controlling the Z CAM E1 through its I/O port.

This repository will hold bits and bobs from my experiments with the Z CAM E1's I/O port and the API described at https://github.com/imaginevision/Z-Camera-Doc.

The Focus folder holds a sketch that shows how to focus the lens with UART commands in different ways.

The Flash folder holds a sketch for firing an external flash.

The RC_PWM folder holds a sketch that reads PWM input from a model car/boat Radio Control receiver, changes lens focus and takes pictures or starts/stops movie recording based on PWM pulse width.

The Breadboard folder contains descriptions of my cabling and breadboard set-up.

For Arduino stuff, I test on a close relative to it, a Teensy 2.0 by PJRC.

Teensy 2.0 pinout: Teensy 2.0 pinout