RaiderIO / raiderio-addon

RaiderIO AddOn
41 stars 22 forks source link

bug? #132

Closed Markoolio closed 4 years ago

Markoolio commented 4 years ago

32x [string "--[==[ Error in 'Utility':'initialization' ..."]:44: attempt to index global 'MDT' (a nil value) [string "--[==[ Error in 'Utility':'initialization' ]==] return function() aura_env.keyslot = aura_env.config["KeySlot"] aura_env.gossipS = aura_env.config["GossipS"] aura_env.blacklist = { -- [123] = true }

aura_env.popup = function() for index = 1, STATICPOPUP_NUMDIALOGS do local frame = _G["StaticPopup"..index] if frame and frame:IsShown() then return true end end return false end

local function decRound(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end

local _, affixes = CChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo() local teeming = false for , affixID in ipairs(affixes) do if affixID == 5 then teeming = true end end

local tooltip = aura_env.config["Tooltip"] local function addtotooltip(self, unit) local GUID = UnitGUID("mouseover") if GUID then local npcID = select(6, strsplit("-", GUID)) local count = 0 local max = 0 if teeming then max, count = select(3, MDT:GetEnemyForces(tonumber(npcID))) else count, max = MDT:GetEnemyForces(tonumber(npcID)) end if count and max and count ~= 0 and max ~= 0 then local percent = decRound((count/max)*100, 2).."%"

        local string = (tooltip  == 4 and count.." ("..percent..")") or (tooltip  == 3 and percent) or (tooltip  == 2 and count)
        if string then
            GameTooltip:AppendText(" - "..string)


if not aura_env.region.addtotooltip then aura_env.region.addtotooltip = true hooksecurefunc(GameTooltip, "Show", addtotooltip) end

end"]:44: in function <[string "--[==[ Error in 'Utility':'initialization' ..."]:35> string "=[C]": in function `Show' [string "@RaiderIO\core.lua"]:1967: in function <RaiderIO\core.lua:1928> [string "@RaiderIO\core.lua"]:2375: in function <RaiderIO\core.lua:2366>

Locals: self = GameTooltip { 0 = numMoneyFrames = 1 Show = defined =[C]:-1 comparing = false shoppingTooltips =

{ } TopOverlay = { } ItemTooltip = { } default = 1 needsReset = true BottomOverlay = { } updateTooltip = 0.021000 hasMoney = 1 } unit = nil GUID = "Player-1403-0826A46A" npcID = nil count = 0 max = 0 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "0826A46A" (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'MDT' (a nil value)" teeming = false decRound = defined --[==[ Error in 'Utility':'initialization' ]==] return function() aura_env.keyslot = aura_env.config["KeySlot"] aura_env.gossipS = aura_env.config["GossipS"] aura_env.blacklist = { -- [123] = true }

aura_env.popup = function() for index = 1, STATICPOPUP_NUMDIALOGS do local frame = _G["StaticPopup"..index] if frame and frame:IsShown() then return true end end return false end

local function decRound(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end

local _, affixes = CChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo() local teeming = false for , affixID in ipairs(affixes) do if affixID == 5 then teeming = true end end

local tooltip = aura_env.config["Tooltip"] local function addtotooltip(self, unit) local GUID = UnitGUID("mouseover") if GUID then local npcID = select(6, strsplit("-", GUID)) local count = 0 local max = 0 if teeming thentooltip = 4

Vladinator commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report. This seems to have been an issue with weakauras and not directly RIO and since it's been a while since this error, and we did upgrade the addon last week I hope this has since been fixed by the weakauras author for that weakaura.