RaiderIO / raiderio-addon

RaiderIO AddOn
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Protected BS #226

Open DePhoegon opened 1 year ago

DePhoegon commented 1 year ago

4x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'RaiderIO' tried to call the protected function 'GetPlaystyleString()'. [string "@Interface/AddOns/!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function <Interface/AddOns/!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:480> string "=[C]": in function GetPlaystyleString' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:3520: in function <Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua:3509> [string "=[C]"]: in functionLFGListUtil_SetSearchEntryTooltip' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:2595: in function <Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua:2592>

string "=[C]": in function pcall' [string "@Interface/AddOns/RaiderIO/core.lua"]:1256: in functionExecuteWidgetHandler' [string "@Interface/AddOns/RaiderIO/core.lua"]:6358: in function <Interface/AddOns/RaiderIO/core.lua:6356> [string "@Interface/AddOns/RaiderIO/core.lua"]:58: in function <Interface/AddOns/RaiderIO/core.lua:57>

[string "@Interface/SharedXML/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:143: in function <Interface/SharedXML/CallbackRegistry.lua:142>

[string "@Interface/SharedXML/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:146: in function TriggerEvent' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:189: in functionSetScrollTargetOffset' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:653: in function Update' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:201: in functionScrollInDirection' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollController.lua"]:61: in function <Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollController.lua:59>

cadetklenk commented 1 year ago

To add some context to this error... For me, this only occurs when I have my mouse hovering over a group in group finder and then use my mouse scroll wheel to scroll down on the dialog.

I can move my mouse over the various groups with out issue or use the dialog's scroll down button then go back into the list with out issue. But, leaving my mouse on a group and using my mouse scroll wheel will produce the error.

jahraphael commented 1 year ago

To add some context to this error... For me, this only occurs when I have my mouse hovering over a group in group finder and then use my mouse scroll wheel to scroll down on the dialog.

I can move my mouse over the various groups with out issue or use the dialog's scroll down button then go back into the list with out issue. But, leaving my mouse on a group and using my mouse scroll wheel will produce the error.

Thanks for this report. Can you let us know what all addons you have installed and active so we can try to repro with that same set here?

cadetklenk commented 1 year ago

I disabled all my addons except raiderio and the buggraber/bug sack and the issue is always reproducible. The error only occurs on the first mouse wheel scroll... at least I don't get messaging of it occurring after that.

But if its still valuable here is a list of my addons directory: !BugGrabber AngryKeystones BagSync BigWigs BigWigs_CastleNathria BigWigs_Core BigWigs_DragonIsles BigWigs_Options BigWigs_Plugins BigWigs_SanctumOfDomination BigWigs_SepulcherOfTheFirstOnes BigWigs_Shadowlands BigWigs_VaultOfTheIncarnates Blizzard_AchievementUI Blizzard_ArchaeologyUI Blizzard_ArenaUI Blizzard_AuctionUI Blizzard_AuthChallengeUI Blizzard_BarbershopUI Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap Blizzard_BindingUI Blizzard_BlackMarketUI Blizzard_Calendar Blizzard_ChallengesUI Blizzard_ClientSavedVariables Blizzard_Collections Blizzard_CombatLog Blizzard_CombatText Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames Blizzard_CraftUI Blizzard_CUFProfiles Blizzard_DeathRecap Blizzard_DebugTools Blizzard_EncounterJournal Blizzard_GarrisonUI Blizzard_GlyphUI Blizzard_GMChatUI Blizzard_GMSurveyUI Blizzard_GuildBankUI Blizzard_GuildControlUI Blizzard_GuildUI Blizzard_InspectUI Blizzard_ItemAlterationUI Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI Blizzard_ItemUpgradeUI Blizzard_LookingForGuildUI Blizzard_MacroUI Blizzard_MovePad Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker Blizzard_PetBattleUI Blizzard_PetJournal Blizzard_PVPUI Blizzard_QuestChoice Blizzard_RaidUI Blizzard_ReforgingUI Blizzard_SocialUI Blizzard_StoreUI Blizzard_TalentUI Blizzard_TimeManager Blizzard_TokenUI Blizzard_TradeSkillUI Blizzard_TrainerUI Blizzard_Tutorial Blizzard_VoidStorageUI Blizzard_WowTokenUI BugSack CleanPlate (I wrote this... it just resets the CVARs that plater tinkers with) CmdRegister (I wrote this too to create slah commands at my whim) Details Details_Covenants Details_DataStorage Details_DeathGraphs Details_EncounterDetails Details_RaidCheck Details_Streamer Details_TinyThreat Details_Vanguard Dresser EasyDeleteConfirm ElkBuffBars ExRT Gnosis HandyNotes HandyNotes_Dragonflight LittleWigs LittleWigs_BattleForAzeroth LittleWigs_BurningCrusade LittleWigs_Cataclysm LittleWigs_Classic LittleWigs_Legion LittleWigs_MistsOfPandaria LittleWigs_WarlordsOfDraenor LittleWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing Pawn Prat-3.0 Prat-3.0_Libraries RaiderIO RaiderIO_DB_EU_F RaiderIO_DB_EU_M RaiderIO_DB_EU_R RaiderIO_DB_KR_F RaiderIO_DB_KR_M RaiderIO_DB_KR_R RaiderIO_DB_TW_F RaiderIO_DB_TW_M RaiderIO_DB_TW_R RaiderIO_DB_US_F RaiderIO_DB_US_M RaiderIO_DB_US_R ShadowedUF_Options ShadowedUnitFrames Simulationcraft TomTom WeakAuras WeakAurasArchive WeakAurasCompanion WeakAurasModelPaths WeakAurasOptions WeakAurasTemplates WhoTaunted

jahraphael commented 1 year ago


Can you confirm what platform you are on? (Windows, mac, Linux?)

The other thing that would be really helpful is if you could record a video of you reproducing the problem from a fresh reload.

Appreciate the help! This issue has been hard for us to repro.

cadetklenk commented 1 year ago

I am on windows 10. I tried to make this as clean as possible. I deleted all my addons except raiderIO and buggraber/sack then, I deleted all my saved variables to create this video:

BTW... The video is unlisted, it will only be available if you have the link directly to it (provided above)

jahraphael commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!

This will be super helpful for us to track down and fix the issue.

DePhoegon commented 1 year ago

Just so it's known.. it happens with windows 11 as well.

jahraphael commented 1 year ago

Can you get the latest version of the addon and see if it still occurs for you? We released a patch today. Look for this version or higher: v202211051600

DePhoegon commented 1 year ago

Can you get the latest version of the addon and see if it still occurs for you? We released a patch today. Look for this version or higher: v202211051600

So far, no errors.. but I'll keep an eye out for it over the weekend to be sure.

DePhoegon commented 1 year ago

Can you get the latest version of the addon and see if it still occurs for you? We released a patch today. Look for this version or higher: v202211051600

Not that one, but this one came up (on a DH) when I went from a raid to a mythic dungeon (Kara) & it triggered on a trinket usesage from the hotbar. (So'leash Secret Technic, requiring a party/raid target)

 1x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'RaiderIO' tried to call the protected function 'UseAction()'.
[string "@Interface/AddOns/!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function <Interface/AddOns/!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:480>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `UseAction'
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:364: in function `handler'
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:690: in function <Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:672>
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:704: in function <Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:697>
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:746: in function `SecureActionButton_OnClick'
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/ActionButton.lua"]:109: in function `TryUseActionButton'
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/ActionButton.lua"]:144: in function `ActionButtonDown'
[string "ACTIONBUTTON11"]:2: in function <[string "ACTIONBUTTON11"]:1>
jahraphael commented 1 year ago

Can you confirm which version of the addon you have installed? Type /rio in-game and it's the long version number (date) across the top of the window that pops up when you do that.

cadetklenk commented 1 year ago

The original "GetPlayStyleString" issue is gone but, I too did receive the new error at least once. It was shortly after I joined a party (for mythic plus). I thought the error dialog was the group summoning me so it got dismissed but, If I see it again then I'll try to get more details on it.

I updated the addon today so I'm not sure what the version was a couple days ago but, my current version is 10.0.0 (v202211060600).

Vladinator commented 1 year ago

We released an update ~12 hours ago that tried to solve some issues, but it's difficult to say if it solves all, or just some of the issues we had reports on, due to the nature of the issue, it's tricky to track down properly.

In short, if you use the latest version and get an action blocked message saying RaiderIO did something and got some action blocked, we want to try reproduce that particular issue on purpose to track down the real cause, as just the message alone is like just the symptom and not the cause, sometimes it's not enough information to go on, thus reproducibility is very helpful for tracking such issues down.

jahraphael commented 1 year ago

@cadetklenk @DePhoegon - We've just pushed a new build of the addon with more fixes to help root out cases where the addon may be causing actions to be blocked due to taint issues.

Please upgrade to a version at v202211072254 or higher and let us know if you continue to see any problems.

Thanks for the help in trying to nail these fixes down!

cadetklenk commented 1 year ago

I usually update the add-on daily and I haven't seen any errors since Saturday... maybe Friday? I just updated to the new build though and will report any issues that may happen.

Thanks for the effort, your team is doing good work!

DePhoegon commented 1 year ago

@cadetklenk @DePhoegon - We've just pushed a new build of the addon with more fixes to help root out cases where the addon may be causing actions to be blocked due to taint issues.

Please upgrade to a version at v202211072254 or higher and let us know if you continue to see any problems.

Thanks for the help in trying to nail these fixes down!

I'm keeping an eye out, but I won't say yes or no till a few days. I've been keeping updated via the curse client

Chris4190 commented 1 year ago

bugsack gives me following error, i get this error only when i activate the addon, even when it's active alone

50x [string "return function() local DungeonCategory = 2"]:144: attempt to call field 'GetActivityInfo' (a nil value)

[string "=[C]"]: in function LFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateApplicantMember' [string "@FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:1647: in function <FrameXML/LFGList.lua:1635> [string "=[C]"]: in functionLFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateApplicant' [string "@FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:1609: in function LFGListApplicationViewer_InitButton' [string "@FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:1353: in functioninitializer' [string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua"]:283: in function InvokeInitializers' [string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:657: in functionUpdate' [string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:159: in function FullUpdateInternal' ... [string "@SharedXML/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:146: in functionTriggerEvent' [string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua"]:225: in function SignalDataChangeEvent' [string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua"]:205: in functionSetDataProvider' [string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:589: in function SetDataProvider' [string "@FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:1630: in functionLFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateResults'

[string "=[C]"]: in function LFGListUtil_SortApplicants' [string "@FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:1561: in functionLFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateResultList' [string "@FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:1369: in function `onEvent' [string "@FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:218: in function <FrameXML/LFGList.lua:139>

Locals: activeEntryInfo =

{ comment = "" autoAccept = false requiredItemLevel = 0 duration = 1778 activityID = 1179 privateGroup = false isCrossFactionListing = true name = "|Ks8|k" playstyle = 1 voiceChat = "" requiredHonorLevel = 0 } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = 1179 (*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'GetActivityInfo' (a nil value)"