Rain1971 / V2C_trydant

Electric car charger for v2c trydan in home asssitant via HACS
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hacs home-assistant v2c

CAR CHARGER V2C trydan component for HOME ASSISTANT

hacs_badge GitHub release en es

This integration exposes the information and functions made available by V2C trydan directly via http interface in Home Assistant.


This integration supports network connection to V2C trydan directly, so that take note of the V2C trydan static IP address previously.

For a later configuration, you need to know the electrical consumption data of your car expressed in Kwh per 100 km

If you want to use the price-based load control feature, you must install the following integrations for lovelace, from HACS:


The following entities are created:

Name Type R/W Units Description
v2c_trydan_sensor_chargeenergy Sensor R N kWh Current charging session energy in kWh.
v2c_trydan_sensor_chargekm v2c_km_to_charge Sensor Number R \ W N km Current charging session energy in Km.
v2c_trydan_sensor_chargepower Sensor R N W Current charging power in Watts.
v2c_trydan_sensor_chargestate Sensor R S values Charge Point. Spanish string States: Manguera no conectada, Manguera conectada (NO CARGA),Manguera conectada (CARGANDO)
v2c_trydan_numericalstatus Sensor R N values Charge Point. Numerical Status: 0-Hose Not connected, 1-Hose Connected (BUT NOT CHARGING),2-Hose Connected (CHARGING)
v2c_trydan_sensor_chargetime Sensor R N s Current charging session time.
v2c_trydan_sensor_contractedpower Sensor R N W House Contracted Power in Watts. Default -1
vc2_trydan_sensor_dynamic Sensor R N values Dynamic Intensity Modulation state: 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled
vc2_trydan_sensor_dynamicpowermode Sensor R N values Dynamic Mode: 0 Timed Power enabled; 1-Timed Power Disabled, 2-Timed Power Disabled and Exclusive Mode setted, 3-Timed Power Disabled and Min Power Mode setted, 4-Timed Power Disabled and Grid+FV mode setted, 5-Timed Power Disabled and Stop Mode setted
vc2_trydan_sensor_fvpower Sensor R N W Photovoltaic power generation in Watts.
vc2_trydan_sensor_housepower Sensor R N W House power consumption in Watts.
v2c_trydan_sensor_intensity \ v2c_intensity Sensor Number R \ W N A Intensity offered by Charge Point in Amps, if Dynamic Charge is disabled.
v2c_trydan_sensor_locked Sensor R N values Disabling state of Charge Point: 0-Enabled, 1-Disabled
v2c_trydan_sensor_maxintensity v2c_max_intensity Sensor Nuber R \ W N A Intensity offered maximun limit in Amps, if Dynamic Charge is enabled. (max default 32A)
v2c_trydan_sensor_minintensity v2c_min_intensity Sensor Number R \ W N A Intensity offered minimun limit in Amps, if Dynamic Charge is enabled. (max default 6A)
v2c_trydan_sensor_paused Sensor R N values Pause state of current charging session: 0-Enabled, 1-Disabled
v2c_trydan_sensor_pausedynamic Sensor R N values Dynamic Control Modulation Pause State: 0-Modulating, 1-No Modulating
v2c_trydan_sensor_slaveerror Sensor R N values Slave communication state: 0-No error, 1-error message, 2-Communication error
v2c_trydan_sensor_timer Sensor R N values Charge Point Timer state: 1-Timer ON, 0-Timer OFF
v2c_precio_luz Sensor R state attributes Data retrieved from api.esios.ree.es by REE. The state contains the current price and also these attributes: state_class, measurement, tariff, period, available_power, next_period, hours_to_next_period, next_better_price, hours_to_better_price, num_better_prices_ahead, price_position, price_ratio, max_price, max_price_at, min_price, min_price_at, next_best_at, price_00h to price_23h, unit_of_measurement, attribution, icon, friendly_name, ValidHours (show at what times it will charge today with that maximum price), ValidHoursNextDay (show at what times it will charge tomorrow with that maximum price) and TotalHours (contains the total number of charging hours). These last two values are updated every 30 seconds and only if number.v2c_maxprice > 0
vc2_trydan_switch_dynamic Switch R/W on off Toggle to dynamic charge. Default off
v2c_trydan_switch_paused Switch R/W on off Toggle to pause charge. Default off
v2c_trydan_switch_locked Switch R/W on off Toggle to block the charger. Default off
v2c_trydan_switch_v2c_carga_pvpc Switch R/W on off Toggle whether or not you want to charge while limiting by PVPC price . Default off
v2c_trydan_switch_v2c_smart_charge Switch R/W on off Toggle whether or not you want to charge using the smart charge algorithm, which takes into account: current battery charge percentage, available charging power, assumes that battery must be at 80% within the following 12 hours. With all this information it will select the cheapest hours according to PVPC to charge the car. Default off


The following events are created:

Event Description
v2c_trydan.charging_complete Event triggered when the energy corresponding to the selected kilometers has been charged.


SCREEN Examples:
