RainHaven / meteor-sass

MIT License
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meteor add rainhaven:sass

To see the original, please visit: https://github.com/fourseven/meteor-scss

Node-sass wrapped to work with meteor.

This allows .scss and .sass files to work with meteor.

Also includes the option to run Autoprefixer on the css that sass has compiled.

To use: This package is configured to find .scss .sass files and compile them through node-sass and provide them to the page. So just start using it, the scss files can be anywhere in the project.


Add a scss.json file at the project's root to pass configuration options to node-sass. See node-sass's documentation for a list of options.

Example (for using bourbon and neat with meteor-bower):

  "includePaths": [

Autoprefixer support

To enable Autoprefixer support, set 'enableAutoprefixer' to true in your 'scss.json' file. Custom Autoprefixer config can be set in the 'autoprefixerOptions' variable in the same file. If you don't specify any options, the default config will be used.

Autoprefixer example:

  "enableAutoprefixer": true,
  "autoprefixerOptions": {
      "browsers": ["> 5%", "BlackBerry", "OperaMini"],
      "cascade": false

LibSass vs Ruby Sass

Please note that this project uses LibSass. As such some features are not implemented compared to the Ruby version/implementation. Things are improving, so please be patient. Before you ask, I have no intention of making a version of this package that links to the Ruby version instead.


If you're having problems running this on Heroku please use the cedar-14 stack, by typing the following heroku stack:set cedar-14 - see #41 for more information.