This is an easy-to-use musicpy editor and IDE.
Firstly, make sure you have installed python (version >= 3.7) in your computer first.
Secondly, download the PyQt5-sip wheel from this site: (choose the version which matches your python version and system, for example, your python is 3.7.9 32bit, your system is Windows 10, then download "PyQt5_sip-12.12.2-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl")
Thirdly, put the wheel file in a location, then use pip install PyQt5_sip-12.12.2-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl
to install PyQt5-sip.
Then run this line in cmd/terminal:
pip install musicpy pyglet==1.5.11 yapf PyQt5==5.15.2 -i
Note: In Linux, you need to install freepats in order to make the play function works, in Ubuntu, you can run sudo apt-get install freepats
, and you also need to make sure the installed version of pygame is older than 2.0.3 on Linux in order to make the play function works, you can run pip install pygame==2.0.2
to install pygame 2.0.2 or any version that is older than 2.0.3.
Then download the source codes from here, extract the folder musicpy editor
from the zip file, go to the musicpy editor
folder, open the file musicpy editor.pyw
to use musicpy editor. You can change language by change language
parameter in the settings, currently supported languages are json files in languages
folder, you can make your own language's json file and change to your language.
For more details including abilities and usages of this musicpy editor, see the documentation here.