Rainyan / nt-hammer-bootstrap

Automate Hammer setup for Neotokyo.
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Supported platforms GitHub release (latest SemVer including pre-releases) License: GPLv3 PEP8 Pylint CodeQL


An interactive GUI helper for setting up Source SDK and Hammer editor, for mapping for Neotokyo.

This tool automates the entire mapping tools setup described in this Steam guide.

Example of the app GUI window





Bug reports

If you have questions/feature requests, or run into problems, bug reports are welcome!

For developers

Setting up the environment

# Or use your fork, instead.
# Note that we have submodules that also need to be cloned here.
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Rainyan/nt-hammer-bootstrap
cd "./nt-hammer-bootstrap"
pip install --upgrade pipenv  # For virtualizing the dev environment
pipenv install
pipenv run pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
pipenv run python nt_hammer_bootstrap.py  # Run app

Code conventions

The Python code must pass latest version of pylint, using the default settings.

Building the executable

Please see the build script for an example of building the .exe binary.


This project uses the following open-source software: