Raja0sama / rm-portfolio

Portfolio I made with ♥️, React and Three JS. https://rajaosama.me/
11 stars 4 forks source link

Portfolio - Open-source Project

The purpose of the project is to provide an open-source portfolio for the developers. A Simple Clean design made with React JS, Tailwind, Three Js, maximo, Vercel, and The model used with in the project is by Ready Player.

Create awesome looking Portfolio and show case your work, because as a developer/designer we have to keep growing in all aspect of the life.

You can visit the Live Website by clicking on the above GIF video.


Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/Raja0sama/rm-portfolio.git
cd rm-portfolio

code .
yarn start | npm start


To Create your very own 3d avatar there are few steps that you will have to do, a bit complicated but once you done with the steps, it will look just awesome.

  const group = useRef();
  const { nodes, materials, animations } = useGLTF("/model.glb");
  const { actions } = useAnimations(animations, group);
  useEffect(() => {
  materials.castShadow = true;
  materials.receiveShadow = true;
  if (materials?.material?.map) materials.material.map.anisotropy = 16;
  }, []);

In the model.js file, look at the existing one to understand what is happening, basically we are triggering animation to play on mount.


Just hide the model by going into Page/Home and with in Home Object, look for the property showModel and set it false.

Content of the Website

To Modify content of the overall site, kindly visit src/portfolio_static and there will be portfolio Object that contain Objects with the name of the page and a layout.


You can use Vercel to deploy the site easily by using npx vercel --prod



You are welcome to contribute to the project, Fork the repo and make a pull request with detail description. Obviously the structure of the website need to be consistent, but you are welcome to open up a pull request with the changes you hope to see in the repo.

Thank You.