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Beautiify is a comprehensive collection of meticulously crafted components and animations designed to enhance the aesthetic appeal and user experience of any website. Whether you are building a simple landing page or a complex web application, Beautiify provides you with the tools to create visually stunning and highly interactive user interfaces.
Beautiify offers a diverse range of components and animations designed to enhance the user interface of any website. Each component is available in multiple designs, providing ample customization options.
Accordions -- Accordions are expandable sections that reveal or hide content when clicked. Beautiify offers various styles, including 3D Accordion, Glassmorphism Accordion, Horizontal Picture Accordion, and so on.
Backgrounds -- Beautiify includes a collection of visually appealing backgrounds to enhance the look of your site. Options include 3D Boxes Background, Abstract Background, Animated Colorful Background, and so on.
Breadcrumbs -- Breadcrumbs provide navigational links to enhance user experience. Available designs include 3D Breadcrumb, Animated Breadcrumb, Gaming Breadcrumb, and so on.
Buttons -- Stylish and functional buttons are available in different shapes and sizes. Designs include Blob Button, Glow Button, Hover Button, and so on.
Cards -- Cards are versatile containers for displaying content. Beautiify provides various card designs, such as 3D Animated Card, Blog Post Card, Flip Card, and so on.
Carousels -- Carousels are rotating sliders for showcasing images or content. Available types include 3D Image Carousel, Draggable Carousel, Neumorphism Carousel, and so on.
Dropdowns -- Dropdowns allow users to select options from a list. Beautiify offers several styles which include Apple Themed Dropdown, and The More Menu Dropdown.
Footers -- Footers are customizable sections at the bottom of pages. Beautiify includes Animated Footer, Classic Footer, Waves Footer, and so on.
Forms -- Forms are essential for user input. Beautiify provides a range of form designs, including Animated Login Form, Black Red Signup Form, Contact Form, and so on.
Heroes -- Heroes are a large, attention-grabbing picture with text typically shown in the above-the-fold area. Beautiify provides various hero designs such as Carousel Hero, Collage-Style-Hero and so on.
Loaders -- Loaders indicate the loading process. Beautiify features various loader designs such as Bird Loader, Clock Loader, Helix Loader, and so on.
Navigation Bars -- Navigation Bars provide links for site navigation. Beautiify offers Circular Navigation Bar, Hamburger Navigation Bar, Overlay Navigation Bar, and so on.
Popups -- Popups display messages or content overlays. Available designs include Context Menu Popup, Error Notification Popup, Success Notification Popup, and so on.
Search Bars -- Search Bars enable users to search content on your site. Beautiify provides 3D Search Bar, Google Search Bar, Neumorphism Search Bar, and so on.
Text Animations -- Text Animations add dynamic effects to text. Beautiify includes Flip Text Animation, Fog Text Animation, Glowing Text Animation, and so on.
Toggle Switches -- Toggle switches prompt users to choose between two mutually exclusive options and always have a default value. Available designs are Robo Toggle Switch, Light Toggle Switch, and so on.
Tooltips -- A tooltip is a brief, informative message that appears when a user interacts with an element. Beautiify provides various designs like Animated Tooltip, Shopping Cart Tooltip, and so on.
Transfer Lists -- Transfer Lists allow items to be moved between lists. Available styles are Neuromorphism Transfer List.
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- Push your committed changes to the remote repo.
git push origin
- Go to your forked repository on GitHub and click on `Compare & pull request`.
- Add an appropriate title and description to your pull request explaining your changes and efforts done.
- Click on `Create pull request`.
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- Wait for your pull request to be reviewed and if required suggestions would be provided to improve it.
- Celebrate 🥳 your success after your pull request is merged successfully.
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<h2>Contributing Guidelines📑</h2>
Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/Rakesh9100/Beautiify/blob/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING_GUIDELINES.md) to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build to Click-The-Edible-Game.
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<h2>Code Of Conduct📑</h2>
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/Rakesh9100/Beautiify/blob/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
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<h2>This repo has been part of the following Open Source Programs🥳</h2>
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<h2>Project Admin⚡</h2>
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<h2>Project Contributors🫂</h2>
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<h2>Contributing is fun🧡</h2>
<h3>Contributions of any kind from anyone are always welcome🌟!!</h3>
<h3>Give it a 🌟 if you ❤ this project. Happy Coding👨💻</h3>
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