Rakile / DeforumationQT

A Graphical userinterface "on top" of Deforum, that lets you control AI-generated video in real time
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
57 stars 1 forks source link

DeforumationQT Version 0.1.8

!PS To see tutorials on how to use DeforumationQT, please refere to @lainols youtube channell: https://www.youtube.com/@lainolkar/videos

and/or our Discord tutorial channell at https://discord.gg/rbKFVh9v87

This release includes: Smooth motion to prompt morphing

Compatible with:

SD Automatic1111

And SD-Forged se https://github.com/Rakile/DeforumationQT/blob/main/Deforum_Version/sd-forged/Readme%20for%20sd-forge.txt for forge campability

Dynamical seeding

An alpha version of loop-backing , which can allow you to change the environment according to how you like it.

OSC support for prompt morphing, controled VIA bind name (See example in Examples folder: test_osc_prompt_morphing.py)


Live Prompting Tab

Live Motions Tab

Promp / morph / strenghts Tab

Settings Tab

Easy to change , save, restore and load Layouts.

Live Controlnet Tab

Misc Tabs for customizable layouts

Audio Tab with Audio Synq

Video running DeforumationQT version 0.1.0 New video soon to arrive!


DeforumationQT is an unofficial extension for Deforum that provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to remotely control Deforum 3D motions, zoom and angle , strength value (toggle to use deforum strenght schedule) CFG Scale, sampler steps, seed, cadense scale, noise values, parameters for use up to five controlnets, and prompts in real-time. It also offers pausing, rewinding, forwarding, and resuming by setting current image to fix any undesired outcomes during the rendering process.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
  3. Trouble Shooting
  4. Mediator Arguments
  5. DeforumationQT Arguments
  6. Deforum Arguments
  7. Running Deforumation with OSC
  8. Further Help



A more comprehensive installations guide is found in the "DeforumationQT_installation_guide.pdf"

Clone or download the git repository git clone https://github.com/Rakile/DeforumationQT
Keep deforumation folder outside your "stable-diffusion-webui" path.

Installation Windows

  1. Navigate to the "Deforum_Version" folder.
  2. Choose the communication method:
    • "piped" folder: Uses named pipes (recommended for local Windows).
    • "socket" folder: Uses websockets.
    • "hybrid" folder: Auto-selects based on OS.
  3. Unpack the correct Deforum version zip ( piped, socket or hybrid ) to the Automatic1111 "extensions" folder.
  4. Make sure there is only one deforum folder inside the extensions folder.
  5. Restart Automatic1111 if it was running.
  6. Run "runme_windows_named_pipes.bat" or "runme_windows_websockets.bat".

Installation Linux

  1. Go to the "Deforum_Version" folder.
  2. Copy "sd-webui-deforum" from the “socket” folder to the Automatic1111 "extensions" folder.
  3. Restart Automatic1111 if it was running.
  4. Install xterm: sudo apt install xterm.
  5. Run source runme_linux_websockets.sh or ./runme_linux_websockets.sh.

Manual Installation

  1. Ensure Python 3.10.xx is installed.
  2. For Linux: Follow the provided steps to install Python 3.10.
  3. Activate the virtual environment:
    • Linux & MacOS: source ./venv/bin/activate
    • Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  4. Install requirements:
    • Linux & MacOS: python -m pip install -r requirements_linux.txt
    • Windows: python -m pip install -r requirements_win.txt
  5. Start the mediator: python mediator.py
  6. In a new terminal, start Deforumation: python deforumation.py

Trouble Shooting

Mediator Arguments

DeforumationQT Arguments

Deforum Arguments

Running Deforumation with OSC

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