Raku User Experience
Overview and Purpose
There are many aspects in the experience of Raku users: installation of a
compiler, getting help, reporting issues, and others. The purpose of this
repository is to help identify and address any deficiencies and issues in that
experience. Creation of an Issue on this repository is aimed to be part of
that process.
When encountering a Raku user who seems to be frustrated by any part of the
Raku experience, it is suggested they get directed to open an Issue on this
repository, so that the Raku Community can address it.
Aspects of the User Experience
- Finding Out Raku Exists
- Hearing about Raku from marketing materials
- Hearing about Raku from conferences and other events
- Hearing about Raku on social media, blogs, and popular news sites
- Hearing about Raku by word-of-mouth
- Getting Raku
- Understanding the basic terms and differences
(compiler vs. language, etc)
- Choosing a compiler to install
- Installing a compiler
- Running Raku
- Running a compiler
- Finding a needed module
- Installing a module
- Developing in Raku
- Developing a module
- Distributing a module
- Distributing a Raku program
- Maintaining a module or program
- Workflow for bumping your module's version
- Bitrot detection and dependent module version handling
- Checking for issues and PRs
- Sharing write access
- Getting Help and Training
- Finding and accessing Raku documentation
- Finding and accessing documentation for a module
- Finding and accessing non-real-time help and training
(blogs, forums, mailing lists)
- Finding and accessing real-time help and training
(IRC channel, conferences)
- Reporting Problems
- Reporting problems with Raku
- Reporting problems with a particular Raku compiler
- Reporting problems with a module
- Contributing to Raku
- Finding out what work needs to be done to Raku (docs, supporting
websites, etc)
- open github issues
- WANTED modules list
- Finding out what work needs to be done to a Raku compiler
- open tickets at rt.perl.org
- github issues and PRs on rakudo, moarvm, nqp
- fudged tests in roast
- Finding out whom to contact to obtain access permissions
(e.g. commit bits)
- Setting up a development environment, writing and testing patches
- Compiler PR workflow
- Getting recognition
- Interacting with the Community
- Reaching other Raku developers (for social chat and events)
- Overcoming barriers: gender-related issues,
minority groups, persons with disabilities
- Resolving issues with abusive behaviour from other members of the
- Being a Raku Programmer
- Interacting with communities of other computer languages
- Finding a job that involves the use of Raku
- Spreading the word about Raku
- Obtaining Raku promotional materials (a well-written "sales pitch",
printable brochures, etc.)
- Obtaining Raku merchandise (shirts, mugs, pens with Raku logo, etc.)