"src/main.py" is a python script used to train and test an LSTM model or a Transformer model to detect anomalies in windows of adsb_messages in a supervised fashion. This script can also be used to test pretrained models to detect anomalies as well as a cumulative alarm mechanism. The alarm mechanism is launched when the number of detected anomalous meta messages exceeds a specified threshold for a given flight.The anomalies already tested for detection are the following: waypoints attacks as well as gradual attacks individually inflicted on altitude, ground speed, track, latitude and longitude.
These packages could be installed using pip or conda.
├── configs
├── datasets
├── models
├── README.txt
└── src
├── analyze_detection.py
├── exceptions.py
├── main.py
├── models_classes.py
└── training_testing_models.py
configs: Contains configuration files used for training, testing or analyzing detection.
datasets: Should contain datasets used to train or test a deep learning model to detect different kinds of attacks (mentioned above).
Such datasets can be downloaded by accessing https://mega.nz/folder/xTcRFIxZ#hTj6vVoR-40ZgAx_9BSHmw.
models: Contains your pretrained models (as well as newly trained models).
src: Contains the source codes.
analyze_detection.py: Module containing functions and classes used to analyze the detection of anomalies in individual flights as well the alarm mechanism.
exceptions.py: Module containing the exceptions garanteeing the use of a config file with valid values.
main.py: The only script that should be run.
models_classes.py: Module containing the classes of the models.
training_testing_models.py: Module containing functions used to train and test models.
The directory "datasets" contains datasets used to train or test a deep learning model to detect different kinds of attacks. Each dataset contains a list of files associated with specific flights identified by their callsigns. Each row in such files is called a meta message and contains the following features: rank/counter, relative time, aircraft id, altitude, ground speed, track, latitude, longitude, vertical rate, label (attacked:1, normal:0). Note that in any given dataset only half the flights are attacked in order to have a balanced amount of attacked messages relative to normal messages. These features are denoted respectively by 0,7,8,4,12,13,14,15,16,17,24 which denote the corresponding cell number in a SBS message (except for 0 and 24 which do not exist in a SBS message). For a more detailed explanation of the SBS format please refer to: http://woodair.net/SBS/Article/Barebones42_Socket_Data.htm.
train_directory: 'Train_3waypoints_att_mean_Meta'
test_directory: 'Test_3waypoints_att_mean_Meta'
lookback: 10
epochs: 10
batch_size: 512
to_diff_cond: 1
model_class: 'MV_LSTM_SUPERVISED'
pretrained: 1
label_for_metamessage_or_window: 0
concatenated_df: 0
threshold_alarm: 100
loss_function: "mse"
optimizer: "adam"
future_time_as_input: 0
scaling: 0
usage: main.py [-h] --config CONFIG (--train_test | --analyze_detection)
This python script is used to train and test an LSTM model or a Transformer model to detect anomalies in windows of adsb_messages in a supervised fashion. This script can also be used with test pretrained models to detect anomalies as well as a cumulative alarm mechanism. The alarm mechanism is launched when the number of detected anomalous meta messages exceeds a specified threshold for a given flight.The anomalies already tested for detection are the following: waypoints attacks as well as gradual attacks individually inflicted on altitude, ground speed, track, latitude and longitude.
optional arguments:
-h, --help => show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG => specify the config file's path relative to the configs directory
--train_test => train and/or test a model
--analyze_detection => test a pretrained model as well as the alarm mechanism
example of training and/or evaluating a new model/pretrained model using the example config file:
python main.py --config config_lstm_3waypoints_att_mean_Meta.yaml --train_test
Model used:
(linear_combine): Linear(in_features=71, out_features=70, bias=True)
(l_lstm): LSTM(7, 64, bias=False, batch_first=True)
(l_lstm2): LSTM(64, 32, batch_first=True)
(l_linear_supervised): Linear(in_features=320, out_features=1, bias=True)
(relu): ReLU()
Evaluation of classification of meta messages:
test_mse= 0.02003899857237369
classifier evaluation
conf_matrix precision recall fscore
0 [[71434, 887], [1415, 41140]] 97.889452 96.674891 97.278381
TPR= 96.67489131711903
FPR= 1.226476403810788
example of evaluating a pretrained model and the alarm which uses its predictions
using the example config file:
python main.py --config config_lstm_3waypoints_att_mean_Meta.yaml --analyze_detection
Model used:
(linear_combine): Linear(in_features=71, out_features=70, bias=True)
(l_lstm): LSTM(7, 64, bias=False, batch_first=True)
(l_lstm2): LSTM(64, 32, batch_first=True)
(l_linear_supervised): Linear(in_features=320, out_features=1, bias=True)
(relu): ReLU()
Evaluation of classification of meta messages:
test_mse= 0.02003899857237369
classifier evaluation
conf_matrix precision recall fscore
0 [[71434, 887], [1415, 41140]] 97.889452 96.674891 97.278381
TPR= 96.67489131711903
FPR= 1.226476403810788
Performance of alarm: the performance of the classification of individual
flights as containing any attack or not.
Performance of alarm from predictions:
test_mse= 0.0
classifier evaluation
conf_matrix precision recall fscore
0 [[11, 0], [0, 9]] 100.0 100.0 100.0
TPR= 100.0
FPR= 0.0
Theoretical alarm:
This is an alarm that depends on a perfect theoretical detector that can detect
all anomalous meta messages. In other words this alarm is launched if the number
of anomalies in a given flight is above the specified alarm threshold.
Performance of theoretical alarm:
test_mse= 0.0
classifier evaluation
conf_matrix precision recall fscore
0 [[11, 0], [0, 9]] 100.0 100.0 100.0
TPR= 100.0
FPR= 0.0
Performance of alarm from predictions compared to the performance of theoretical alarm:
test_mse= 0.0
classifier evaluation
conf_matrix precision recall fscore
0 [[11, 0], [0, 9]] 100.0 100.0 100.0
TPR= 100.0
FPR= 0.0