I'm developing an application and need to send notifications to the iOS devices. In the past year, I had used Java-APNS which I think is much better than other libs, such as JavaPNS and so on. But there are still some problem. For example, sometime an exception was thrown: java.lang.StackOverflowError. And the device couldn't receive notifications after a period time. Then I used JSTACK and JMAP to find what happened, that's DEADLOCK, I found, which caused Java-APNS didn't work any more. I had to restart the service to recover it. That's terrible. So I decide to develop a new Java client for APNS. Then dbay-apns4j comes. It's best, I think.
You can find demo in the package. In this file: com.dbay.apns4j.demo.Apns4jDemo.java
Create an ApnsService
private static IApnsService apnsService;
if (apnsService == null) {
ApnsConfig config = new ApnsConfig();
InputStream is = Apns4jDemo.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("Certificate.p12");
apnsService = ApnsServiceImpl.createInstance(config);
Send notification
String token = "94c4764e4545f41a7b2052692c8a9b41f9c5c925876e11fec5721d9074ee5e5a";
Payload payload = new Payload();
payload.setAlert("Hello, how are you?");
//payload.setAlertBody("alert body");
//payload.setAlertLocKey("use emotion ok");
//payload.setAlertLocArgs(new String[]{"3"});
//payload.addParam("uid", 123456);
//payload.addParam("type", 12);
service.sendNotification(token, payload);
If you are using dbay-apns4j, let me know and keep in touch, thx. You can send an email to me: lzhc2004@163.com
2014-09-22:ios8更新后,如果没有设置声音(Payload.setSound()),那么手机收到推送很可能不响。 此时需要更新dbay-apns4j包,或者自己设置下声音。eg: Payload.setSound("xx")。注意不能设为空串,否则不响,设为任意串均可。