Randagio13 / countries-states-cities-service

Get the World's countries, states, regions and cities
MIT License
16 stars 5 forks source link
# Countries States Cities Service [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/countries-states-cities-service.png?compact=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/countries-states-cities-service/)

Table of contents

  1. Mission
  2. Getting started
  3. Usage
  4. Contributors
  5. Need help
  6. Licence
  7. Sponsor


Getting started

To get started with this library, you need to install it and add it to your project.


Countries States Cities Service is available as an npm package.

# npm
npm install countries-states-cities-service

# yarn
yarn add countries-states-cities-service


Import single named import as follow:

import { Countries, States, Cities } from 'countries-states-cities-service'


The code snippet below shows how to put into action countries-states-cities-service in some common use cases.


const countries = Countries.getCountries()
const countries = Countries.getCountries({
  sort: {
    mode: 'asc',
const countries = Countries.getCountries({
  sort: {
    mode: 'desc',
const countries = Countries.getCountries({
  sort: {
    mode: 'alphabetical',
    key: 'iso2',
const countries = Countries.getCountries({ locale: 'it' })
const countries = Countries.getCountries({ filters: { iso2: 'US' } })
const countries = Countries.getCountries({
  filters: { iso2: 'IT' },
  locale: 'it',
const countries = Countries.getCountries({ filters: { iso3: 'ITA' } })


const states = States.getStates()
const states = States.getStates({
  sort: {
    mode: 'asc',
const states = States.getStates({
  sort: {
    mode: 'desc',
const states = States.getStates({
  sort: {
    mode: 'alphabetical',
    key: 'name',
const states = States.getStates({ locale: 'it' })
const states = States.getStates({ filters: { country_code: 'IT' } })
const states = States.getStates({
  filters: { country_code: 'IT' },
  locale: 'it',
const states = States.getStates({
  filters: {
    country_code: 'IT',
    is_region: true,
const states = States.getStates({
  filters: {
    country_code: 'IT',
    state_code: 'GE',


const cities = Cities.getCities()
const cities = Cities.getCities({
  sort: {
    mode: 'asc',
const cities = Cities.getCities({
  sort: {
    mode: 'desc',
const cities = Cities.getCities({
  sort: {
    mode: 'alphabetical',
    key: 'name',
const cities = Cities.getCities({
  filters: {
    country_code: 'IT',
const cities = Cities.getCities({
  filters: {
    country_code: 'IT',
    state_code: '42', // Region iso2


Any contribution is appreciated. You can get started with the steps below:

  1. Fork this repository (learn how to do this here).

  2. Clone the forked repository.

  3. Make your changes and create a pull request (learn how to do this).

  4. I will attend to your pull request and provide some feedback.

Need help?

Ping me on Twitter


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.


Don't be shy! 😜

:heart: Sponsor