Raphaeljunior / resolve-comments

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Resolve-Comments is a Sublime text 3 plugin that allows users to view their Github issues and pull requests within their terminal, eliminating the need to switch between browser tabs and your editing environnment.


To initialize this Sublime Text 3 Plugin on Linux machines simply clone the repository in the following directory:


For Mac machines: /Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages Mac Machines might also require an install of some xcode tools with the terminal line below: xcode-select --install

The plugin must be run in the Sublime Text 3 interface within a folder that has an initialized git repository. To run the plugin simply click the view tab in the Sublime text interface and click the Show Console option. If done correctly there should be a console on the bottom of the screen. Starting the plugin requires running the following command in the console:


On running this command you will be promped with a username and password on the bottom of the screen. Type your Github username and personal access token to run the plugin. Given that the authentication is correct the user should be presented with a panel of issues and pull requests that are searchable and selectable.

To change preferences for the plugin simply run the command:


If run correctly it should provide the user with two panels to interact with. This user input will be stored in mongo persistenly so it can be restored on startup.

If you want to sign out of the plugin run the command:


This will reset the username and password prompt when "insert_panel" is called again.

How to test

There are two sets of tests to run, the Sublime Text specific tests, and the backend tests. Both tests are run on travis and builds can be viewed at the following link: https://travis-ci.com/Raphaeljunior/resolve-comments/builds.

Coverage is reported by the below command. It reports coverage.

    nosetests --with-coverage

Sublime Text

To run the tests for the Sublime Text front end tests first open the Sublime Text editor. Select Preferences and Package Control. In the panel that pops up select Package Control: Install Package. In the new panel that pops up type UnitTesting and select the first package that shows up. Restart Sublime Text.

To run the UnitTesting Command type Shift-Ctrl-P to open the command panel and type UnitTesting. Click the first result. A panel should popup asking for what package should be tested, type git_comments. The tests corresponding to the package should be evalutated and presented to the user. If the test results don't show up type Shift-Ctrl-P again and type UnitTesting: Show Output Panel.



The user can login into the repository using their Github username and password. On first entry a specialized Github token is generated to automatically log the user in.

Github Issue and Pull Request Search

After authentication users can search for Github Issues and Pull requests in a scrollable panel that can take input to narrow dow specific issues or PR's users want to view.

Detailed Github Issue PR view

If a user selects a Issue or PR from the search panel a side panel is presented with the specific issue or PR in a detailed HTML format. Issue/PR details, author, open/closed status, and comments are presented. Multiple Issues/PR's can be selected and viewed in the side panel if desired.

Pull Request External Link:

If a Pull Request is presented on the side panel a user can click a link that opens the default browser and directs the user to the github.com link for the PR.

Issue Comment Generator

If an Issue is presented on the side panel a user can click a link that pops up an input panel. A user can add text to this panel to add commments to the specific issue. These issue comments will show in the side panel and also on github.com.

Plugin Preferences

A user can change the size of the size panel, and whether issues or PR's are presented. These settings are stored persistently and are loaded on startup.


Project uses virtualenv [https://packaging.python.org/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtualenv/] for package management. To get started run python3 -m pip install virtualenv

If you encounter any trouble please visit the linked virtualenv installation page. To install the packages and replicate the environment, CD into the project root folder and run pipenv install In case you install any packages crucial to the development of your user story don't forget to update your requirements.txt using pip freeze > requirements.txt

To make your life easier, consider using Pycharm Pro which can be obtained using your columbia student email. It will automatically detect you are using virtual env and handle a lot of things for you.

To ensure all pre-commit hooks are enforced run this from the project root directory. precommit install

Coding style and code standards

The project will use PEP8 python coding standards. If you guys find any additional linting needed or unnecessary we shall address it. Pylint will enforce coding style, documentation, error detection and refactoring. A number of precommit hooks have been installed to ensure that JSON is properly formatted, no trailing white spaces, detect private keys, fix requirents.txt, enforce pylint's code standards and ensure no one ever commits directly to Master. To have an easy time, set your editor or IDE to PEP8 coding style and install the linting file.

A continuos integration service will be established to ensure Master is always green, builds successfully and that basic code coverage meets a particular standard. The goal is to ensure at any point, master has something that can be a demo.

Code reviews

All pull requests are subject to review by another team member after they have passed the precommit checks and Continuos integration checks before getting merging in https://travis-ci.com/Raphaeljunior/resolve-comments/builds