) to match class names..about-page
class declaration can be found in the _about-page.scss
JavaScript filenames should be camel case (i.e. camelCase
) to match the JS object/method naming conventions.
HTML/Jekyll templates should be snake case (i.e. snake_case
) to match Jekyll/Ruby conventions.
is runningdocker-compose up
Note: if you don't see your changes showing up, stop the jekyll server, do a jekyll clean
then start the server again.
You may find reading about Jekyll will help also.
This section provides a summary of the ways different types of content can be added.
folder. The filename should match the pic
value you provided with your details above/pages
of the page in the frontmatterblog/_posts
directory, edit the file name and "front matter" accordingly_case_studies/
directory, edit the file name and "front matter" accordinglyimg
and a thumbnail
for the new case study item in the assets/img/case-studies
directoryIn your markdown, you can use a shortcode to add syntax highlighting to your code. Below is an example for JavaScript:
{%highlight javascript %}
function myCoolFunc() {
let hello = "uh, hello";
{% endhighlight %}