Raptacon / Robot-2024

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Raptacon (Team 3200) CI Pipeline

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Welcome to Robot 2024

Please take a look at the wiki for the most up to date documenation

Also make sure to check out the Kanban board test


According to Robotpy the "RobotPy WPILib on the roboRIO uses the latest version of Python 3 at kickoff". The version of Python for 2024 you want to install is 3.11.7 or 3.12.1.

There is a general setup that is needed for each OS before you can build the code. Please look at the FRC Zero to Robot to get the initial setup for NI and then WPILib which has an amazing need to mount an ISO this year so make sure to pay attention to the "Mount" instructions. Once you have those completed in theory you can clone our code and type make. Make sure to see the OS specific instructions below.


You almost certainly want to install pyenv to manage your various python versions. You still want to use venv but pyenv manages your overall python

There is a good tutorial (here)[https://realpython.com/intro-to-pyenv/]

OSX Users

If you're using OSX you probably want to install python from python.org. Brew python has problems with Tk (simulator) where the widgets won't render correctly.

Windows Users

Initial Installation

The easiest way to get things working is to install the package manager Chocolatey by going here and going to Step 2 and following the directions OR just opening a PowerShell windows as Admin (yes...be careful) and doing:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

once you have that completed you may install the Make system for windows by doing

choco install make

after make has been installed, you can simply just go to the root of the Robot-2023 source and type in make and it should create a venv and install the required packages for building the robot code.


#Windows setup from cmd
python -m venv raptaconVenv
pip install -r requirements.txt

Another way to get thingss working is to install Git and open a command prompt. use the command "cd [the desired location]" and the "git clone [the repo's link]". This will download the repo into the location you set in the command prompt. Next open the repo in visual studio code. Then create a virtual environment through the command "python -m venv .venv". Once the environment is created run the command "pip install -r requirements.txt" to install the necessary packages to work, and run the code. Now that robotpy is installed, makes sure that you have the file pyproject.toml and run the command "python -m robotpy sync".

Hardware for the Robot

roboRio (Gray box)

There are now two types of roboRIOs. The v2 can be identified by having the microSD card reader next to the large USB header on the top of the roboRIO. Otherwise the RIOs look the same. Identify your RIO version first before going to the v1 or v2 section to program the image.

Once you DO install the latest image, PLEASE LABEL the RIO with the current date and image version. This will make it easy to identify when the RIO was last updated.

roboRio v1

To install the roboRIO image for a v1 RIO look at the docs here.

Once you DO install the latest image, PLEASE LABEL the RIO with the current date and image version. This will make it easy to identify when the RIO was last updated.

roboRio v2

To install the roboRIO image for a v1 RIO look at the docs here.

Once you DO install the latest image, PLEASE LABEL the RIO with the current date and image version. This will make it easy to identify when the RIO was last updated.

RoboRio packages

If you have ran the command "python -m robotpy sync" and have successfully installed the packages associated with it, connect to the robot and run the command "python -m robotpy deploy". This command runs tests based on our code, if the tests fail check what they are. You can continue deploying packages and code, but do so with caution. You should see files being downloaded on the bot. It will take a while if no packages have been installed on the bot previously. For this to work you do need to have python installed on the bot.

Radio Firmware (white box)

See this doc on how to update/program the radio. Be sure to label the radio with the new SSID and firmware version!

Once you install the firmware, PLEASE LABEL the radio with the current date, firmware version AND SSID. This will make it easy to identify when the RIO was last updated and how to connect to the bot.

Motors / Motor Controllers

Once you install the firmware, PLEASE LABEL the radio with the current date, firmware version AND SSID. This will make it easy to identify when the RIO was last updated and how to connect to the bot.

TODO more documentation here around motors, controllers and how to update them.

How to deploy code on the bot

Once you have run the command "python -m robotpy sync" and have connected to the bot, run the command "python -m robotpy deploy" and it will run tests to check for any obvious errors. Then it will check for variations in packages and install any missing ones. Then it deploys the code to the bot.

If you don't have the driver station installed on your device, you need to do that. You can install it from NI FRC tools


Ensure that you have a robotConfig definied in your home directory:

If you DON'T have this file defined, you may not be using the correct robot config and end up with the sim/bot crashing with something like

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/chirsch/src/raptacon/2023/Robot-2023.deleteme/.venv_osx/lib/python3.11/site-packages/wpilib/_impl/start.py", line 163, in _start
  File "/Users/chirsch/src/raptacon/2023/Robot-2023.deleteme/robot.py", line 37, in robotInit
    self.container = Dumbo()
  File "/Users/chirsch/src/raptacon/2023/Robot-2023.deleteme/robots/breadboxBot.py", line 20, in __init__
    self.robot_arm = self.subsystems["arm"]

For Linux/OSX

echo breadboxBot.yml > ~/robotConfig

For Windows create a file called robotConfig in your home directory with the contents of breadboxBot.yml or greenBot.yml etc

echo breadboxBot.yml > ~/robotConfig

Enable Power shell

Power shell does not allow sccripts on windows now by default


Telemetry is recording real-time time data and being able to record it back.

Right now, our telemetry is able to reccord 2 seperate controllers, field positions, and some drive train things(velocity, steer degree, and drive percent)

for viewing the logs, we use AdvantageScope.

How to download: Go to https://github.com/Mechanical-Advantage/AdvantageScope/releases/tag/v3.0.1 and download the correct version for your device.

How to run:

  1. open AdvantageScope
  2. click file -> open
  3. find the log you want to open in the file explorer(you may want to sort by recent if that is not already the default you have)

Extra things:

Deployed Robot Version

When code is deployed to the robot, a deploy.json file will be automatically created with deploying computer information

The robot has lots of information in it. This now includes the version of code (git SHA), where it was deployed and in theory who did it. The reality is that code is deployed (like a lot) from the drive team laptop, so the who may be a bit misleading. To find this information, just look in the SmartDashboard for Robot Version (git SHA), Git Branch, Deploy Host and Deploy User.

There is a /home/lvuser/deploy.json file which at the time of this writing (2023-03-03) looks like:

  "deploy-host": "DESKTOP-80HA89O",
  "deploy-user": "ehsra",
  "deploy-date": "2023-03-02T17:54:14",
  "code-path": "C:\\Users\\ehsra\\Documents\\Github\\Robot-2023",
  "git-hash": "3f4e89f138d9d78093bd4869e0cac9b61becd2b9",
  "git-desc": "3f4e89f-dirty",
  "git-branch": "fix-recal-nbeasley"