ArmAx missions database written in python3 and jQuery
FAMDB is designed to simplify the lives of admins and hosts.
FolkArps's instance of FAMDB can be seen at
Users can create and edit mission descriptions, upload mission versions, and schedule deletion of specific versions of missions.
Admins can move missions from the mission making server (MM server) to the main server, and create sessions with specific missions.
Issues can be reported at
After python 3.5+, pip and git have been installed run
sudo pip install -e git+git://
This will download FAMDB to the current directory. Then run
pip install -r requirementsPosix.txt or pip install -r requirementsWindows.txt depending on your environment
windows users will then have to install pycrypt manually using a command that I lost.
FAMDB runs as a WSGI server.
You have 2 options to run FAMDB
Running using apache or nginx WSGI server. This is reccomended.
For apache there are two directives that are necessary.
Running using python's built in WSGI server.
Starting the server: python start
Stopping the server: python stop
in the file config.config there are a number of properties:
Please ensure that the user running the server has permissions to access these folders, as well as the entire famdb folder structure.
FAMDB uses sqlite and as such stores its data in a file named famdb.db If you need to wipe your data, just delete this file. It is suggested that you back up this file occasionally
For help contact Pooter on discord at Pooter#7054 or on the FolkArps discord (