RasmusBrostroem / ConnectFourRL

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Playing Connect Four with Reinforcement Learning (WIP!)

NOTE: This repository was initially created as part of an exam project, but has recently undergone a major refactoring.
Currently, we're in the process of documenting the project and creating some templates/examples of how you can extend it and implement your own agents and training strategies. If you're interested, please come back in a a month or so!

Training an agent

The script "training_script.py" serves as a basic template for learning an agent to play the game.
The script defines the function train(), which can train any two implemented player classes against each other. Ie., you can also use the function both for training one agent against an opponent using the Minimax-strategy.
The script should give an idea of how to write training scripts using our environment.

Logging with Neptune

We use Neptune to track the training progress of agents. To use our logging functions, you therefore need a Neptune user and write access to a project. You also need to have your personal API token set as a system variable on your PATH.
See the Neptune docs for instructions.


This project was built using Python version 3.9.13. The used packages are listed in requirements.txt and req_no_cuda.txt, which can be used to create a virtual environment as described here. Use requirements.txt if you have a CUDA-enabled GPU available for computations and use req_no_cuda.txt if not.