RasmusFonseca / EvoBundle

Bundle visualization that evolves
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Flareplots illustrate contacts between grouped nodes and are useful for exploring interaction graphs. They have a time-slider to illustrate the evolution of dynamically changing networks and circular layers of color-coded annotations.

Input format

The input is a JSON-file that could look like the following:

    {"name1":"ARG135", "name2":"ASP134", "frames":[0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9]},
    {"name1":"ASP134", "name2":"TRP161", "frames":[4,5,6,7]},
    {"name1":"TYR223", "name2":"ARG135", "frames":[4,5,6,9]},
    {"name1":"TYR223", "name2":"TYR306", "frames":[0,1,2,5,6,7,8]},
    {"name1":"TYR306", "name2":"VAL54",  "frames":[1,4,5,6,7,8]}

Here ARG135 and ASP134 interacts at times 0 to 4 and 6 to 9. Names are ordered alphabetically unless it is suffixed by a number in which case the number determines the order.

The input-json can contain three sections


This section has the format

    {"name1":<string>, "name2":<string>, "frames":<int-list>, "color":<string>, "width":<int>},

The fields name1, name2, and frames are mandatory but the others are not. If no trees or tracks are specified, the names used in the edges section will be collected and used as node-definitions. The color field follows CSS standards, so can be either red, #FF0000, rgb(255,0,0).

The edge-width is measured in pixels.


This section has the format

    { "treeName":<string>, "treePaths":<string-list> },

Each tree has a name and a set of paths. Each "path" is a dot-separated list of branches in the path from the node to the root in a tree. This tree is used to order and group nodes. In the following example, Asn1 and Pro2 will be placed in the same group because theyre both children of helix1 while His3 will be placed in a separate group.

    { "treeName":"Group-order",
      "treePaths": [


This section has the format

    { "trackName":<string>, 
      "nodeProperties": [
        {"nodeName":<string>, "color":<string>, "size":<float>, "label":<string>},

Each track specifies visual cues for each of the nodes. If color is specified and size is non-zero a box will appear next to the node-label with the indicated color. The width of the box depends on the number of nodes around the flare-plot and the height of the box by the size parameter which should be a number between 0 and 1.

If color is not specified but label is, the track will contain a text-label. The node-labels are considered a special track which by default is enabled and placed closest to the center. This default can be overwritten by adding a special track named "nodelabels". In the following example, same-sized boxes will appear as the inner track and node-labels appear as the outer track

    { "trackName":"Boxes",
        {"nodeName":"Asn1", "color":"blue", "size":1.0},
        {"nodeName":"Pro2", "color":"blue", "size":1.0},
        {"nodeName":"His3", "color":"red",  "size":1.0}
    { "trackName":"nodelabels", 
        {"nodeName":"Asn1", "label":"Asn1"},
        {"nodeName":"Pro2", "label":"Pro2"},
        {"nodeName":"His3", "label":"His3"},

The nodeProperties entry is not required, so the above example could equivalently be written

    { "trackName":"Boxes",
        {"nodeName":"Asn1", "color":"blue", "size":1.0},
        {"nodeName":"Pro2", "color":"blue", "size":1.0},
        {"nodeName":"His3", "color":"red",  "size":1.0}
    { "trackName":"nodelabels" }


This section has the format

  "defaults":{"color":<string>, "width":<int>}

where none of the fields are mandatory, but if specified they set edge-defaults. When a node is selected, the adjacent interactions are highlighted by removing the transparency. The default color should therefore ideally have a bit of transparency, which can be specified using e.g. rgba(255,0,0,100).

Developer API

The following outlines an API for developers wishing to incorporate a flareplot on a homepage. The general template should be

<script src="https://github.com/RasmusFonseca/EvoBundle/raw/gh-pages/d3.js" />
<script src="https://github.com/RasmusFonseca/EvoBundle/raw/gh-pages/flareplot-main.js" />
<script src="https://github.com/RasmusFonseca/EvoBundle/raw/gh-pages/flareplot-parser.js" />
    <div id="flare-container"></div>
      d3.text("plotfile.json", function(data) {
        var plot = createFlareplot("flare-container", data);

Where plotfile.json contains a json file with the format specified above.

The following functions are available after a dataset has been loaded: