RasmusHaapaniemi / RaySAR_Python

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Original RaySAR was created by Stefan Auer 
and you may read his PhD thesis and check the code here: 
The reposity includes original MATLAB program, documentation,
and modifyed POV-Ray rendering tool.

This modification of the RaySAR for machine learning purposes
was conducted with cooperation with ICEYE Oy and Aalto univeristy.
You may read more detailed project describtion here:
and also see my attatched masters thesis for full documentation.

=========== USED LIBRARIES =============









============ TERMINAL USAGE =============

Terminal usage with current folder structure:

Set current direcotry to main git folder.

Add parameters to para.json file in the folder,

that is automaticly opened when runned.

Run main.py with python3

Tell name of wanted parametrs

"py main.py T62-17"

"py main.py CAR"

"py main.py PLANE"

============ PARA FILE INFO ==============

Filename is name of parameter set that is given as arg

az min is left limit of created image az max is right limit of created image az spacing affects how many horizontal pixels image has

ra min is up limit of created image ra max is down limit of created image ra spacing affects how many vertical pixels image has

dBmin sets lowest possible amplitude to whole image dBmax sets highest possible amplitude to whole image dBrng allows dB limits to fluctuate within set percent value

noise allows measured complex amplitude vectors randomly rotate with given angle limit

trace level is maximum bounce number for rays

response th is minimum percent value of amplitude from global maximum that gets this effect respsonse decay changes how fastly effect gets smaller

visual data plots informative images image rescale changes output images true pixel size upside down flips image vertically

path is relative path within main git folder to wanted data folder.

=========== QUICK START ============

Models are usually in middle, but range can change from scene to scene. Visual data plots data-coordinate images that can be used to locate object.

Pixel spacing changes resolution. Smaller is higher. Changin this may produce aliasing that is depended on used resolution in the POV-Ray. Good values that don't produce aliasing are: 2 az spacing = POV-Ray az spacing and tan(90-incicent) ra spacing = POV-Ray ra spacing

dB limits affect the color scaling of the image. Visual data plots dB and 8-bit histogram, that can be used as help to obtain good image.

Response function simulates limited frequency range of SAR system by greating star liked shapes. It is replicated as steep exponential function and thus the larger pixel amplitude means larger effect. Th limits the number of points that get the effect as percent value from global maximum amplitude. Decay affects to decreasing phase of the function. Smaller is faster.

Path is reltive path to data folder inside of the main git folder. Application iterates all .txt files (Conributions) in that folder and saves them to same location.