RattletraPM / DetermiToolkit

Undertale string editor with a twist
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-- DetermiToolkit v0.4b --

(Former UDTranslation Kit)

by RattletraPM

This toolkit is distributed under a CreativeCommons BY-NC 4.0 license. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

-- INTRO --

THIS IS AN UNSTABLE RELEASE AND AS SUCH IT MAY CONTAIN A LOT OF BUGS. Error handling has been improved but it's still pretty sloppy, so don't be surprised if your patch or data.win file gets ruined in case something wrong. Make constant backups and you'll be fine.

Keep in mind that those tools are made with AutoIt, and some antiviruses really hate AutoIt (mainly those with crappy heuristics). If you have any problems with UDTranslationKit, try to add the kit's tools in its exclude directory.

This is a major rewrite of DetermiToolkit. The tools finally have a nice, user friendly GUI [citation needed] and so you'll be able to edit strings without touching a HEX editor at all. The basic functions (extracting strings, importing strings, editing strings, searching for strings) are fully working but the functions related to TranslaTale interoperability and bookmarks aren't completed yet, so you won't be able to use those. Sorry, but I prefer releasing something unstable but still usable to you all rather than giving you something with lots of functions but that's broken and that will either crash every two seconds or ruin your work completely.

Soon enough I will release some video tutorials to show you how to get stuff done with this program. Check my blog frequently if you're interested!

-- Libraries, UDFs and other credits --

DetermiToolkit uses either part or the entirety of the following UDFs: Shaggi's Console.au3, Matt Diesel's (Mat) Console.au3, wOuter's _ReduceMemory()


Unless otherwise stated, the software on this site is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall RattletraPM be held liable for any damages arising from the use of the software.

...In layman's terms, if you break something, don't blame me.


If you find this toolkit or the tutorial useful, please consider donating some bitcoins to my address. I know, some of you might call me an e-beggar but I'm just a simple student and, as such, not only I haven't got much time on my hands (and I've spent much of it on figuring out all of this) but I've also put a ton of effort in it so, if you liked it, giving me even just some spare change would be a great way to show your appreciation!

My BTC address for donations is: 1MwsNoWiu2rHJbTNKWWhc25YpkZvmsFixN