RattletraPM / Snickerstream

Unified NTR and HzMod streaming client for the 3DS
GNU General Public License v3.0
315 stars 19 forks source link


Snickerstream is a streaming client for Nintendo 3DS consoles. It's the first and currently only one that supports both NTR and HzMod (the two available homebrew apps for streaming) and that can also receive streams from multiple 3DS consoles to the same PC using NTR. Unlike other clients Snickerstream has been rewritten completely from scratch, allowing it to offer a ton more features with an extremely small resource footprint. Plus, most of said features are shared with both streaming apps so you can use whichever one you want while retaining all your settings!

(NOTE: As of version 1.10 HzMod support is still experimental and partially incomplete and only its latest version is supported. However game compatibility is almost flawless, only very few titles cannot be streamed using Snickerstream but can be using HorizonScreen. All of this will be gradually fixed with each newer version!)

Snickerstream's three main focuses are performance, customizability and feature-richness. If all you want to do is to set up a simple 3DS streaming environment then your usual NTR & HzMod settings are all there, or if you don't want to touch them at all you can even choose one of the built-in presets. However, if you're someone who wants to tweak every single variable and setting to get everything up and running just the way you want it to be, you'll definitely feel just at home in the advanced menu... or in the settings INI, if that's more your thing.

Don't believe me? Here are some examples of features you can expect:

And that's not even counting HzMod support, which offers several features that NTR does not have!

HzMod was made by @Sono who also helped me to add support for it in Snickerstream (thanks a lot again!) so if you enjoy it, that's who you should thank! =P

Quick tutorial, Troubleshooting & FAQ

You can find tutorials, troubleshooting instructions & FAQ on Snickerstream's GitHub wiki!

Keyboard shortcuts

ESC: Close Snickerstream. You can also close the program by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting "Exit".

UP/DOWN ARROWS: Increase/Decrease scaling

LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS: Change interpolation settings

S: Take a screenshot

ENTER: Go back to the connection window

SPACEBAR: Pop up the other screen (can only be done in fullscreen modes)

S/D: Increase/Decrease streaming quality (HzMod only)

How to compile

You need AutoIt v3.3.14.4 or later to compile Snickerstream.

After you've downloaded and installed AutoIt, clone this repo to your hard drive and use Aut2Exe to compile Snickerstream.au3 to an EXE file or open it in SciTE to run the script without compiling.


Written by RattletraPM in AutoIt v3. Tested by Roman Sgarz and Silly Chip. Snickerstream uses the Direct2D and WIC UDFs written by trancexx and Eukalyptus. HzMod made by Sono, who also helped with adding HzMod support to Snickerstream. Donations aren't a necessity but they're highly appreciated! :D (Donations can be sent via