RattyDAVE / alpine-multics

Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) was a mainframe time sharing operating system begun in 1965
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Does this result in a usable system? #2

Open lojikil opened 1 year ago

lojikil commented 1 year ago

I apologize if I missed something obvious, but I've not been able to successfully add a user to the system, and it seems like the underlying Multics is in an odd state (perhaps we need to rebuild it?)

I did some digging and found the new_proj and new_user programs, as well as some EC scripts to support adding users. I also did some digging into Multics sysop guides, and did find cv_pmf and the like. However, other programs, such as register appear to be missing, at least when I login as the Repair.SysAdmin user. I've tried:

None of which worked; I was able to get it to the point where User Service reports that the user isn't part of a project or that the project doesn't exist, but not really any further. Am I missing something obvious?

And also, thank you so much for your work on this!

RattyDAVE commented 1 year ago

I am sorry but my knowledge is limited on this.


Just for confirmation though I have tried myself and can create a user. But have the same problem with creating a project.

NOTE: a project is the like a group in current *nix/bsd systems.

RattyDAVE commented 1 year ago

A bit more playing

ec master new_proj DaveTest

lojikil commented 1 year ago

AH interesting, I didn't try with master in there; I've used Multics and Multics-alike systems before, but never actually attempted to administer one before. That's perfect, let me try that! and thank you!

edit for others that stumble into this:

I have to run master.ec in >udd>SysAdmin>admin ala ec >tools>master new_proj &PROJ, which gets me one step closer.

  1. cwd >udd>SysAdmin>admin
  2. ec >tools>master new_proj &PROJ where &PROJ is the name
login Repair.TestTest
Another Repair (Repair.TestTest) is now logging in from ASCII terminal "none".
This is your 2nd interactive login instance.
Load control group full. Please try again later.
Please try to login again or type "help" for instructions.

I'll experiment a bit more here