RattyDAVE / alpine-multics

Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) was a mainframe time sharing operating system begun in 1965
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Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) was a mainframe time sharing operating system begun in 1965

Use https://github.com/RattyDAVE/alpine-multics/issues to send feedback, issues, comments and general chat.

Part of the retro mini and mainframe series.

Thank you to the following.



Latest Version of the dps8m emulator.

docker run -d --name multics \
           -p 6180:6180 \

To run the beta version of the dps8m emulator.

docker run -d --name multics \
           -p 6180:6180 \

Or force version 1 of the dps8m emulator.

docker run -d --name multics \
           -p 6180:6180 \

It takes a few minutes to boot.

Show Logs

docker logs -f multics


telnet to port 6180 on the docker host.


docker run -dit --name multics rattydave/alpine-multics:latest

docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' multics

Then telnet on port 6180 to the container ip address on port 6180.

telnet ipaddress 6180


Press enter to select the first HSLA port. You should see a login banner.

enter login Repair.SysAdmin -cpw

password is "repair" -- give a new one, twice. you should be logged in.

try some commands, e.g. who

give the logout command when done.

Auto Update

To automatically update I recomend using watchtower.

docker run -d \
    --name watchtower \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \