RayBenefield / moderator

An assistant in the building of declarative chatbots.
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link

Logo courtesy of Carson Barry


Chatbots are a fast growing market and the technology behind them is still in their infancy. Moderator seeks to add to the expanding toolsets that exist for building chatbots by providing a declarative framework that makes reasoning a chatbot's conversational skills that much easier.

NOTICE: Active Development

Moderator is still in its early stages of development. Feel free to watch this project as it grows and use the issues section to put in any questions or ideas you may have. Below you can see the basic summaries of each Minor version. Nothing in this project promises to be stable until we reach a v1.0.0.


With this initial version we have setup the core skeleton of the moderator system. It ties together the bot, channels, recognizers, and branches. Because it only introduces the Console channel and the Passthrough recognizer, it doesn't provide any useful functionality. But it is still a major milestone. In future minor versions expect more channels (Facebook, Slack, Skype, etc.) and NLP recognizers (WitAi, ApiAi, or Luis).


NOTE: Moderator is currently not in a useable state, but you are free to explore to your heart's content.

yarn add moderator
npm install --save moderator
npm i -S moderator


See the examples/ directory for how everything ties together.


LOTS of documentation can be found in the docs/ folder including initial designs, inspiration, reasoning, plans, etc.


Interested in keeping up with development? This project is being managed through Pivotal Tracker and the project is open for all to view: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/1929223


Ray Benefield
Ray Benefield
Solution Architect


MIT © Ray Benefield