Spyro GBA Localization Patcher
A simple CMD tool for patching the localization text in the Digital Eclipse Spyro GBA games.
The tool supports three launch arguments:
Generate config files
This generates default config files in the current directory.
-i configFilePath
This imports the text from the text file to the ROM file.
-e configFilePath
This exports the text from the ROM file to the text file.
Config file
In order for text to be imported or exported a valid config file needs to be used. This is a simple JSON file with the following fields:
- ROMFilePath: The file path to the ROM file.
- TextFilePath: The file path to the text file. This is a JSON file.
- LocAddress: The address to the localization table in the ROM. This is an absolute address where the ROM uses base address 0x08000000.
- LocLength: The max length of the localization data to avoid overwriting existing data, or -1 to allow any length.
- Font: The font character table, defining which character each font index represents.
- Spyro: Season of Ice: All versions are supported, however there is currently no default config for the JP version.
- Spyro: Season of Flame: All versions are supported.
- Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs: Currently not supported due to text data being compressed (see Ray1Map).