RaySpaceAB / 3Dviewer

Touch screen intreface for skecthfab models
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 1 forks source link

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This wordpress theme is written in AngularJS to visualize 3D-models from Sketchfab by using their Viewer API. A working demo is available at http://shmdemo.se

Run from localhost

  1. Start Apache and mySQL server with XAMPP or any server application.
  2. Log in to http:/localhost/phpmyadmin and create a new database with name 3dviewer.
  3. Download the lates worpress version from Wordpress.com. Unzip it, copy and paste the worpress folder into to C:\xampp\htdocs.
  4. Type localhost/wordpress in you browser and configure the wordpress settings, type: 3dviewer as database name, root as username, leave the password blank, leave Database Host and Table Prefix as it is.
  5. Clone the github repository and copy the content in themes, plugins and uploads and paste it in the corresponding folders in wordpress/wp-content/.
  6. Navigate to wordpress/wp-content/themes/3Dviewer via your cmd and run npm install to install node modules. If you hasn't Node.js installed on your computer downloade the latest version from https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and install it before you run npm install.
  7. Type localhost/wordpress in you browser. Go to the Plugins tab in the menu and activate Annotation fields and Wordpress Importer.
  8. Go to the Tools tab and then import>(Wordpress) run importer>select file. Selcet test_data.xml from the cloned repository and hit submit.
  9. Go to the Appearance tab and activate the 3Dviewer theme.
  10. Open the first post and hit the update buttom in the right corner.
  11. Refresh the webpage localhost/wordpress and the 3dviewer-app will start running.

Running end-to-end tests

Run protractor conf from the test folder via Protractor.