RaymondWang987 / VDW_Dataset_Toolkits

The official generation code and toolkits of VDW dataset (ICCV 2023)
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VDW Dataset Toolkits πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Welcome to the VDW Dataset Toolkits! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

This repo contains the official generation code of Video Depth in the Wild (VDW) dataset.

The toolkits also serve as a comprehensive codebase to generate disparity from stereo videos.

The VDW dataset is proposed by ICCV 2023 paper "Neural Video Depth Stabilizer" (NVDS repo)

Authors: Yiran Wang1, Min Shi1, Jiaqi Li1, Zihao Huang1, Zhiguo Cao1, Jianming Zhang2, Ke Xian3*, Guosheng Lin3

Institutes: 1Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2Adobe Research, 3Nanyang Technological University

Project Page | Arxiv | Video | 视钑 | Poster | Supp | VDW Dataset | NVDS Repo

πŸ’¦ License and Releasing Policy

We have released the VDW dataset under strict conditions. We must ensure that the releasing won’t violate any copyright requirements. To this end, we will not release any video frames or the derived data in public. Instead, we provide meta data and detailed toolkits, which can be used to reproduce VDW or generate your own data. All the meta data and toolkits are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, which can only be used for academic and research purposes. Refer to the VDW official website for more information.

🌼 Dataset Highlight

Previous video depth datasets are limited in both diversity and volume. To compensate for the data shortage and boost the performance of learning-based video depth models, we elaborate a large-scale natural-scene dataset, Video Depth in the Wild (VDW). To the best of our knowledge, our VDW dataset is currently the largest video depth dataset with the most diverse video scenes. We collect stereo videos from diverse data sources. The VDW test set is with 90 videos and 12622 frames, while the VDW training set contains 14203 videos with over 2 million frames (8TB on hard drive). We also provide a VDW demo set with two sequences. Users could leverage the VDW official toolkits and demo sequences to learn about our data processing pipeline.

πŸ”¨ Installation

Please refer to GMFlow, SegFormer, and Mask2Former for installation. You can run these three models, than you can run our data generation code. If you change the names of environment, you can revise the lines of 'conda activate xxx' in our scripts for running. Thanks!

⚑ Data Generation with VDW Demo Set

🍭 Acknowledgement

We thank the authors for releasing PyTorch, MiDaS, DPT, GMFlow, SegFormer, VSS-CFFM, Mask2Former, PySceneDetect, and FFmpeg. Thanks for their solid contributions and cheers to the community.

πŸ“§ Citation

    author    = {Wang, Yiran and Shi, Min and Li, Jiaqi and Huang, Zihao and Cao, Zhiguo and Zhang, Jianming and Xian, Ke and Lin, Guosheng},
    title     = {Neural Video Depth Stabilizer},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {9466-9476}