RaynorUE / snich

Application for code work on a ServiceNow Instance
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ServiceNow Integrated Code Helper

Increase your development speed and Reduce Errors! Get out of ServiceNows clunky web editors and edit your scripts using all the power of VSCode!

This extension allows you to sync any application file record from ServiceNow. Including any field from that file! (Not just script fields!) Fully customize the fields of data being synced for any table!


Tip: Everything is done through the command pallete (Ctrl+Shift+P, or CMD+Shift+P on macs). Once launching the command pallete type in SNICH to see a list of all the available commands.

[SeriviceNow API Code Class Intellisense]()

This extention provides code completion for ServiceNow Code API And Classes.

WARNING: This functionality is currently in a Experimental Stage. It's solid, but will be odd in a few places.

Call For Help: If you see oddities, please take a moment to submit a github issue on the GitHub Repo! Even if it's like a few words / sentences, or just a screenshot!

Example GlideRecord Code Completion

GlideRecord Intellisense

Example RESTMEssageV2 Completion and Return Object type from Method

RESTMessage Intellisense

Example Compare with Server

Compare With Server

Primary Features

If you are into some heavy reading, this will go over the primary features!

[Setup New Instance]()

Will kick off new instance configuration. Asking for the following information.

Note: Multiple Instances supported. Will create a unique instance folder inside your workspace folder.

  • Instance name
  • Authentication Type
  • Basic (Warning: Will store ID and PW unencrypted. Be sure your computer is secure.) Requires UserName and Password
  • oAuth (Stores oAuth info unencrypted, but we DO NOT store your password at all in this scenario.);
  • Authentication Information
  • Depending on auth type selected, it will ask for the appropriate authentication information.

[Configure Table (New and Update)]()

After setting up an intance. You will want to run this action allows to configure additional tables to sync records from.

When executing this command it will perform the following.

  1. Ask which instance you want to configure a table for.
  2. List all tables extended from "Application File (sys_metadata)" found on that instance.
  3. After selecting a table, it will retrieve all fields for that table and ask you to select which fields you want to sync.
  4. After selecting the various fields you want to sync, it will ask you to enter a file extension for each field being synced. Take note of the [field_type] to help guide you to which extension to use.
  5. Once done, you can use "Sync Record" to sync records from this table.

[Test Connection]()

Once an instance has been configured, you can execute the test connection command to verify connectivity. This will be automatically executed during the New Instance setup process.

[Sync Record (Pull)]()

Sync a record from a configured instance. Executing this command will perform the following.

  1. Asks which instance you wish to sync a record from the list of configured instances you setup.
  2. Asks which record type you want to sync from that instance. This is based on the tables configured for that instance.
  3. Asks which record from that table you want to sync.
  4. Will create a folder named the table_name within the instance folder.
  5. Create file(s) based on following criteria.
    • If only one field from that table is configured for syncing, you will have a file in that folder named after the record to be synced.
    • If multiple fields are configured for that table, a folder will be created that is the "Name of the sycned record" and then individual files will be created for each field for that record.

[Load all Application Files (Pull)]()

This command will sync all application files for each configured table for the selected application.

Note: There is a setting to adjust whether you can pull sn_ scoped applications or not.

Executing this command will perform the following:

  1. Ask which instance to load application files from.
  2. Ask which application on that instance to load.
  3. Starts syncing all files for that application for each configured table.
  4. Note: You may need to refresh your workspace explorer for all the folders/files to show up.

[Compare with Server (Active Editor)]()

This command will compare the active text editor with the associated server file. If the files are the same the compare window will not be loaded.

Executing this command will perform the following:

  1. Attempt to retrieve the server content for the file in the active text editor.
  2. Compare the text in the text editor (not on disk) with the server content.
  3. If content is different it will launch the vscode file compare window.


Required Software

ServiceNow Instance

You must have access to a ServiceNow.com instance in order for this extension to work. If you're company does not have one or provide you access, you can sign up for a FREE personal developer instance.

Known Issues

Below are known issues and workarounds for them.