Rbanism / repro-challenge

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This repository was archived after the end of the challenge.

The Reproducibility Challenge for Researchers of the Urban Environment

We invite individuals or teams to submit entries with their own reproducible research related to the urban environment, together with a narrative self-assessment of the level of reproducibility and challenges involved.


We know how challenging it can be for urbanism researchers to make their papers reproducible by publishing associated code and data. The Reproducibility Challenge for Urbanism Researchers is meant both as a learning experience and as an encouragement for urbanism researchers to make their ongoing work reproducible.

The Challenge is organised by TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism, in collaboration with the TU Delft Library, and it is part of the Netherlands eScience Center fellowship project Rbanism, targeting digital competence in the urbanism research community.

Join the Challenge to learn more about reproducibility while working on your own project!


The challenge is open internationally to anyone conducting research in an urbanism-related field, such as (but not strictly limited to) urban design, spatial planning, urban studies, landscape architecture, architecture.


Submissions will be ranked based on the level of reproducibility and self-assessement and the top three will be awarded with the following prizes. As we want to support further development in reproducibility practices, we allocate more mentoring hours for the 2nd and 3rd prize winners.




If you want to learn more about reproducibility while preparing your submission, check out the Rbanism resources page.


A two-tiered assessment process will be used to evaluate and rank the submissions:

  1. a peer assessment in which participants evaluate the self-assessment checklist and reproducibility statement of two other submissions;
  2. after the entries have been ranked based on peer and self-assessment, the top 10 entries will be evaluated in depth by an expert assessment committee consisting of at least three members. The first three entries will be awarded in the wrap-up event with vouchers and mentoring hours.

How to submit

  1. Make a new GitHub repository and add your project to it.

  2. Make an issue in the submission repository in which you link to your project and fill out the checklist in the issue template. Start and issue with the submission template.

  3. If you want to keep your project private, invite @cforgaci as collaborator on your GitHub repo.

Please note that your issue will always be publicly visible as part of this repository. If your project repository is private, this will only be visible to invited collaborators.

Stay informed

If you are considering to make a submission and want to stay informed about new reproducibility resources posted on the website or updates about the Challenge, please let us know by sending an email to Claudiu Forgaci - C.Forgaci@tudelft.nl. Questions about the Challenge can be addressed to the same email.