Reactionz / MastrMind

a web-based aio time management application
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a web-based aio time management application hosted on an aws compute server

Stack Development Paradigms

These are the technologies we chose to use for application

Back End

Node.js Express JS MongoDB

Front End

React Bootstrap HTML CSS

Requirements for Installation and Usage

NPM (Node Package Manager) A Desktop / Mobile Browser A Environment File to connect to MongoDB (.env)

Currently, the application does not start on it's own; however, there are some steps that can be taken to get it running locally.

How to Install

  1. Clone the repository with this command: git clone

  2. Go within the root directory.

  3. Go within the mastrmind_backend directory and use this command to download the packages needed for the backend: npm install

  4. Once all packages are installed, use this command to initalize the backend: npm start

  5. Once that is initiallzed, you will do the same thing with the mastrmind_frontend folder where you will back out of the mastrmind_backend folder, select the mastrmind_frontend folder then use the command within your command line: npm install

  6. Once all installed, use this command to start the front-end of the application: npm start

  7. You will then be directed to the home page of our application.


  1. Still need to get a domain to host our page at all times or when needed.
  2. A lot.