Author: Rebecca S. Fine
Notes 2/26/20:
Note 7/15/19: The code for generating annotations + LD scores for gene windows has been simplified. The generate_gene_window/ folder has been removed, and the necessary script and template ( and are in the src/ directory.
This repository contains a collection of scripts people may find useful if they wish to implement our Benchmarker strategy, described in this manuscript: If you use these, please cite:
Fine et al. (2019) American Journal of Human Genetics
If you have questions, you can email me at or open an issue in the repository.
Pandas (>= 0.17)
We have provided several use-case examples:
1) General implementation for gene prioritization results 2) DEPICT 3) MAGMA (this is also a fairly general implementation for enrichment-based results)
For all examples, download
There are some versions of DEPICT in which the _geneprioritization_outside_input_loci.txt file (which is the relevant one for prioritization) is missing a tab between the 'P value' and 'False discovery rate' columns for genes with FDR >= 0.20. Please check your output files and fix this if this problem is present.
The first step is to generate what we refer to as "gene window" LD scores. Specifically, we will annotate all SNPs within 50 kb of any gene in your defined gene boundary as "1" and everything else as "0". This will serve as a control when we partition heritability (i.e. controlling for the fact that SNPs near/within any gene might be enriched for heritability). A template for this is in src/ The necessary paths and parameters are listed at the top and can be changed for your particular situation. (The script calls src/ to perform the actual annotation.)
The necessary files for running these can be downloaded from For more information, check out the LDSC wiki: In this case, we use gene boundaries in GPL570ProbeENSGInfo+HGNC_reformatted_noMHC_depictAndGtexGeneIntersection_RF.txt (provided on the Github and in the FTP site); these are the gene boundaries used in the AJHG paper, which represent genes in both DEPICT and GTEx excluding the MHC.
Note that you can decide to use a window size other than 50 kb by changing the parameter in the script. If you do that, just make sure that that window size is consistent for both your gene window annotation and your prioritization annotation.
Also note that the gene window files used in the manuscript are on the FTP site (gene_window_depict_and_gtex_gene_intersection_50kb.tar.gz). These are based on the input files called in the template script.
For this, we assume you have already run your method of interest in a leave-one-chromosome-out fashion. For each of these runs, prioritize the top 10% of genes on the withheld chromosome and put them into a single list of gene IDs.
Once you have generated your list of prioritized input genes, you will need to 1) annotate all SNPs in the baseline model as to whether they are prioritized or not, 2) calculate LD scores for the annotation you've created, 3) partition the heritability for your GWAS of interest, and 4) normalize the partitioned heritability by average per-SNP heritability for the trait.
I have structured this code so it is easy to test multiple GWASes at once, which I hope will be useful if you are testing performance of a particular method. I have also included a script,, which takes as input a single config file (generate_submission_scripts_example) and will produce 3 shell scripts that cover all of the other steps in this section.
Note that template submission files are in a format appropriate for submitting a job as a task array on an UGER-based system. This should be relatively straightforward to convert to any other type of queueing system (e.g. LSF).
You will need to process your input GWAS for LDSC with their script (see their wiki for details); this will format your GWAS data with the appropriate input columns. Here is an example command for munging our BMI summary statistics.
python ldsc/ \
--sumstats body_BMIz.sumstats.gz \
--out body_BMIz_forLDSC.sumstats.gz \
--merge-alleles ldsc/data/w_hm3.snplist
Another technical note to be aware of is that for the GWAS analyzed with LMM methods (e.g. BOLT-LMM), the effective N is larger than the actual N. This will not matter for any values that are normalized by overall trait h2 (e.g. normalized tau, proportion of h2 explained), but it does affect raw tau values (and of course their standard error). Note that in our manuscript, we focus exclusively on normalized tau, and we recommend others do the same; however, in the interest of thoroughness, we mention this here.
If you wish to analyze these values, you will need to divide them by (Neff/N). For the GWAS in our manuscript from BOLT-LMM, these values can be found in the README of For a more detailed explanation of this issue, see the supplement of "Functional architecture of low-frequency variants highlights strength of negative selection across coding and non-coding annotations" (Gazal et al. 2018).
A full example is in benchmarker/worked_example_from_gene_list/. Go to this folder to execute the following steps.
gwas_path trait_name
../example_files/body_BMIz_forLDSC.sumstats.gz bmi
../example_files/ibd_liu_forLDSC.sumstats.gz ibd
python src/ generate_submission_scripts_example.cfg
This script takes as input a single cfg file (src/generate_submission_scripts_example.cfg). The cfg file contains all the arguments necessary to create 3 shell scripts, listed in the next section.
Most of the arguments in this cfg file should be self-explanatory, but here are a few notes:
Note that the expected output scripts can be found in worked_example_from_gene_list/expected_output_scripts/ (for purposes of comparison/inspection if you're trying to generate these yourself)
1) [LABEL] annotating SNPs + calculating LD scores.
# File contents:
python ${annotate_script_path} \
--prio_gene_list ${input_gene_list} \
--curr_chromosome ${curr_chromosome} \
--gene_boundary_file ${gene_boundary_path} \
--output_label ${output_directory}/${trait}_${label} \
--window_size_in_kb 50 \
--baseline_file ${baseline_path}annot.gz \
--prio_gene_list_has_header ${prio_gene_list_has_header} \
--gene_col_name ${gene_col_name}
python ${ldsc_script_path} \
--l2 \
--bfile ${bfile_path} \
--ld-wind-cm 1 \
--annot ${output_directory}/${trait}_${label}_${window_size_in_kb}kb.${curr_chromosome}.annot.gz \
--out ${output_directory}/${trait}_${label}_${window_size_in_kb}kb.${curr_chromosome} \
--print-snps ${print_snps_path}
2) [LABEL]_partitioningHeritability: partitioning heritability + tau normalization.
# File contents:
python ${ldsc_script_path} \
--h2 ${gwas_path} \
--ref-ld-chr ${baseline_path},${gene_window_path},${output_directory}/${trait}_${label}_${window_size_in_kb}kb. \
--w-ld-chr ${weights_path} \
--overlap-annot \
--frqfile-chr ${frq_path} \
--print-coefficients \
--print-delete-vals \
--out ${output_directory}/${trait}_${label}_${window_size_in_kb}kb
python ${normalize_script_path} \
--trait ${trait} \
--label ${label} \
--full_file_stem ${trait}_${label}_${window_size_in_kb}kb \
--baseline_file_path ${baseline_path} \
--input_file_directory ${output_directory} \
--output_file_directory ${output_directory}
3) [LABEL] concatenating .results files into a single file. Format is a script that can be run directly on the command line. (run as ./[LABEL]
python ../src/ generate_submission_scripts_example.cfg
Example in benchmarker/worked_example_depict/.
We assume you have already run DEPICT on your GWAS of interest in a leave-one-chromosome-out fashion (this example is based on body_BMIz.sumstats.gz). Example cfgs for this can be found in worked_example_depict/body_BMIz_standard_5e-8_noChr*.cfg (you will need to create 22 cfgs, in which each one specifies withholding a different chromosome). The critical pieces are the following two arguments in the cfg (note that if you're using the .cfg template that comes with DEPICT, prioritize_genes_outside_input_loci is by default set to no):
# Chromosome to be left-out, leave empty if all chromosomes should be included (for bencharmking purposes)
leave_out_chr: 1
prioritize_genes_outside_input_loci: yes
To confirm that the chromosome has indeed been left out, you can check the _geneprioritization.txt output file -- it should not contain any genes on the left-out chromosome. All genes on the left-out chromosome should be in the _geneprioritization_outside_input_loci.txt file (also see the "Important note about DEPICT" section above and make sure your FDR column is not missing any tabs).
Some DEPICT prioritization output files are provided here for the purposes of this example: body_BMIz_standard_5e-8_noChr*_geneprioritization_outside_input_loci_corrected.txt.gz
1) ./
python ../src/ \ --input_file ../worked_example_depict/body_BMIz_standard_5e-8_noChr@_geneprioritization_outside_input_loci_corrected.txt.gz \ --gene_col_name 'Ensembl gene ID' \ --chrom_col Chromosome \ --sort_direction ascending \ --col_to_sort_on 'P value' \ --gene_boundary_file ../data/GPL570ProbeENSGInfo+HGNC_reformatted_noMHC_depictAndGtexGeneIntersection_RF.txt \ --percentage_cutoff 10 \ --trait bmi \ --label depict_gene_sets
This code goes through each provided prioritization file, sorts by p-value, and takes the top 10% of genes for each chromosome. You can modify the percentage of genes desired by changing '--percentage cutoff'. The '--trait' and '--label' flags will define the resulting outputs, which take the form [trait]_[label]_prioTop[prioritized_percentage]Genes.txt. This output file contains a list genes to be prioritized (no header).
2) After this, the steps are the same as the general use case; a relevant cfg file is provided in this folder (2_generate_submission_scripts_depict.cfg)
Note that the expected output scripts can be found in worked_example_depict/expected_output_scripts/ (for purposes of comparison/inspection if you're trying to generate these yourself)
python ../src/ 2_generate_submission_scripts_depict.cfg
Generates: # generates LD score files # partitions heritability and normalizes tau # groups multiple tested GWAS into a single file (if there are any)
python ../src/ 2_generate_submission_scripts_depict.cfg
Prior to this, make sure GWAS of interest is in MAGMA-friendly format (columns = SNP, P, N, where SNP is rsID).
You will also need a .annot file, which lists all genes and the SNPs within their boundaries. To calculate the particular .annot files we used (depictAndGtexGeneIntersection_noMHC.genes.annot):
You can also use their provided gene.loc file, which contains more genes (NCBI37.3.genes.loc; this is found in their "Auxiliary files" table, and you will likely want the build 37 data to match the build of LDSC), or make your own based on your preferred list of gene boundaries. From their or any other .gene.loc file, you can create a .annot file the same way as described above (with the --annotate --snp-loc command referenced earlier). Detailed instructions for this are given in the MAGMA manual.
1) Calculate MAGMA gene-level results from GWAS qsub
# File contents:
../../magma/magma \
--bfile ../../magma/1kg/g1000_eur \
--pval ../example_files/body_BMIz_forMAGMA.txt ncol=N --gene-annot ../data/depictAndGtexGeneIntersection_noMHC.genes.annot --out bmi_magma
2) Filter each gene-level result to remove a chromosome (argument: label of .genes.raw output files)
python bmi_magma
3) Perform MAGMA gene set enrichment analysis qsub
# File contents:
../../magma/magma \
--gene-results ${trait}_noChr${chrom}.genes.raw \
--gene-covar ../data/GPL570-GPL96-GPL1261-GPL1355TermGeneZScores-MGI_MF_CC_RT_IW_BP_KEGG_z_z_GTExGenesOnly.txt onesided=greater \
--out ${trait}_noChr${chrom}
Note: If you are using MAGMA 1.07, remove the "onesided=greater" command and add the additional flag:
--model direction-covar=greater
4) From enrichment results, prioritize the top genes on the withheld chromosome ./
# File contents:
python ../src/ \
--output_directory . \
--trait ${trait} \
--results_file ${trait}_magma_noChr@.gcov.out \
--gene_boundary_file ../data/GPL570ProbeENSGInfo+HGNC_reformatted_noMHC_depictAndGtexGeneIntersection_RF.txt \
--set_definitions_file ../data/Top50GenesPerGeneSet_DEPICTGenes_Ensembl_depictAndGtexGeneIntersection.txt \
--set_definitions_label Top50GenesPerGeneSet \
--output_label magma \
--percentage_cutoff 10 \
--results_file_set_col COVAR \
--results_file_col_to_sort_on P \
--sort_direction ascending \
--results_file_separator '\s+'
+Note: if you are using MAGMA 1.07, replace --results_file_set_col COVAR
with --results_file_set_col VARIABLE
5) After this, the steps are the same as the general use case; a relevant cfg file is provided in this folder (5_generate_submission_scripts_example_magma.cfg): python ../src/ 5_generate_submission_scripts_example.cfg
Note that the expected output scripts can be found in worked_example_magma/expected_output_scripts/ (for purposes of comparison/inspection if you're trying to generate these yourself) Then submit:
Summary of steps:
python bmi_magma
python ../src/ 5_generate_submission_scripts_example.cfg
If you'd like to compare two methods directly, we recommend putting them together in a joint model.
Example in benchmarker/worked_example_joint/
Modeling two methods jointly is quite straightforward. After calculating the LD scores for each individually (from earlier steps), you can then partition the heritability by using both sets of LD scores in the '--ref-ld-chr' flag (commma-separated). In this example, label1 and label2 are the labels differentiating the methods (e.g. "depict" and "magma"). All arguments besides --ref-ld-chr and --normalize_script_path are the same as for the separate models (don't forget you still need the gene window annotation!).
# File contents:
python ${ldsc_script_path} \
--h2 ${gwas_path} \
--ref-ld-chr ${baseline_path},${gene_window_path},${input_directory_1}/${trait}_${label1}_${window_size_in_kb}kb.,${input_directory_2}/${trait}_${label2}_${window_size_in_kb}kb. \
--w-ld-chr ${weights_path} \
--overlap-annot \
--frqfile-chr ${frq_path} \
--print-coefficients \
--print-delete-vals \
--out ${output_directory}/${trait}_${output_label}_${window_size_in_kb}kb
We also use a different script to normalize the tau values ( rather than This can be called as follows:
# File contents:
python ../src/${normalize_script_path} \
--trait ${trait} \
--label1 ${label1} \
--label2 ${label2} \
--full_file_stem ${trait}_${output_label}_${window_size_in_kb}kb \
--baseline_file_path ${baseline_path} \
--input_file_directory ${output_directory} \
--output_file_directory ${output_directory}
Calculating p-values within a joint model is a simple extension of the jackknife procedure LDSC uses to calculate its standard errors. Instead of calculating a standard error around a mean, we're going to calculate the standard error around the difference between two means (i.e. tau_1 - tau_2). To do this, we need to use the .part_delete outputs from LDSC, which contain the block jackknife estimates from the original standard error calculation. We provide src/, which performs this calculation based on the .concatenatedResults file. (For this reason, there is a column in the .concatenatedResults file containing the path to the .part_delete file.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: this script is written assuming that there are exactly four arguments to ref-ld-chr in the following order: baseline_model, gene_window, ldScoresFromMethod1, ldScoresFromMethod2. If this assumption is violated, results will not be accurate -- the script has to know which columns of the .part_delete file to use, and it is specifically assuming that the annotations of interest are columns 54 and 55 of this file (which will be true if the assumption is met). For each trait, the output contains a line with "Theta / theta_hatJ"; this should generally be close to 1. If it isn't, check that your files are in the expected order.
# File contents:
python ../src/ \
--results_directory . \
--file_prefix depict_v_magma_joint \
--output_dir . \
--output_label depict_v_magma_joint
Summary of steps:
Used to prioritize genes based on withhold-one-chromosome runs of your enrichment method of interest (we already saw a usage case for MAGMA).
This script works for enrichment results rather than gene prioritization results -- it will convert enrichment results to gene prioritization. This is the process that was used to analyze MAGMA in our manuscript. This requires some extra inputs relative to the previous script, specifically defining gene members of the sets that were used in the analysis.
The input must be 22 files where the left-out chromosome is in the name of the file. In the results_file flag, replace the chromosome number with @.
The gene set definition file (--set_definitions_file) is formatted as follows. Each line represents one gene set (defined as whatever enrichment you are performing -- e.g. could be sets of genes expressed in different tissues(. First column is the name of the set. Member genes are listed after the name of the set (tab-delimited).
Note that at the moment, there is some implicit ranking in the gene set definitions, where genes listed earlier are considered better than those listed later. This only matters in the case where the script is approaching the 10% cutoff for number of genes -- if it can only prioritize only some genes in the gene set before hitting the cutoff, it will always go from first-listed to last.
python \
--percentage_cutoff # we recommend 10, but you can change this
--results_file_set_col # name of the column with gene set IDs in the results file
--results_file_col_to_sort_on # p-value, FDR, rank, etc.
--sort_direction # "ascending" or "descending"
--results_file_separator #e.g. '\t' '\s+' ' '
--gene_boundary_file ../data/GPL570ProbeENSGInfo+HGNC_reformatted_noMHC_depictAndGtexGeneIntersection_RF.txt # or gene boundary file of your choice