Rebolon / meteor-animation

An animation pattern for #meteorjs that allow to animate your template when object from database are inserted / updated / removed
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[DEPRECATED] Meteor Animation

Deprecated since MeteorJS has added _uihooks api. Since then, inside a template we have acces to method insertElement, moveElement, removeElement.

A pattern to animate your template based on database events (insert / update / remove)

Can be used with MagicCss from Just include the css required

To add animation you need to:

If you want to manage your own animation, just overload the following 3 methods:

The block that will be animated must be idenfied by the following attribute id: id="{{_id}}". This is a mandatory to allow the package to work. Actually if you have your own collection.allow system, be aware that the remove property will be overloaded. This is a part that might be modified in future.

A sample is available on That's quite simple but it shows quite well how to use it.

Have fun and please gieve me feedback and do PullRequest !