Receipt-Wrangler / receipt-wrangler-mobile

Mobile client for Receipt Wrangler
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This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:


Dart 2.12 or later

Installation & Usage


If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml



To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/openapi



Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:openapi/api.dart';

// TODO Configure HTTP Bearer authorization: bearerAuth
// Case 1. Use String Token
// Case 2. Use Function which generate token.
// String yourTokenGeneratorFunction() { ... }

final api_instance = AuthApi();
final logoutCommand = LogoutCommand(); // LogoutCommand | Refresh token body for clients that don't use cookies

try {
    final result = api_instance.getNewRefreshToken(logoutCommand);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling AuthApi->getNewRefreshToken: $e\n');

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /api

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthApi getNewRefreshToken POST /token/ Get fresh tokens
AuthApi login POST /login/ Login
AuthApi logout POST /logout/ Logout
AuthApi signUp POST /signUp Signs up
CategoryApi createCategory POST /category/ Create category
CategoryApi deleteCategory DELETE /category/{categoryId} Delete category
CategoryApi getAllCategories GET /category/ Get all categories
CategoryApi getCategoryCountByName GET /category/{categoryName} Get category count by name
CategoryApi getPagedCategories POST /category/getPagedCategories Get paged categories
CategoryApi updateCategory PUT /category/{categoryId} Update category
CommentApi addComment POST /comment/ Add comment
CommentApi deleteComment DELETE /comment/{commentId} Delete comment
DashboardApi createDashboard POST /dashboard/ Create dashboard
DashboardApi deleteDashboard DELETE /dashboard/{dashboardId} Delete dashboard
DashboardApi getDashboardsForUserByGroupId GET /dashboard/{groupId} Get dashboards for a user by group id
DashboardApi updateDashboard PUT /dashboard/{dashboardId} Update dashboard
FeatureConfigApi getFeatureConfig GET /featureConfig Get feature config
GroupsApi createGroup POST /group Create group
GroupsApi deleteGroup DELETE /group/{groupId} Delete group
GroupsApi getGroupById GET /group/{groupId} Gets a group by Id
GroupsApi getGroupsForuser GET /group Get groups for user
GroupsApi getOcrTextForGroup GET /group/{groupId}/ocrText Reads each image in a group and returns the zipped read text
GroupsApi getPagedGroups POST /group/getPagedGroups Get paged groups
GroupsApi pollGroupEmail POST /group/{groupId}/pollGroupEmail Poll group email
GroupsApi updateGroup PUT /group/{groupId} Update a group
GroupsApi updateGroupSettings PUT /group/{groupId}/groupSettings Update group settings
ImportApi importConfigJson POST /import/importConfigJson Import config json
NotificationsApi deleteAllNotificationsForUser DELETE /notifications/ Delete all notifications for user
NotificationsApi deleteNotificationById DELETE /notifications/{notificationId} Delete notification by id
NotificationsApi getNotificationCount GET /notifications/notificationCount Notification count
NotificationsApi getNotificationsForuser GET /notifications/ Get all user notifications
PromptApi createDefaultPrompt POST /prompt/createDefaultPrompt Create default prompt
PromptApi createPrompt POST /prompt/ Create prompt
PromptApi deletePromptById DELETE /prompt/{id} Delete prompt by id
PromptApi getPagedPrompts POST /prompt/getPagedPrompts Gets paged prompts
PromptApi getPromptById GET /prompt/{id} Get prompt by id
PromptApi updatePromptById PUT /prompt/{id} Update prompt by id
ReceiptApi bulkReceiptStatusUpdate POST /receipt/bulkStatusUpdate Bulk receipt status update
ReceiptApi createReceipt POST /receipt/ Create receipt
ReceiptApi deleteReceiptById DELETE /receipt/{receiptId} Delete receipt
ReceiptApi duplicateReceipt POST /receipt/{receiptId}/duplicate Duplicate receipt
ReceiptApi getReceiptById GET /receipt/{receiptId} Get receipt
ReceiptApi getReceiptsForGroup POST /receipt/group/{groupId} Gets receipts
ReceiptApi hasAccessToReceipt GET /receipt/hasAccess Has access to receipt
ReceiptApi quickScanReceipt POST /receipt/quickScan Quick scan a receipt
ReceiptApi updateReceipt PUT /receipt/{receiptId} Update receipt
ReceiptImageApi convertToJpg POST /receiptImage/convertToJpg Converts a receipt image to jpg
ReceiptImageApi deleteReceiptImageById DELETE /receiptImage/{receiptImageId} Delete receipt image
ReceiptImageApi downloadReceiptImageById GET /receiptImage/{receiptImageId}/download Download receipt image
ReceiptImageApi getReceiptImageById GET /receiptImage/{receiptImageId} Get receipt image
ReceiptImageApi magicFillReceipt POST /receiptImage/magicFill Reads a receipt image and returns the parsed results
ReceiptImageApi uploadReceiptImage POST /receiptImage/ Uploads a receipt image
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi checkReceiptProcessingSettingsConnectivity POST /receiptProcessingSettings/checkConnectivity Check receipt processing settings connectivity
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi createReceiptProcessingSettings POST /receiptProcessingSettings Create receipt processing settings
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi deleteReceiptProcessingSettingsById DELETE /receiptProcessingSettings/{id} Delete receipt processing settings by id
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi getPagedProcessingSettings POST /receiptProcessingSettings/getPagedProcessingSettings Gets paged processing settings
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi getReceiptProcessingSettingsById GET /receiptProcessingSettings/{id} Get receipt processing settings by id
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi updateReceiptProcessingSettingsById PUT /receiptProcessingSettings/{id} Update receipt processing settings by id
SearchApi receiptSearch GET /search/ Receipt Search
SystemEmailApi checkSystemEmailConnectivity POST /systemEmail/checkConnectivity Check system email connectivity
SystemEmailApi createSystemEmail POST /systemEmail/ Create system email
SystemEmailApi deleteSystemEmailById DELETE /systemEmail/{id} Delete system email by id
SystemEmailApi getPagedSystemEmails POST /systemEmail/getSystemEmails Gets paged system emails
SystemEmailApi getSystemEmailById GET /systemEmail/{id} Get system email by id
SystemEmailApi updateSystemEmailById PUT /systemEmail/{id} Update system email by id
SystemSettingsApi getSystemSettings GET /systemSettings Get system settings
SystemSettingsApi updateSystemSettings PUT /systemSettings Update system settings
SystemTaskApi getPagedSystemTasks POST /systemTask/getPagedSystemTasks Gets paged system tasks
TagApi createTag POST /tag/ Create tag
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /tag/{tagId} Delete tag
TagApi getAllTags GET /tag/ Get all tags
TagApi getPagedTags POST /tag/getPagedTags Get paged tags
TagApi getTagCountByName GET /tag/{tagName} Get tag count by name
TagApi updateTag PUT /tag/{tagId} Update tag
UserApi convertDummyUserById POST /user/{userId}/convertDummyUserToNormalUser Converts dummy user
UserApi createUser POST /user Create user
UserApi deleteUserById DELETE /user/{userId} Delete user
UserApi getAmountOwedForUser GET /user/amountOwedForUser Get amount owed for user
UserApi getAppData GET /user/appData Get app data
UserApi getUserClaims GET /user/getUserClaims Get claims for logged in user
UserApi getUsernameCount GET /user/{username} Get username count
UserApi getUsers GET /user Get users
UserApi resetPasswordById POST /user/{userId}/resetPassword Reset password
UserApi updateUserById PUT /user/{userId} Update user by id
UserApi updateUserProfile PUT /user/updateUserProfile Update user profile
UserPreferencesApi getUserPreferences GET /userPreferences Get user preferences
UserPreferencesApi updateUserPreferences PUT /userPreferences Update user preferences

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

