Recoded-Spark-Turkey-2022 / movie-project-cinemadev

movie-project-cinemadev created by GitHub Classroom
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Movie Project

This is a movie database project, where it shows movies, their casts, ratings, trailers, related movies, genres, and so on.

This project uses The Movie DB API: It is up to you to use your Google and Postman skills to explore the API and understand the data.

Already built for you

What you and your partner will build



Add a universal navbar (it appears on every page) to the home page that includes buttons that go to the following pages:


Add a universal footer that includes:


Movies List Page


Single Movie Page

We build part of the single movie page for you, but the information isn't totally complete, a few more features are needed:


Other requirements

Actor List Page

Displays a list of actors styles in the same way as the movies list page, but with the actor photo and the actor name. Clicking any actor should go to the Single Actor Page. CSS should most certainly be reused here!

Single Actor Page

This page can be reached by clicking on an actor in the actors list page or the credits in the single movie page.

Data Display


If you finish early you can work on the same functionalities, but for TV shows. Your code should be completely reusable (e.g., don't just copy paste a second copy of the files).