AM-Traffic-I Phase 1 Deepstream SDK Application (Python)
Deepstream 5.0 Python application
Application can read one RTSP Stream/Video file, perform traffic statistics calculation and license plate recognition, output rtsp stream, save metadata to a file and send AWS IoT Messages
Project documentation
- One input source (rtsp/file[mp4])
- TrafficCamNet detector and classifier (Vehicle, Person, TwoWheeler, TrafficSign)
- KLT tracker
- Secondary network - car type classifier (Car, Coupe, LargeVehicle,Sedan,SUV,Truck,Van)
- OpenALPR license plate recognizer
- rtsp output + Metadata save + AWS IoT Messages
How application works
- Application is processing each frame of video with TrafficCamNet, Tracker and Secondary network and gather list of possible detections
- If possible detection is alive for more than 'N' frames (MIN_DETECTION_AGE) it will be added in detections list
- Object exist in detection list while system is able to track it, last object position is saved each frame.
- Once in M frames (ALPR_FRAME_RATE), license plate recognition algorithm is running for each detected object. It detects License plate location and tries to recognize it's text. This data is saved to object properties
- If object has enough license plate recognition samples, averaging algorithm is triggered, it would find 'average' value of a license plate. Result value will be saved to an object properties
- License plate last position is used to cover license plate location with green (color cannot be picked in this version of Deepstream) boudning box
- Object might dissapear from the frame, in this case algorithm will track how long it was missing and if it's value is bigger than K frames (ABSENSE_INTERVAL) it will be deleted from detections list and put into Archive
- Once in O frames (MSQ_FRAME_RATE) pointer goes over Archive, composes individual Vehicle messages and one Traffic Statistics message and sends them to the AWS
Hardware: Jetson Nano
Input: 720p video
FPS: 5.9 - 20
Feature metrics
License Plate recognition
Accuracy: 52.63%
Precision: 0.76
Recall: 0.53
Traffic Statistics
Precision: 0.87
Recall: 1.00
- Install Deepstream SDK 5.0
- Put project into folder '/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/python/apps/deepstream-amtraffic'
- Install requirements
- Make sure that TrafficCamNet, fd_pld, VehicleTypeNet networks are placed into models folder
- Install OpenALPR
Configuration parameters can be found in '' file. Parameters purpose and description can be found in the same file.
How to run
cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/python/apps/deepstream-amtraffic
python3 file://<PATH_TO_A_FILE>
python3 rtsp://<PATH_TO_A_FILE>
Check 'rtsp://:8555/ds-test' for RTSP stream
cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/python/apps/deepstream-amtraffic
python3 file:///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/samples/streams/18_LPs_1280_Trim.mp4
python3 rtsp://
Expected result
Command line output with metadata
Three text files in application folder:
- file_licensePlatesDetections.txt - list of recognized license plates
- file_archiveDetections.txt - list of detected objects
- file_statisticsDetections.txt - traffic statistics
*actual filenames can be seen in under LICENSE_PLATES_FILENAME, ARCHIVE_FILENAME, STATISTICS_FILENAME variables
Results validation
License plate recognition
Run following commands:
cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/python/apps/deepstream-amtraffic
python3 test/ --gtLP=data/laneALL.txt --recLP=file_licensePlatesDetections.txt
Traffic statistics
Run following commands
cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/python/apps/deepstream-amtraffic
python3 test/ --stats=file_statisticsDetections.txt --gtVehicles=102
Final Report
Edge device setup
Testing preparation and Perm Nano connection