RedHatSatellite / soe-ci

Jenkins integration scripts for use in an SOE Build Factory based on Red Hat Satellite 6.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Continuous Integration Scripts for Satellite 6

Table of Contents

Standard Operating Environment Overview

It is extremely helpful if you read the following blog posts, that explain the concepts behind this repo, before trying to implement.


Continuous Integration for Infrastructure (CII) is a process by which the Operating System build ("build") component of a Standard Operating Environment (SOE) can be rapidly developed, tested and deployed.

A build is composed of the following components:

The CII system consists of the following components:

The architecture is shown in this YeD diagram.


The following steps should help you get started with CII.

Jenkins Server

NB I have SELinux enabled on the Jenkins server and it poses no problems.


Jenkins Jobs


First of all, let's have a look at the bigger picture here. You'll create at least two jobs. One will be solely responsible for polling your SCM. When changes are detected on the SCM, the second job will be triggered. The second job will then take care of building, pushing to Satellite and running the tests. It is important to note that these steps (building the rpm's and/or puppet modules, pushing them to Satellite, running the tests etc.) will be done using a Jenkins Pipeline, so it is code written in Groovy and part of the soe-ci git repository. Documentation for the pipeline can be found here. We use a scripted pipeline, not the declarative one.

The configuration options will be explained later on.

In general you might want to have multiple of these job pairs. E.g. for EL6 and EL7, building only puppet modules or the "full" build including RPMs.

Job parameters and what they do

Right now a couple of job parameters are used which you need to configure:

Parameter Name Description
SOE_CI_REPO_URL the git repository url of your soe-ci project
SOE_CI_BRANCH the branch containing the Jenkinsfile and config file to build the RPMs and puppet modules from
CREDENTIALS_ID_SOE_CI_IN_JENKINS the credentials id of the user configured in Jenkisn to access the source code of the soe ci project in git
ACME_SOE_REPO_URL the git repository url to checkout the 'acme-soe' project from
ACME_SOE_BRANCH the branch to checkout of the 'acme-soe' repo.
CREDENTIALS_ID_ACME_SOE_IN_JENKINS analogous to CREDENTIALS_ID_SOE_CI_IN_JENKINS, can be the same, depending on your setup
RHEL_VERSION this param indirectly configures two things: which mock config to use (the pattern is /etc/mock/-x86_64.cfg) and which config file the pipeline uses for environment parameters (pattern is -script-env-vars-puppet-only.groovy for a PUPPET_ONLY build and -script-env-vars-rpm.groovy for a rpm and puppet module build.)
REBUILD_VMS whether or not to reinstall the test VMs before running the tests
POWER_OFF_VMS_AFTER_BUILD Whether or not to power off the VMs after the build. The build result (successful / failed) is not taken into consideration.
PUPPET_ONLY Whether or not only puppet modules should be built and pushed. This will reduce the duration of the build significantly (provided you update a CV that only contains puppet modules), however it ignores RPMs completely.
CLEAN_WORKSPACE Whether or not to clean the jenkins workspace before the job execution.
VERBOSE Whether or not to run the executed scripts in a verbose mode. Basically it decides whether run 'bash -x' or just 'bash '

Create the jobs

Create a Job which runs the pipeline

Create a job which polls the SCMs and then triggers the previously created job

How do I change the pipeline

It's simple. It's written in Groovy. If you want to test your changes first before pushing multiple commits to the repository, you can simply create a new job, which is a copy of your "second" job (remember, there are two jobs, one which pulls and one which builds), and change in the "Pipeline" section the "Defintion" from "Pipeline Script from SCM" to "Pipeline Script". Copy and paste your pipeline in the box (it's a groovy sandbox), and you're good to go. Remember this is for testing only. Once you're done, push your changes accordingly and delete the job you created for testing purposes.

Git Repository

Satellite 6


In order to create a Content View on the satellite, you need some initial content. That can be generated by Jenkins.

Now manually trigger both

This will fail, however it will create some content in the output directories by building the demo RPMs and Puppet modules. Check that these are available then do the following tasks:

FIXME: add instructions on HC

Getting Started

At this point, you should be good to go. In fact Jenkins may have already kicked off a build for you when you pushed to github.

Develop your build in your checkout of acme-soe. Software that you want packaging goes in 'rpms', puppet modules in 'puppet' and BATS tests in 'tests'. You MUST update versions (in specfiles and metadata.json files) whenever you make a change, otherwise satellite6 will not pick up that you have new versions, even though Jenkins will have repackaged them.