RedOne-Guerad / rc-auto-reply

Auto-reply allows users to automatically send customized messages in response to incoming texts. With this app, users can set up personalized auto-responses to ensure that their contacts receive a prompt reply, even when they are not available to respond immediately.
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Rocket.Chat Auto-reply App


How to use it

From any direct-message contextual action menu, click auto-reply button:


Enable the app:


Customize your message and submit:


When someone send you a message he will get an auto-reply:


if you texted a user when your auto-reply is enabled, you will get options to disable auto-reply:



You'll need to set up the Rocket.Chat Apps dev environment, please see

To install the using the command line, you have to turn on the setting Enable development mode on the Rocket.Chat server under Admin > General > Apps.

Change the values from .rcappsconfig to reflect your dev environment.

Then you can clone this repo and then:

npm install
rc-apps deploy

Follow the instructions and when you're done, the app will be installed on your Rocket.Chat server.