RedTurtle / deployments.buildout.production

Buildout production deployments
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Redturtle deployment production

Manage staging or production environments using pm2 (default) or supervisor as control system.

Basic setup example

git clone
cd deployments.buildout.production
virtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3.7 .
. bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
ln -sf profiles/staging.cfg buildout.cfg
buildout -N


If pm2 has been set as manager the following files are generated:

A crontab is also installed to run the script.


If supervisor has been set as manager the following file is generated:

A crontab is also installed to run the script.

How to make a copy of this buildout

Launch those lines

wget -O
cd deployments.buildout.production-master

This will give you, in the bin folder a bunch of commands to control your deployment:

Optionally you can add a fabric part. It will install a local fab script

In addition it will install in the etc folder an init script for debian like systems. This script can be copied with a descriptive name in the /etc/init.d system directory and activated for autostart, e.g.::

cp etc/initscript /etc/init.d/deployment.buildout.production
update-rc.d deployment.buildout.production defaults

Check the file for more detailed instructions.

The configuration for supervisor can be checked in the supervisor part folder (parts/supervisor/supervisord.conf)


To correctly prepare the initscript change the name parameter in the [initscript] session:

name =

The default is to take buildout folder name.

If you want supervisord to run as a different user, modify supervisord-user in the [supervisor] section, e.g.:

supervisord-user = plone

The default is to take the user launching buildout.

Connect only some components

To connect only some components you should not use make quickstart, but after getting a copy of this buildout you can run:

make get_$(COMPONENT)

where $(COMPONENT) is one of the following:

This will download the $(COMPONENT) buildout to the ./components/$(COMPONENT) directory.

To get all the known components just launch:

make get_all

If you want to remove some components just delete the relative folder in the components directory, e.g::

rm -rf components/varnish

Remember to comment/uncomment the wanted supervisor programs!