RedsXDD / neopywal.nvim

🎨 Apply your pywal/wallust colorscheme to Neovim automatically.
MIT License
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colorscheme lua neovim neovim-colorscheme neovim-lua neovim-plug neovim-theme neovim-theme-lua pywal theme wallust

🎨 (Neo)pywal for (Neo)vim

Neopywal.nvim is a Neovim colorscheme plugin that automatically fetches and applies the colors that are auto generated by Pywal. It also is an improved and maintained version of Pywal.nvim, which aimed to be an updated version of wal.vim.

[!Note] As April 26, 2024, Pywal is officially deprecated, so it's not recommended to use it. You can look for alternatives that will work with Neopywal.nvim on the section Pywal Alternatives.

01 \ 02 \ 03 \ 04

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
    1. Alternative Variants
    2. Note on Light Theme
  4. Configuration
    1. Alternative Palettes
    2. Customizing Colors
    3. Customizing Highlights
    4. Fileformats
    5. Plugins
  5. Compilation
  6. Importing Colors
  7. Utilities
    1. The Darken and Lighten Functions
    2. The Blend Function
  8. Pywal Alternatives
    1. Setting up Wallust
  9. How it Works
  10. Enjoy




    name = "neopywal",
    lazy = false,
    priority = 1000,
    opts = {},


use { "RedsXDD/neopywal.nvim", as = "neopywal" }


        source = "RedsXDD/neopywal.nvim",
        name = "neopywal",


Plug "RedsXDD/neopywal.nvim", { "as": "neopywal" }


To activate the theme, add the following to your Neovim config:

local neopywal = require("neopywal")

Or call the colorscheme with vim script:

colorscheme neopywal

Alternative Variants

Neopywal can also take advantage of Neovim's vim.o.background option (see :h background) to dynamically adjust the color palette on the fly. This allows you to switch between a light and dark colorscheme, even when Pywal generates a dark palette.

colorscheme neopywal-dark
" or
colorscheme neopywal-light

Note that, by default, when loading the colorscheme with the standard :colorscheme neopywal command, Neopywal will automatically detect and load the corresponding colorscheme variant based on the current value of vim.o.background.

Note on Light Theme

When loading the "light" theme variant, Neopywal won't generate any new colorscheme palette. Instead, it loads the existing palette (used by the neopywal-dark variant) and inverts the background and foreground color variables (see Importing Colors for more information). This may not produce the best results when comparing to an actual auto generated light theme variant, but it's generally good enough.

To use a genuine light theme with Neopywal, generate a new colorscheme with Pywal while using the -l flag.

$ wal -l -i /path/to/your/image

[!Note] Make sure to run :colorscheme neopywal or vim.cmd.colorscheme("neopywal"), otherwise the colorscheme won't be loaded.


There is no need to call setup if you don't want to change the default options and settings.

    -- Uses a template file `~/.cache/wallust/colors_neopywal.vim` instead of the
    -- regular pywal template at `~/.cache/wal/colors-wal.vim`.
    use_wallust = false,

    -- This option allows to specify where Neopywal should look for a ".vim" template file
    -- (e.g.: os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.cache/wal/custom_neopywal_template.vim").
    colorscheme_file = "",

    -- This option allows to use a custom built-in theme palettes like "catppuccin-mocha" or "tokyonight".
    -- To get the list of available themes take a look at ``.
    -- Take note that this option takes precedence over `use_wallust` and `colorscheme_file`.
    use_palette = "",

    -- Sets the background color of certain highlight groups to be transparent.
    -- Use this when your terminal opacity is < 1.
    transparent_background = false,

    -- With this option you can overwrite all the base colors the colorscheme uses.
    -- For more information take a look at ``
    custom_colors = {},

    -- With this option you can overwrite any highlight groups set by the colorscheme.
    -- For more information take a look at ``
    custom_highlights = {},

    -- Dims the background when another window is focused.
    dim_inactive = true,

    -- Apply colorscheme for Neovim's terminal (e.g. `g:terminal_color_0`).
    terminal_colors = true,

    -- Shows the '~' characters after the end of buffers.
    show_end_of_buffer = false,

    -- Shows the '|' split separator characters.
    -- It's worth noting that this options works better in conjunction with `dim_inactive`.
    show_split_lines = true,

    no_italic = false, -- Force no italic.
    no_bold = false, -- Force no bold.
    no_underline = false, -- Force no underline.
    no_undercurl = false, -- Force no undercurl.
    no_strikethrough = false, -- Force no strikethrough.

    -- Handles the styling of certain highlight groups (see `:h highlight-args`).
    styles = {
        comments = { "italic" },
        conditionals = { "italic" },
        loops = {},
        functions = {},
        keywords = {},
        includes = { "italic" },
        strings = {},
        variables = { "italic" },
        numbers = {},
        booleans = {},
        types = { "italic" },
        operators = {},

    -- Setting this to false disables all default file format highlights.
    -- Useful if you want to enable specific file format options.
    -- Defaults to false when treesitter is enabled,
    -- unless manually enabled inside the `setup()` function.
    default_fileformats = true,

    -- Setting this to false disables all default plugin highlights.
    -- Useful if you want to enable specific plugin options.
    default_plugins = true,

    -- For more fileformats options please scroll down (
    fileformats = {
        c_cpp = true,
        c_sharp = true,

    -- For more plugin options please scroll down (
    plugins = {
        alpha = true,
        coc = false,
        mini = {
            cursorword = true,
            files = true,

Alternative Palettes

Unlike many famous Neovim colorschemes, Neopywal does not offer any alternative palette on it's own. Instead, it relies solely on the palette generated by Pywal at the time of using the plugin. However that gives Neopywal an advantage over other colorschemes, that being the extreme modularity with the palette used by the plugin.

You can easily use any well-known colorscheme palette with Neopywal without much effort. If you don't want to use an auto-generated Pywal palette based on a low-quality wallpaper, you can always opt for a richer palette like "catppuccin" or "tokyonight" at any time.

To achieve this, use the use_palette option with one of the following available colorscheme palette names:

To use any of the available built-in colorscheme palettes, simply specify one of the names from the list in the use_palette option. Note that this option takes precedence over the use_wallust and colorscheme_file options.

        use_palette = "doomone",

Names containing curly braces like catppuccin-{frappe,macchiato,mocha} indicate that there are multiple variants of that colorscheme palette. For example, the catppuccin colorscheme has three variants available:

        use_palette = "catppuccin-frappe",

-- or

        use_palette = "catppuccin-macchiato",

-- or

        use_palette = "catppuccin-mocha",

Customizing Colors

Color definitions can be overwritten using the custom_colors option:

Using a table:

    -- Here's an example color template for the catppuccin colorscheme:
    custom_colors = {
        background = "#1E1E2E",
        foreground = "#CDD6F4",
        cursor = "#F5E0DC",
        color0 = "#45475A",
        color1 = "#F38BA8",
        color2 = "#A6E3A1",
        color3 = "#F9E2AF",
        color4 = "#89B4FA",
        color5 = "#F5C2E7",
        color6 = "#94E2D5",
        color7 = "#BAC2DE",
        color8 = "#585B70",
        color9 = "#F38BA8",
        color10 = "#A6E3A1",
        color11 = "#F9E2AF",
        color12 = "#89B4FA",
        color13 = "#F5C2E7",
        color14 = "#94E2D5",
        color15 = "#A6ADC8",

Using a function:

    custom_colors = function(C)
        return {
            background = C.background,
            foreground = C.foreground,
            cursor = C.cursor,
            color0 = C.color0,
            color1 = C.color1,
            color2 = C.color2,
            color3 = C.color3,
            color4 = C.color4,
            color5 = C.color5,
            color6 = C.color6,
            color7 = C.color7,
            color8 = C.color8,
            color9 = C.color9,
            color10 = C.color10,
            color11 = C.color11,
            color12 = C.color12,
            color13 = C.color13,
            color14 = C.color14,
            color15 = C.color15,

You can also define your own color variables:

    custom_colors = {
        red = "#ff0000"
        green = "#00ff00"
        blue = "#0000ff"

Custom color variables will be automatically exported with the get_colors() function and can used normally when using the imported color palette.

There's also an additional set of color variables that are used for various highlights groups to make the Neopywal colors more consistent.

local C = require("neopywal").get_colors()
local U = require("neopywal.utils.color")

    custom_colors = {
        -- Extras:
        dim_bg = U.darken(C.background, 5),
        comment = C.color8,
        cursorline = U.blend(C.background, C.foreground, 0.9),
        directory = C.color4,

        -- Diffs:
        diff_added = C.color2,
        diff_changed = C.color6,
        diff_removed = C.color1,
        diff_untracked = C.color5,

        -- LSP/Diagnostics:
        error = C.color1,
        hint = C.color6,
        info = C.foreground,
        unnecessary = C.color8,
        warn = U.blend(C.color1, C.color3, 0.5),
        ok = C.color2,
        inlay_hints = C.color8,

        -- Variable types:
        variable = C.color4, -- (preferred) any variable.
        constant = C.color3, -- (preferred) any constant
        string = C.foreground, -- a string constant: "this is a string"
        character = C.color3, -- a character constant: 'c', '\n'
        number = C.color5, -- a number constant: 234, 0xff
        boolean = C.color5, -- a boolean constant: TRUE, FALSE
        float = C.color5, -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
        identifier = U.blend(C.color1, C.color3, 0.5), -- (preferred) any variable name
        func = C.color2, -- function name (also: methods for classes)

        -- Statements:
        statement = C.color1, -- (preferred) any statement
        conditional = C.color1, -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
        loop = C.color1, -- for, do, while, etc.
        label = C.color1, -- case, default, etc.
        exception = C.color1, -- try, catch, throw
        operator = C.color1, -- "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
        keyword = C.color1, -- any other keyword
        debug = C.color3, -- debugging statements.

        -- Preprocessors:
        preproc = C.color5, -- (preferred) generic Preprocessor
        include = C.color5, -- preprocessor #include
        define = C.color5, -- preprocessor #define
        macro = C.color5, -- same as Define
        precondit = C.color5, -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.

        -- Type definitions:
        type = C.color6, -- (preferred) int, long, char, etc.
        structure = C.color6, -- struct, union, enum, etc.
        storageclass = C.color6, -- static, register, volatile, etc.
        typedef = C.color6, -- A typedef

        -- Special:
        special = C.color5, -- (preferred) any special symbol
        secialchar = C.color5, -- special character in a constant
        tag = U.blend(C.color1, C.color3, 0.5), -- you can use CTRL-] on this
        delimiter = C.foreground, -- character that needs attention
        specialcomment = C.color8, -- special things inside a comment

Customizing Highlights

Highlight groups can be overwritten using custom_highlights option.

With an internal function:

    custom_highlights = function(C)
        return {
            Comment = { fg = C.color3 }
            TabLineSel = { bg = C.color5 },
            FloatBorder = { bg = C.color1 },
            Pmenu = { bg = C.color6 },

Using an externally exported color palette.

local C = require("neopywal").get_colors()

    custom_highlights = {
        Comment = { fg = C.color3 }
        TabLineSel = { bg = C.color5 },
        FloatBorder = { bg = C.color1 },
        Pmenu = { bg = C.color6 },

Neopywal also allows to set a transparent color for highlight groups using the none color variable.

    custom_highlights = function(C)
        return {
            Normal = { bg = C.none },


Neopywal provides theme support for extra syntax highlighting groups that do not use treesitter. This is useful for users that don't have treesitter installed but still want a somewhat decent syntax highlighting.

Some fileformats are enabled by default, you can control this behaviour with the default_fileformats option.

    default_fileformats = false,

To enable/disable a supported fileformat you just need to set it to true/false.

    fileformats = {
        c_cpp = true,
        c_sharp = true,
        clojure = true,
        cmake = true,
        common_lisp = true,
        css = true,
        dart = true,
        diff = true,
        elixir = true,
        erlang = true,
        git_commit = true,
        go = true,
        haskell = true,
        help = true,
        html = true,
        ini = true,
        java = true,
        javascript = true,
        javascript_react = true,
        json = true,
        kotlin = true,
        latex = true,
        less = true,
        lua = true,
        makefile = true,
        markdown = true,
        matlab = true,
        objectivec = true,
        ocaml = true,
        perl = true,
        php = true,
        powershell = true,
        python = true,
        restructuredtext = true,
        ruby = true,
        rust = true,
        sass = true,
        scala = true,
        shell = true,
        swift = true,
        toml = true,
        typescript = true,
        viml = true,
        xml = true,
        yaml = true,
        zsh = true,


Neopywal also provides theme support for other plugins in the Neovim ecosystem. To enable/disable a plugin you just need to set it to true/false.

    plugins = {
        alpha = true,
        dashboard = false,
        git_gutter = true,
        indent_blankline = true,
        lazy = true,
        lazygit = true,
        noice = false,
        notify = true,
        nvim_cmp = true,
        mini = {
            hipatterns = true,
            indentscope = {
                enabled = false,
            pick = true,
            starter = true,

Some plugins are enabled by default, you can control this behaviour with the default_plugins option.

    default_plugins = false,

Below is a list of supported plugins and their corresponding configuration module.

Plugin Default
aerial.nvim ```lua aerial = true ```
ale ```lua ale = false ```
alpha-nvim ```lua alpha = true ```
barbar.nvim ```lua barbar = false ```
Special Update your Barbecue config to use the Neopywal theme: ```lua local has_barbecue, barbecue = pcall(require, "barbecue") if not has_barbecue then return end local has_neopywal, neopywal_barbecue = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.barbecue") if not has_neopywal then return end neopywal_barbecue.setup() barbecue.setup({ theme = "neopywal" -- The rest of your barbecue config ... }) ``` Notice that calling `setup()` is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change style settings and any of groups from the Neopywal theme. ```lua local neopywal_barbecue = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.barbecue") neopywal_barbecue.setup({ dim_background = false, -- Whether to dim the background. dim_context = true, -- Whether the context should be dimmed. dim_dirname = true, -- Whether the directory name should be dimmed. hide_separator = false, -- Whether to hide the separator character. basename_style = { "bold", "italic" }, context_style = {}, dirname_style = {}, -- With this option you can overwrite any of the groups from the builtin theme. -- For more information take a look at `:h barbecue-recipes` and at -- `` -- as this option works exactly the same as `custom_highlights`. theme = {}, }) ```
beacon.nvim ```lua beacon = { enabled = false, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end color = "", }, ```
Special Update your bufferline config to use the Neopywal highlights: > [!Note] > Bufferline needs to be loaded after setting up Neopywal or it will highlight incorrectly. Configuration for [packer.nvim]( users: ```lua use "akinsho/bufferline.nvim" { after = "neopywal", config = function() require("bufferline").setup({ highlights = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.bufferline").setup() }) end } ``` Configuration for [lazy.nvim]( users: ```lua { "RedsXDD/neopywal.nvim", name = "neopywal", lazy = false, priority = 1000, -- Neopywal loads first because it has higher priority. }, { "akinsho/bufferline.nvim", config = function() require("bufferline").setup({ highlights = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.bufferline").setup() }) end } ``` Overwriting highlights can be done inside the setup() function, see `:h bufferline-highlights` for detailed explanations: ```lua local C = require("neopywal").get_colors() bufferline.setup({ highlights = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.bufferline").setup({ fill = { bg = C.color1 }, background = { fg = "#00ff00" }, }) }) ```
coc.nvim ```lua coc = false ``` Setting `enabled` to `true` will also enable the LSP plugin. ```lua lsp = true, ``` > [!Note] > coc.nvim by default links to the native LSP highlight groups so the configuration from the `lsp` option will also apply to coc.
colorful-winsep.nvim ```lua colorful_winsep = { enabled = false, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end color = "", } ```
dashboard-nvim ```lua dashboard = true ```
diffview.nvim ```lua diffview = false ```
dropbar.nvim ```lua dropbar = { enabled = false, colored_text = false, -- Whether to add color for kind's texts. }, ```
Special Update your Feline config to use the Neopywal components: ```lua local has_feline, feline = pcall(require, "feline") if not has_feline then return end local has_neopywal, neopywal_feline = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.feline") if not has_neopywal then return end neopywal_feline.setup() feline.setup({ components = neopywal_feline.get(), }) ``` Notice that calling `setup()` is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change assets, settings and the colors per vim mode. Here are the defaults: ```lua local C = require("neopywal").get_colors() local U = require("neopywal.utils.color") local neopywal_feline = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.feline") neopywal_feline.setup({ assets = { left_separator = "ξ‚Ά", right_separator = "ξ‚΄", mode_icon = "", dir = "󰉋", file = "σ°ˆ™", lsp = { server = "σ°…‘", error = "", warning = "", info = "", hint = "", }, git = { branch = "ξœ₯", added = "", changed = "ο…„", removed = "", }, }, mode_colors = { ["n"] = { "NORMAL", C.color4 }, ["no"] = { "N-PENDING", C.color4 }, ["i"] = { "INSERT", C.color6 }, ["ic"] = { "INSERT", C.color6 }, ["t"] = { "TERMINAL", C.color3 }, ["v"] = { "VISUAL", C.color5 }, ["V"] = { "V-LINE", C.color5 }, [""] = { "V-BLOCK", C.color5 }, ["R"] = { "REPLACE", C.color2 }, ["Rv"] = { "V-REPLACE", C.color2 }, ["s"] = { "SELECT", U.blend(C.color1, C.color3, 0.5) }, ["S"] = { "S-LINE", U.blend(C.color1, C.color3, 0.5) }, [""] = { "S-BLOCK", U.blend(C.color1, C.color3, 0.5) }, ["c"] = { "COMMAND", C.color1 }, ["cv"] = { "COMMAND", C.color1 }, ["ce"] = { "COMMAND", C.color1 }, ["r"] = { "PROMPT", C.foreground }, ["rm"] = { "MORE", C.foreground }, ["r?"] = { "CONFIRM", C.color2 }, ["!"] = { "SHELL", C.color1 }, }, sett = { text = C.foreground, bkg = U.blend(C.color8, C.background, 0.3), diffs = U.blend(C.color8, C.background, 0.5), extras = C.foreground, curr_file = U.blend(C.color8, C.background, 0.5), curr_dir = C.color4, show_modified = false, -- Show if the file has been modified. -- Show the count of updatable plugins from lazy.nvim. -- Need to set checker.enabled = true in lazy.nvim first -- the icon is set in ui.icons.plugin in lazy.nvim. show_lazy_updates = false, }, view = { lsp = { progress = true, -- If true the status bar will display an lsp progress indicator. name = false, -- If true the status bar will display the lsp servers name, otherwise it will display the text "Lsp". exclude_lsp_names = {}, -- Lsp server names that should not be displayed when name is set to true. separator = "|", -- The separator used when there are multiple lsp servers. }, }, }) ``` > [!Warning] > Currently feline [doesn't officially support custom themes]( In order for `:colorscheme neopywal` to work you could add this autocmd as a workaround: ```lua vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", { pattern = "*", callback = function() package.loaded["feline"] = nil package.loaded["neopywal.theme.plugins.feline"] = nil require("feline").setup({ components = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.feline").get(), }) end, }) ```
fern.vim ```lua fern = false ```
Special Update your Fidget config to use Neopywal's highlight groups. ```lua local has_fidget, fidget = pcall(require, "fidget") if not has_fidget then return end local has_neopywal, neopywal_fidget = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.fidget") if not has_neopywal then return end -- This is what loads the highlight groups that are used inside Fidget's setup function. neopywal_fidget.setup() fidget.setup({ progress = { display = { done_style = "FidgetDone", progress_style = "FigdetProgress", group_style = "FidgetGroup", icon_style = "FidgetIcon", }, }, notification = { view = { group_separator_hl = "FidgetSeparator", }, window = { normal_hl = "FidgetNormal", -- You can use this option to adjust the background color opacity for the notification window. -- But it's recommended set this to "0" if you don't plan on changing any of the custom highlight groups. winblend = 0, }, }, -- The rest of your fidget config ... }) ``` Overriding highlight groups can be done inside the setup() function. ```lua local neopywal_fidget = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.fidget") local C = require("neopywal").get_colors() local bg = require("neopywal.lib.config").options.transparent_background and C.none or C.dim_bg neopywal_fidget.setup({ FidgetDone = { bg = bg, fg = C.ok, styles = { "bold", "italic" } }, FidgetGroup = { bg = bg, fg = C.foreground, styles = { "bold", "italic" } }, FidgetIcon = { bg = bg, fg = C.color4, styles = { "bold", "italic" } }, FidgetNormal = { bg = bg, fg = C.comment, styles = { "bold", "italic" } }, FidgetProgress = { bg = bg, fg = C.color3, styles = { "bold", "italic" } }, FidgetSeparator = { bg = bg, fg = C.comment, styles = { "bold", "italic" } }, }) ```
flash.nvim ```lua flash = { enabled = true, style = { "bold", "italic" } } ```
fzf-lua ```lua fzf = false ```
gitsigns.nvim ```lua gitsigns = true ```
grug-far.nvim ```lua grug_far = false ```
harpoon ```lua harpoon = false ```
headlines.nvim ```lua headlines = false ```
hop.nvim ```lua hop = { enabled = false, style = { "bold", "italic" } } ```
indent-blankline.nvim ```lua indent_blankline = { enabled = true, colored_indent_levels = false, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end scope_color = "", } ``` `colored_indent_levels` enables character highlights per indent level. Follow the instructions [here]( to set the latter up.
indentmini.nvim ```lua indentmini = { enabled = false, -- These options either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end scope_color = "", current_scope_color = "", }, ```
lazy.nvim ```lua lazy = true ```
lazygit.nvim ```lua lazygit = true ```
leap.nvim ```lua leap = { enabled = false, style = { "bold", "italic" } } ```
Special Update your Lightline config to use the Neopywal theme: ```vim lua << EOF local has_neopywal, neopywal_lightline = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.lightline") if not has_neopywal then return end neopywal_lightline.setup() EOF let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'neopywal'} ``` Notice that calling `setup()` is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change the colors per vim mode. ```vim lua << EOF local neopywal_lightline = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.lightline") neopywal_lightline.setup({ -- Any of the color values can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end mode_colors = { normal = "color4", visual = "color5", insert = "color6", command = "color1", replace = "color2", terminal = "color3", }, }) EOF ```
lir.nvim ```lua lir = { enabled = false, git_status = false, } ```
lspsaga.nvim ```lua lspsaga = { enabled = false, dim_folder = true, -- Whether to dim the folder name on the winbar. dim_filename = true, -- Whether to dim the filename on the winbar. dim_separator = true, -- Whether to dim the separator character on the winbar. winbar_style = { "bold" }, }, ``` For custom LSP kind icons and color: ```lua require("lspsaga").setup({ ui = { kind = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.lspsaga").get_kinds(), }, }) ```
Special Update your Lualine config to use the Neopywal theme: ```lua local has_lualine, lualine = pcall(require, "lualine") if not has_lualine then return end local has_neopywal, neopywal_lualine = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.lualine") if not has_neopywal then return end neopywal_lualine.setup() lualine.setup({ options = { theme = "neopywal" -- The rest of your lualine config ... } }) ``` Notice that calling `setup()` is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change style settings and the colors per vim mode. ```lua local neopywal_lualine = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.lualine") neopywal_lualine.setup({ -- Any of the color values can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end mode_colors = { normal = "color4", visual = "color5", insert = "color6", command = "color1", replace = "color2", terminal = "color3", }, styles = { a = { "bold" }, b = { "bold" }, c = { "bold" }, x = { "bold" }, y = { "bold" }, z = { "bold" }, }, }) ```
markdown.nvim ```lua markdown = false, ```
mason.nvim ```lua mason = true, ```
Plugin Default
mini.animate ```lua mini = { animate = true } ```
mini.clue ```lua mini = { clue = true } ```
mini.completion ```lua mini = { completion = { enabled = true, parameter_style = { "underline" }, } } ```
mini.cursorword ```lua mini = { cursorword = { enabled = true, style = { "underline" }, }, } ```
mini.deps ```lua mini = { deps = true } ```
mini.diff ```lua mini = { diff = true } ```
mini.files ```lua mini = { files = true } ```
mini.hipatterns ```lua mini = { hipatterns = { enabled = true, style = { fixme = { "bold", "italic" }, hack = { "bold", "italic" }, note = { "bold", "italic" }, todo = { "bold", "italic" }, }, }, } ```
mini.icons ```lua mini = { icons = true } ```
mini.indentscope ```lua mini = { indentscope = { enabled = true, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end scope_color = "", } } ```
mini.jump ```lua mini = { jump = { enabled = true, style = { "bold", "italic" }, }, } ```
mini.jump2d ```lua mini = { jump2d = { enabled = true, style = { "bold", "italic" }, }, } ``` ```lua mini = { map = true } ```
mini.notify ```lua mini = { notify = true } ```
mini.operators ```lua mini = { operators = true } ```
mini.pick ```lua mini = { pick = true } ```
mini.starter ```lua mini = { starter = true } ```
mini.statusline ```lua mini = { statusline = { enabled = true, -- Any of the color values can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end mode_colors = { normal = "color4", visual = "color5", insert = "color6", command = "color1", replace = "color2", other = "color3", -- e.g.: terminal. }, }, } ```
mini.surround ```lua mini = { surround = true } ```
mini.tabline ```lua mini = { tabline = true } ```
mini.test ```lua mini = { test = true } ```
mini.trailspace ```lua mini = { trailspace = { enabled = true, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end color = "", }, } ```
neogit ```lua neogit = false ```
neotest ```lua neotest = false ```
neo-tree.nvim ```lua neotree = true ```
netrw ```lua netrw = true ```
noice.nvim ```lua noice = true ```
NormalNvim ```lua NormalNvim = false ```
notifier.nvim ```lua notifier = false ```
nvim-cmp ```lua nvim_cmp = true ```
nvim-dap ```lua dap = false ```
Special ```lua local sign = vim.fn.sign_define sign("DapBreakpoint", { text = "●", texthl = "DapBreakpoint", linehl = "", numhl = ""}) sign("DapBreakpointCondition", { text = "●", texthl = "DapBreakpointCondition", linehl = "", numhl = ""}) sign("DapLogPoint", { text = "β—†", texthl = "DapLogPoint", linehl = "", numhl = ""}) ```
nvim-dap-ui ```lua dap_ui = false ```
nvim-lspconfig ```lua lsp = { enabled = true, virtual_text = { errors = { "bold", "italic" }, hints = { "bold", "italic" }, information = { "bold", "italic" }, ok = { "bold", "italic" }, warnings = { "bold", "italic" }, unnecessary = { "bold", "italic" }, }, underlines = { errors = { "undercurl" }, hints = { "undercurl" }, information = { "undercurl" }, ok = { "undercurl" }, warnings = { "undercurl" }, }, inlay_hints = { background = true, style = { "bold", "italic" }, }, }, ```
nvim-navic ```lua navic = { enabled = false, dim_text = false, -- Whether the text should be dimmed. hide_separator = false, -- Whether to hide the separator character. text_style = { "bold", "italic" }, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end bg_color = "", }, ```
Special ```lua -- You NEED to enable highlight in nvim-navic setting or it won't work. require("nvim-navic").setup({ highlight = true }) ``` If you want to make background color similar to what's used on lualine/feline you can do the following: ```lua require("neopywal").setup({ plugins = { navic = { bg_color = function(C) local U = require("neopywal.utils.color") -- `0.5` would match the color used on lualine's "b" section. return U.blend(C.color8, C.background, 0.3) end } } }) ```
nvim-notify ```lua notify = true ```
nvim-scrollbar ```lua scrollbar = false ```
nvim-tree.lua ```lua nvimtree = true ```
nvim-surround ```lua surround = false ```
nvim-treesitter ```lua treesitter = true ```
nvim-treesitter-context ```lua ts_context = { enabled = true, dim_background = false, -- NOTE: This option only applies to the current context line. -- You may want to disable "underline" if you configured the "separator" option within ts_context. style = { "bold", "underline" }, }, ```
nvim-ts-rainbow ```lua ts_rainbow = false ```
nvim-ts-rainbow2 ```lua ts_rainbow2 = false ```
nvim-ufo ```lua ufo = true ```
nvim-window-picker ```lua window_picker = { enabled = false, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end color = "", }, ```
octo.nvim ```lua octo = false ```
overseer.nvim ```lua overseer = false ```
pounce.nvim ```lua pounce = { enabled = false, style = { "bold", "italic" } } ```
rainbow-delimiters.nvim ```lua rainbow = false ```
Special Update your Reactive config to use the Neopywal theme: ```lua local has_reactive, reactive = pcall(require, "reactive") if not has_reactive then return end local has_neopywal, neopywal_reactive = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.reactive") if not has_neopywal then return end neopywal_reactive.setup() reactive.setup({ -- Note that there are 2 available presets, `cursor` and `cursorline`. load = { "neopywal-cursor", "neopywal-cursorline" } -- The rest of your reactive config ... }) ``` Notice that calling `setup()` is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change the color settings per vim mode. ```lua local neopywal_reactive = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.reactive") neopywal_reactive.setup({ -- A higher percentage means more vibrant mode colors, -- where "1" means to use "exactly" the mode color without any color transparency. color_percentage = 0.3, -- Any of the color values can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end mode_colors = { visual = "color5", insert = "color6", replace = "color2", -- Normal mode operations. change = "color2", delete = "color1", pending = "color4", yank = "color3", }, }) ```
symbols-outline.nvim > [!NOTE] > This plugin has been archived by the author, consider using [outline.nvim]( ```lua symbols_outline = false ```
telekasten.nvim ```lua telekasten = false ```
telescope.nvim ```lua telescope = { enabled = true, -- style = "nvchad" } ```
trouble.nvim ```lua trouble = false, ```
undotree ```lua undotree = true ```
vimwiki ```lua vimwiki = false ```
vim-dadbod-ui ```lua dadbod_ui = false ```
Special Update your Airline config to use the Neopywal theme: ```vim lua << EOF local has_neopywal, neopywal_airline = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.airline") if not has_neopywal then return end neopywal_airline.setup() EOF let g:airline_theme = 'neopywal' ``` Notice that calling `setup()` is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change style settings and the colors per vim mode. ```vim lua << EOF local neopywal_airline = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.airline") neopywal_airline.setup({ -- Any of the color values can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end mode_colors = { normal = "color4", visual = "color5", insert = "color6", commandline = "color1", replace = "color2", terminal = "color3", }, -- This is the same as `mode_colors` except it uses cterm numbers instead (see `:h cterm`) -- e.g.: "normal = 4" means "ctermfg=4". cterm_colors = { normal = 4, visual = 5, insert = 6, commandline = 1, replace = 2, terminal = 3, }, styles = { a = { "bold" }, b = { "bold" }, c = { "bold" }, x = { "bold" }, y = { "bold" }, z = { "bold" }, }, }) EOF ```
Special Update your Clap config to use the Neopywal theme: ```vim lua << EOF local has_neopywal, neopywal_clap = pcall(require, "neopywal.theme.plugins.clap") if not has_neopywal then return end neopywal_clap.setup() EOF let g:clap_theme = 'neopywal' ``` Notice that calling `setup()` is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change style settings and the text colors. ```vim lua << EOF local neopywal_clap = require("neopywal.theme.plugins.clap") neopywal_clap.setup({ -- Any of the color values can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end colors = { indicator = "color8", -- The text for the number of matches. spinner = "color2", -- The text representing the mode. selected = "color6", -- The text of the line of a selected item. current_selection = "color4", -- The text of the line of the currently selected item. }, styles = { indicator = { "italic" }, -- The text for the number of matches. spinner = { "bold" }, -- The text representing the mode. selected = { "bold", "underline" }, -- The line for a selected item. current_selection = { "bold" }, -- The line for the currently selected item. }, }) EOF ```
vim-gitgutter ```lua git_gutter = true ```
vim-glyph-palette ```lua glyph_palette = false ```
vim-illuminate ```lua illuminate = { enabled = false, lsp = true, style = { "bold" }, }, ```
vim-sandwich ```lua sandwich = false ```
vim-sneak ```lua sneak = { enabled = false, style = { "bold", "italic" }, -- Can either be: -- - A color exported by "get_colors()" (e.g.: `color8`) -- - A hexadecimal color (e.g.: "#ff0000"). -- - A function with an optional "C" parameter that returns one of the two options above. -- e.g: function(C) return C.color1 end sneak_color = "", }, ```
which-key.nvim ```lua which_key = true ```
yanky.nvim ```lua yanky = false ```


Neopywal can pre-compute your configuration and store the results in a compiled lua file stored into the system's cache directory, which then gets loaded when the colorscheme is applied. This approach greatly improves performance and reduces the total execution time.

Note that you can always manually recompile Neopywal with the :NeopywalCompile command. But that shouldn't be needed since Neopywal is capable of automatically recompiling the colorscheme when any change is detected on the user configuration or when a new theme is generated by Pywal.

Importing colors

You can use the internal function get_colors() if you want to import the colors into a lua table:

local C = require("neopywal").get_colors()

This will import a lua table containing all the colors auto generated by Pywal as well as any custom colors defined the custom colors table.

[!Note] Calling get_color() before setup() can be done, however the exported colors table will always use the default ~/.cache/wal/colors-wal.vim template file (or use the fallback colors) and won't have any additional custom colors set by the custom_colors() option.

Note that the naming of some of them are not exactly clear if you're not used to the way Pywal exports them.

colors = {
    none       -- Use this keyword if you want a transparent color.
    background -- Main background color.
    foreground -- Main foreground color.
    cursor     -- Cursor color.
    color0     -- Black.
    color1     -- Red.
    color2     -- Green.
    color3     -- Yellow.
    color4     -- Blue.
    color5     -- Magenta.
    color6     -- Cyan.
    color7     -- White.
    color8     -- Bright black.
    color9     -- Bright red.
    color10    -- Bright green.
    color11    -- Bright yellow.
    color12    -- Bright blue.
    color13    -- Bright magenta.
    color14    -- Bright cyan.
    color15    -- Bright white.

Then you can apply the colors in a way similar to the one found in custom highlights.


local C = require("neopywal").get_colors()

return {
    color_var1 = { C.color1 }
    color_var2 = { C.color2 }
    color_var3 = { C.color3 }


Neopywal offers a neat set of utility functions that allows the user to improve the builtin Neopywal color palette without having to create new color definitions.

require("neopywal.utils.color").darken(color, factor)
require("neopywal.utils.color").lighten(color, factor)
require("neopywal.utils.color").blend(color1, color2, factor)

[!Note] All color parameters for the functions have to be in hexadecimal format.

The Darken and Lighten Functions

The darken() and lighten() functions are able to create new colors by darkening/lightening existing colors. Both functions take two parameters, the first one is the color you want to modify, the second is an integer that defines how much each color will be darken/lighten.

local C = require("neopywal").get_colors()
local U = require("neopywal.utils.color")

color_var1 = { U.lighten(C.color1, 30) }
color_var2 = { U.darken(C.color2, 30) }

The Blend Function

The blend() function combines two colors to create a new color that is a mixture of the two input colors. The function takes three parameters:

local C = require("neopywal").get_colors()
local U = require("neopywal.utils.color")

color_var1 = { U.darken(C.color1, C.color3, 0) }
color_var2 = { U.darken(C.color1, C.color3, 1) }
color_var3 = { U.blend(C.color1, C.color3, 0.5) }

In that example:

Pywal Alternatives

As stated before, Pywal has been officially deprecated on April 26, 2024. So it's not recommend to use it.

One idea to mitigate that problem would be to use a fork that's feature compatible with Pywal, or that at very least exports the same color variables that are necessary for this plugin to work. There are two projects that i personally recommend as a Pywal replacement:

  1. Pywal16 by ellyes, which is a drop-in replacement for Pywal, so no extra work has to be done.
  2. Wallust by explosion-mental, which requires some additional configuration to work with Neopywal.

If you plan on using Wallust, here's a guide on how to set it up with Neopywal:

Setting up Wallust

After installing Wallust, you will need to create two files. The first is a template file that should be located on ~/.config/wallust/templates/colors_neopywal.vim, the second is the default configuration file for Wallust, which should be created at ~/.config/wallust/wallust.toml.

Here are the contents that should be copied of to them:


let background = "{{background}}"
let foreground = "{{foreground}}"
let cursor = "{{cursor}}"
let color0 = "{{color0}}"
let color1 = "{{color1}}"
let color2 = "{{color2}}"
let color3 = "{{color3}}"
let color4 = "{{color4}}"
let color5 = "{{color5}}"
let color6 = "{{color6}}"
let color7 = "{{color7}}"
let color8 = "{{color8}}"
let color9 = "{{color9}}"
let color10 = "{{color10}}"
let color11 = "{{color11}}"
let color12 = "{{color12}}"
let color13 = "{{color13}}"
let color14 = "{{color14}}"
let color15 = "{{color15}}"


neopywal.template = "templates/colors_neopywal.vim" = "~/.cache/wallust/colors_neopywal.vim"

After that you need to enable the use_wallust option on you Neopywal configuration.

    use_wallust = true,

Enabling this option makes Neopywal automatically read the template file that will be generated by Wallust on ~/.cache/wallust/colors_neopywal.vim, and with that Neopywal should work exactly the same as if you were using Pywal.

How it Works

Pywal automatically generates a file called colors-wal.vim in ~/.cache/wal/colors-wal.vim, the file contains all the colors variables that are necessary to create a color dictionary that can be used to generate a Neovim colorscheme. The file looks like this:

" Special
let wallpaper  = "/home/user/Pictures/wallpaper.png"
let background = "#1E1E2E"
let foreground = "#CDD6F4"
let cursor     = "#F5E0DC"

" Colors
let color0  = "#45475A"
let color1  = "#F38BA8"
let color2  = "#A6E3A1"
let color3  = "#F9E2AF"
let color4  = "#89B4FA"
let color5  = "#F5C2E7"
let color6  = "#94E2D5"
let color7  = "#BAC2DE"
let color8  = "#585B70"
let color9  = "#F38BA8"
let color10 = "#A6E3A1"
let color11 = "#F9E2AF"
let color12 = "#89B4FA"
let color13 = "#F5C2E7"
let color14 = "#94E2D5"
let color15 = "#A6ADC8"

All Neopywal does is reading the contents of the file and exportting them into a lua table that then is used to apply the highlight groups that build the colorscheme.


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