Refactorio / RedMew

The RedMew scenario code for Factorio.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Miscellaneous Map Modifications #906

Open theorangeangle opened 5 years ago

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

With 0.17.35 (and 0.17 to an extent) breaking all current saves available at, I have started going through all old maps in \map_gen\maps\, noting any issues as they are run for public playthroughs.

Most of these are small changes that can be fixed easily with one or two lines of code, and are a great start for any new contributors.

Along with running the maps for any issues, it is also a good time in my opinion to start writing descriptions and information for each map, to eventually write on the website as a listing for all maps.

If you were linked here as "easy ways to contribute to the redmew code" or something similar, pick a comment not marked as resolved and read it. Once you have chosen a map, make the changes and open a PR.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Template for map testing:

Map Name

Version Tested

Codebase/Feature Issues Issues with features/modules not directly related to map generation, map difficulty being very unbalanced, or anything that doesn't fit in map generation issues below.

Map Generation Issues Issues with resource distribution, terrain not looking like it is supposed to, parts of the map being unreachable/unplayable, etc.

Short Description (for map info tab in-game) A couple sentences that describe the map and its changes that make it different from a normal, vanilla playthough. This section is typically where any jokes, puns, etc go along with any rich text, which can often help describe map features easier (using icons in danger_ores to show what is allowed versus a text list is a good example of rich text)

Extra Information (for map info tab in-game) A list of changes, put simply and with one change to a line. Things listed here are core changes (hail hydra enabled), not little things or information that could change based on the map seed.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Bacon Islands

Version: 0.17.36

Codebase Issues: Map preview image missing, landfill not disabled

Map Generation Issues: N/A

Update #907 should fix this.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Lines and Balls

Version: 0.17.36

Codebase Issues: N/A

Map Generation Issues: All balls generate the same ore pattern

Update #907 should fix this.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.37

Codebase Issues: I changed the day/night cycle to the bright setting in config.lua, people seemed to be enjoying the change

Missing map preview image Market might need rebalance?

Map Generation Issues:

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: Loads in .17.38, last tested in multiplayer in 0.16.51. Due to the extreme nature of this map I'm not sure a test in MP is feasible.

Codebase Issues: No map preview image.

Map Generation Issues: The infinite ore really is a pain on the eyes to play with - we might want to change the generation to be less of an eyesore.

One-line Description: Resources are not an issue as you march your way through the tech tree, 1000 times slower.

Extra Information:

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Broken Web

Version: 0.17.39

Issues: None!

Short Description: This map is spanning the void like a Broken Web; In order to launch a rocket into space, you must collaborate like ants to build a breathtaking ant cave. credit: T-A-R

Extra Information: Confined space map with predictable terrain generation.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Connected Dots

Version: 0.17.45

Codebase Issues: Map preview should show more detail; landfill not disabled for select tiles.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Contra Spiral

Version: 0.17.39

Codebase Issues: It might have just been the lack of people, but biters seemed to be too much of a challenge based on chat logs.

Map Generation Issues: Cliffs spawn, pretty sure we want to remove them since the space is already confined enough. Ore distribution could also be a little higher, maybe we add in (frequent) tiny ore patches to make up for the ones covered up by void?

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.41

Map Generation Issues: Looks like a swastika a bit, so I recommend not playing a public game and opening pandora's box. Maybe we should consider removal? After all, we have Crosses3

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.41

Codebase Issues: Generating diagonal_lattice produces the exact same map, right down to the ore and water locations. We should remove one of the two, to avoid confusion in the future.

Map Generation Issues: Stone covered up by void. While the issue is only on the current seed, it brings up the point that not all starting area resources are guaranteed in redmew maps, by overriding the base generation.

Short Map Description: Starting on the crossroads, you must choose wise to find a to escape. Dont get lost in this infinite maze of crosses. And careful not to hurt your neck, since this time, the maze is slightly on an angle. credit: T-A-R

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Diagonal Spiral

Version 0.17.41

Map Generation Issues: Stone was too far away from spawn on this seed. This has been an issue on crosses3 as well, maybe we need some of way of guaranteeing all 4 base ores in the starting area, regardless of the seed? Since the void covers up a lot of typical patches in the game.

One-line Description: The terrain is spaghetti, make a base that fits it! credit: sockmeistr

ghost commented 5 years ago

map preview image for the beach, couldn't find the proper PR Beach_1850by995

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

map preview image for the beach, couldn't find the proper PR Beach_1850by995

Thank you! Unless you are going to make a PR with the other fixes (enabling the "bright" day/night cycle in the beach.lua file itself) I will hold on to this for now, and mention you when the PR is open.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Danger Ores

Version: 0.17.42

Codebase Issues: Map has 83x pollution enabled, making the game very difficult. Should be reduced or disabled entirely, to reflect the changes made in later danger ore revisions.

ghost commented 5 years ago

map preview image for the beach, couldn't find the proper PR Beach_1850by995

Thank you! Unless you are going to make a PR with the other fixes (enabling the "bright" day/night cycle in the beach.lua file itself) I will hold on to this for now, and mention you when the PR is open.

fixed added the PR

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.43

Codebase Issues: Since this is the default map, we might want to add a disclaimer printed in chat reminding people that "if this is not the map you were expecting, please make sure that stuff is installed right and that you have read the FAQ/common problems".

Tarsassum commented 5 years ago

preview1000x Map preview image 1000x, restarted a few times to get rid of a near biter nest.

In parts of the map grass is covering the ore. This seem to temper the ore a bit, keeping it the same mix rate. A finer mix may result in a more homogeneous color. (?)

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Thanks @Tarsassum for the map preview! It will be included with the next round of map fixes.

@plague006 I experimented a bit after Tarsassum recommended decoratives - these 3 look the best IMO - maybe we implement the bottom one? image

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Christmas Tree of Terror

Version: 0.17.43

Codebase Issues: This map (and the normal terror map by correlation) should have some config option to reduce difficulty (likely by buffing the player ammo and turret damage) due to its popularity.

Short Description: Triangle of death's Christmas cousin! The further you go down the tree, the better your presents get. Have you been a good factory worker this year?

Extra Info:

SimonFlapse commented 5 years ago


Updated with #931 to include decoratives in a random mixture of brown and green carpet grass. See the pull request for more information and images.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.44

Codebase Issues: Landfill should be disabled.

Short Description: Help research the gigantic genome, and turn this molecule into a megafactory. The mutations in this DNA have blessed you with generous ore patches.

Extra Info: Double-helix shaped map generation. Normal ore patches with rich cores, connected by thin land strips. Landfill disabled.

People really seemed to enjoy this one so in the future I would like to consider it for possible modifications with modules.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Double Beach

Version: 0.17.45

Codebase Issues: Missing map preview.

Map Generation Issues: Biters can spawn very close to the starting point, likely causing an overrun in SP. The starting area size should be increased to give more of a buffer zone when dealing with biters in a non-combat-focused map like this.

Short Description: Double the beach, double the fun! Enjoy twisting your way through this ribbon world, with sandy shores of plentiful ores. And oil isn't a chore, since it's also right offshore!

Extra Info:

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Factorio Logo

Version: 0.17.47

Codebase Issues: We have two very similar maps (factorio_logo and factorio_logo2), if possible they should be combined with an option in the map file to choose the "alternate" map, similar to how we enable things in config.lua.

Map Generation Issues: Fish do not spawn in the water, in factorio_logo, but do in factorio_logo2. My personal opinion is that we should delete the original factorio_logo and rename logo2 in its place.

Factorio_logo has been removed and factorio_logo2 renamed to "factory_squared". The data file is still available.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Fish Islands

Version: 0.17.47

Codebase Issues: Missing description + info.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Fractal Balls

Version: 0.17.49

Codebase Issues: Missing description + info.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Factory Loading Screen

Version: 0.17.49

Codebase Issues: Missing description + info. Missing map preview.

Renamed from factory to loading screen.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Fruit Loops and Gears

Version: 0.17.49

Codebase Issues: Missing description + info.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.52

Codebase Issues: Missing description + info.

Map Generation Issues: Map is a confined and finite space, this combined with the goat image taking up a large portion of playable space makes it nearly impossible to use. Most ore is covered up by the large goat image, leading to shortages or complete lack of some ore types.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Goats on Goats

Version: N/A

Codebase Issues: Missing description and info.

Map Generation Issues: Should consider merge with goats (above) since this map appears to generate correctly, and goat has issues. Will need beta testing, and the overall change from vanilla is just a little lacking - maybe with some added features it could be a viable map but not both maps in its current state should be left in the scenario.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

GoT aka Game of Thrones

Version: April 2019, exact version unknown

Codebase Issues: Missing description and info.

Map Generation Issues: The terrain generation itself is good, but has not been updated. Now that the TV series that made this map popular is over, we should consider possibly adding in some lore related to the series (loot chests? printed chat messages? "flags" of the different houses?) or updating the map to reflect the end of the eighth season, if there have been specific changes to the land (personally I don't follow the GOT world much more but the final season was controversial)

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Grid Bot Islands

Version: 0.17.53

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; landfill enabled when it should be disabled

Map Generation Issues: If the map gets good documentation (possibly with the use of cutscenes to educate the player on how to mine) the concept is unique enough that it should not need further changes.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Grid Islands Rotated

Version: 0.17.54

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; landfiill should be disabled

Map Generation Issues: This map should be pushed as part of our "island" map family, and could probably use something unique added to it in terms of a feature (terrain is already good enough) for it to be considered complete.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.56

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info

Map Generation Issues: Aside from running once a year on Valentine's Day, this map does not have much in the terms of a unique factor, due to its only somewhat different terrain (void pattern of infinite hearts). With the right touch this map could be considered complete (a feature that adds lore, possibly related to health? or just theme more around valentine's day) but definitely in its current state.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Hilbert Sand Trap

Version: 0.17.58

Codebase Issues: Missing map preview.

Map Generation Issues: The map has a unique concept and could be considered complete, but there have been suggestions we might want to implement: -Changing some of the sand to shallow water, letting you walk but not build -Taking damage when you walk on the sand -Better tutorial via cutscenes teaching that you cannot place on the sand

Other than that, players love the map and it's definitely a great concept!

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.58

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info

Map Generation Issues: The honeycomb pattern on its own is almost enough to mark this map as complete, but it feels like something is missing. A second feature (not terrain) is needed to provide additional challenge, although I am not quite sure what that is.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Hub Spiral

Version: 0.17.58

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; missing map preview.

Map Generation Issues: The ore pattern it makes is very interesting, and combined with void makes for a good map overall. Adding some lore, unique (non-terrain) features, and/or cutscenes to make it stand out just a bit more would be all this need to be marked as complete.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Infinite Mazes

Version: 0.17.59

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info.

Map Generation Issues: The map can be marked complete in my opinion (it has unique terrain and ore generation) but rates low on the difficulty scale, so in the future we might want to look at adding more enemies or using this as a map to beta test biter improvements (revised HH, attack scenario, etc). I do think that an option to buy a "maze expansion" (where you spend coins at the market to clear out parts of the maze near spawn, making it easier for trains, bases, etc) would be a nice touch if the market code allows for this.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Island Resort

Version: 0.17.59

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; Code itself could use cleanup

Map Generation Issues: The terrain generation is great and is unique compared to our other island maps, however it doesn't stand out enough currently to be considered complete. With some added mechanics encouraging island hopping, or increasing the cost of landfill to prevent the islands from disappearing, it could become a more complete map.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.59

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info,

Map Generation Issues: The concept of a 3-sided ribbon world (can only expand to the left) was good in theory, but does not add much to the gameplay in our testing. I could see this being combined with the "Right" map to create a challenge of sorts (possibly a team vs team map?) but by itself it does not stand out as something unique, and gets old after about 5 minutes. It defnitely needs at least another core mechanic added to it, or several smaller tweaks to increase the difficulty.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Line Family

Line and Tree Version: 0.17.64 Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; missing map preview. Map Generation Issues: We should consider consolidating between "line and tree" and "line and trees". Currently, I do not know the difference between the two maps.

Line and Balls Version: 0.17.66 Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info Map Generation Issues: It feels like the amount of space covered by the void is a little too much - we should make the lines more frequent. Otherwise, this map is good enough for the line family currently.

Line and Squares Version: TBD Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; missing map preview. Map Generation Issues: TBD

The line family as a whole is an interesting concept, but we should consider adding another core mechanic to make these maps "complete" as the idea of a ribbon world with shapes attached starts to get stale after a bit.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Maltease Crossings

Version: 0.17.64

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; landfill should be disabled but is not.

Map Generation Issues: The map concept itself is good and unique, with some ingame documentation (text boxes, compliatron, cutscenes) it could be considered complete.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.66

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info.

Map Generation Issues: The concept itself is good in theory, but in our testing people have just ignored the terrain for the most part. A cleaner image and some other mechanics (maybe we do something with the roads? or add new jersey as a landmass to the map?) would help flesh out this map but in its current state it is not complete.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.66

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info.

Map Generation Issues: The image it uses for reference is pixelated, and there is no challenge other than "confined space" due to the terrain. It needs another core mechanic (or several smaller ones) added to make it stand out, before it can be considered as a complete map.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Reserved for "Maze"

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Reserved for "Meteor Strike"

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Mobius Strip

Version: 0.17.66

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info, missing map preview

Map Generation Issues: Like another similar loop map, our method of generating over the default surface with void tiles causes issues with the ore distribution and often leaves spawn either landlocked or missing one of the four basic resources. There was also an (hopefully isolated?) issue of with the spawnpoint being stuck over the void. This map needs a better ore distribution enabled (maybe tiny ores?) and from there I think it could be an interesting state for a competitive map concept that someone on discord mentioned to me recently.

The general idea is that we setup two teams (one on each end of the strip) with a silo in the middle, and theme it as a race to rocket launch. I wil elaborate on this more in a separate github issue.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Mona Lisa

Version: 0.17.66

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info; missing map preview.

Map Generation Issues: The map doesn't really have anything special about it, other than the terrain which gets stale after a few minutes. This needs another core mechanic (possibly turning it into a puzzle of sorts? or adding some lore?) before it can be considered complete.

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago

Reserved for ¨North America

theorangeangle commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.66

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info

Map Generation Issues: Aside from the map being restricted in a pattern similar to the pac-man video game, there is no real draw to the map and it gets old fast.

Jayefuu commented 5 years ago


Version: 0.17.66

Codebase Issues: Missing map description and info.

Map Generation Issues: The concept itself is good in theory, but in our testing people have just ignored the terrain for the most part. A cleaner image and some other mechanics (maybe we do something with the roads? or add new jersey as a landmass to the map?) would help flesh out this map but in its current state it is not complete.

I would suggest that we make the most of the water deep-water. We can add the surrounding land masses and then make the places where there are tunnel or bridges into shallow water and then enable landfill only on water tiles not deep-water.