Refuro / Chapp

LAN chat app.
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What is it?

This Project is intended to be an application usable on a local network that can send and recieve messages from computer to computer.

Why make it?

This application is being worked on by myself and my roommate with the intended goal of furthering our knowledge of networks while strengthening our understanding of C++. It also just sounds neat.

Why Chapp?

Chapp is the combination of Chat and App, it's great. We considered Lhapp (local+chat+app) but realized if we made it wireless it would become Whapp which could be a hard sell

Any Future Plans?

Assuming this project sees completion and we develop an understanding of working with networks, we'd like to add more features than just text communications. File-sharing with adjustable size constraints, pictures being sent not only as a file, but viewable in the client, wireless functionality, and possibly even voice chat

Can I contribute?

Not at this stage unfortunately. This is just a good old roommate project. If we somehow get carried away and end up using this as more than an internal project, then that's a route we'd love to go down.

If it's private, then why the long "README"?

Well, I enjoy making them and if for some reason a recruiter happens upon this (I need a job btw), I'd like for them to have an easy time understanding what this is. If you've ever seen those github projects that have some crazy name and no readme then you know why I'm including a readme.